03 April 2006

graduates' night and easter cantata

So this internet connection is slowly stabilizing. BUT there's still a lot of work lined up, and I have to update Dad's site soon.

Anyway. I have lots of photos in here but I don't know which ones to post first. So okay last Sunday was Graduates' Night in our church, and Kate marched down along with the others who graduated from their masterals, college, high school, grade school, and kindergarten.

Pastor Lyons and Kate

They received certificates from our pastor, Pastor Lyons. Kate was telling Dad that since she went up the stage twice to receive some sort of certificate, they should give her TWO presents ahaha. Also, the kids sang as part of the program:

I'm happy that our little brother is gaining friends from church. I mean eventhough he plays mostly with our cousins here at home, it's still different to have a real friend who goes to the same church we go to. And Ivan is a good kid, he's also like a brother to us. He stayed here from Wednesday to Sunday and he's leaving tonight for Baguio. He calls all the time ahaha but it's so cute seeing him and Imman together playing--- two big kids who adore fried chicken and love cartoon shows with neckties and all on Sundays.

Oh and yeah: HIATUS next week. Kate and I will be leaving for Baguio on Sunday night for the camp, and we'll be back Saturday. BUT Saturday will be general rehearsals for the Easter Cantata, and Sunday night is Easter Cantata so the schedule's full.

Yes it's the Easter Cantata and I'm really excited. The songs are wonderful and Kate is the ONLY soprano 1 ahaha. The others were not able to join because they'll be gone during Holy Week and because of other engagements. SO if ever you hear someone hitting the really high notes that'll be her heehee.

And congratulations to my friends who graduated last Monday! YAY you're gonna be working already!