06 March 2006
photos long overdue and the wretched shoes
So okay here are some pictures from Imman's party. I know it's terribly late but ohwells.

Gia, Mon, Cheska, Kate --- I dare say they're really cute kidlets / Gia, Mon, Carl, Cheena, Kate, Cheska

the wretched gold sandals. the brown one is Kate's

Gia, Mon, Cheska, Kate --- I dare say they're really cute kidlets / Gia, Mon, Carl, Cheena, Kate, Cheska
And I realized just now that I DO NOT have any picture. None at all. Oh I shame myself AHAHA. I guess I was too busy roaming around making sure things are okay since Mommy and Daddy were busy talking with people, and Kate was busy with her friends. It's okay though, I will make it up to me. Woooot.
OHMYGOD I just can't believe it happened to me again. Remember last Christmas when I tripped because of my shoes? It happened again. I hate it with a passion. Too bad really, because I think it's really nice and I loved it. And my Mom bought it for me.
OHMYGOD I just can't believe it happened to me again. Remember last Christmas when I tripped because of my shoes? It happened again. I hate it with a passion. Too bad really, because I think it's really nice and I loved it. And my Mom bought it for me.

the wretched gold sandals. the brown one is Kate's
Ahaha I took this picture of our shoes last Christmas because it's so nice, with beads and all. Anyway back to my agony. NOT ONLY did I fall, but there were A LOT of people who saw me this time, and I have a big big wound on my left knee. When I fell I got up REAL QUICK and dragged Kate, hoping we could immediately get a cab because I was so humiliated. It was only when we were already inside the cab that I felt this sharp pain on my knee and saw the bloodstains in my skirt. DRAMA I'm telling ya. I can't understand what's wrong with my shoes, because I already asked Ate Lan to bring it to the shoe repair shop for them to pur rubber on the soles. I swear I totally tripped and it was sooo BAD. BAD everything --- my nasty wound, the way I fell, how Kate reacted which was basically just laughing her ass off while I struggled to regain my dignity ahaha, the number of people who saw me which was NUMEROUS, etc.
To end this post, may I repeat that I abhor my gold sandals with a vengeance.
But they're still cute, actually.
To end this post, may I repeat that I abhor my gold sandals with a vengeance.
But they're still cute, actually.