26 February 2006

power of suggestion

So funny how people tend to make an ass out of themselves like eighty percent of the time. Or something. Dad told me once that there was this group of people who were chosen to participate in an experiment, and they listened to an audio clip which was mostly just a gargle of sounds. Then the facilitator asked them if they heard someone say "help me" and they said no. So they were asked to listen to the same clip again and surprisingly, they heard a faint "help me". Fact is, there wasn't any "help me" in there, it was purely the power of suggestion.

And there's the classic Jimi Hendrix story wherein he got so pissed with his effects that he threw the thing to his sound tech and told him to fix it up since it was practically useless, at least according to Hendrix. So the tech just kept the effects and did not fix anything, and after some time returned it to Hendrix saying he fixed it up and it's now working pretty well. Then Hendrix tested it and he was totally blown away with the sound, like it's an enitrely different thing. It's pathetic. Or maybe it's drugs ahaha. Whatevs.

And yeah sometimes like when Kate and I are at some party and there would be wine. I never was a fan of wine and I probably take a few sips only at Uncle Tom's and parties on Mommy's side, so I don't drink and so does Kate. But then some CUTE social butterfly would flutter by and pretend that OH THIS PARTY IS AMAZING AND I JUST HAVE TO WHISK A WINEGLASS CAUSE THIS IS WHAT I DO ALL THE TIME AND I'M SO SOSYAL. Oh man like I can't take it and its so hilarious because she really doesn't drink and she hates it. SO Kate and I will tell her that YA OMG THIS WINE IS SOOO GOOD and she'd go DEFINITELY LIKE ITS MY FAVE. Basta it's so pathetic that I want to bring her home to her mom and let her be reprimanded or something.

The whole concept of this power of suggestion thing is immensely interesting. It may be some sort of mind game, how you can unconsciously manipulate people. Yowza I'm starting to cound like a mad scientist here so we'll let that go. But it's just so funny. INSANE.

Oh and I was able to talk with AteRon again the other night! We ended up talking until 4:30 in the morning ahaaha but it's okay because I love her to bits. And ATERI next time you're with her na and Reg too heehee.

AND YO comrades, the INFAMITA pics are now up at the Guitar Hospital site. I mean you gotta hand it to them, Dad was all go and all supportive ahaha.

(Infamita feature on the Guitar Hospital site)

I love tassles and I do NOT know why. I have got to stop piling on necklaces with gigantic tassles ahaha. It's not healthy. BUT I was never one to binge on accessories SO. Whut. Oh and we were shown some pictures and presentations earlier about drugs and what it could do to you. It was pretty basic, like what I always heard in school, but I saw how A BRAIN affected by drugs could punch up a huge black hole or something and its disgusting. Because I was able to hold and examine a real human brain before and it looks okay, like how you would see it in Anatomy books. But this drug-affected brain looks terrible and is kind of hollow. I swear you would NOT want your brain to look so ugly. FUG. AHAHA. Whatevs.