31 January 2006

blast from the past

So okay here are the photos I was telling you guys about last night. I'll just go ahead and post them here and write a few things I could remember about them.

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That's Reg on the left, Me with the waving hand, and Kate's the small girl.

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As a kid I was full of drama. And I was already projecting look at that! AHAHA

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Nanay Conching, Me, Mama Ruby (I terribly miss her), Reg the baby, and AteRi

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Riel (or Riley heehee), Kate, AteRi (carrying Kate)

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With cousins in Romblon. Ate Ri, Ate Mayee, Me, Ate Jean, Giel, Kate. See the girl on the left, clinging to the bamboo fence? It's Ate Ron, still the anti-social back then AHAHA.

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Can't remember who the others were, but that's me far left, Ate Ron far right, Ate Ri's the third from right, and Reg is fourth from right. We danced here, I think. I can't remember the song but I think it's ala Ferris Bueller's Day Off, sort of Great Balls of Fire AHAHA. Our moms were in Pacific Plan, and we the kids get to shoulder the embarassment and dance in front of these adults for their party ahaha. The old guy is probably the big boss or something.

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Left, Kate. Right, Me as this cute bald baby ahaha with Mommy and Daddy. MY DAD WILL GO BONKERS IF HE FINDS OUT I POSTED THIS PHOTO AHAHA. Kate was a tyrant kid --- she was the one who yelled at me when I didn't fold my shirts nicely and she was scrambling to get Imman's clothes when he was a baby so she could do the laundry. I swear she was a MAYORDOMA in a little girl's body. As for me, Mommy and Daddy said that they always tied ribbons or placed headbands on my head because people thought I was a boy.

Ate Ri, Ate Ron and Reg, I want you to have your own versions of things we did back then which you can still remember AHAHA. That would be so much fun, I think I missed out on a few things. Go go! I'll post it here too heehee.

I really miss them. I was so used to calling them up whenever ANYTHING happened, like HEY ATERON I SAW HIM! or ATERI LET'S WATCH ROMEO AND JULIET AGAIN EVEN IF WE MEMORIZED THE THING BY HEART BECAUSE WE'VE SEEN IT A GAZILLION TIMES ALREADY. Or ATERON KUYA STEPHEN WILL BE SENDING YOU ROSES (ahaha) or ATERI CAN YOU CUT MY HAIR? It was a normal thing to do, for me to call them every 30minutes, and that is when I am NOT in their house. Then when we had our drawing lessons at their place, Riel, Kate and Angel will gather leftovers from the kitchen and anything they could find, mix it all up, serve them in nice little plates, and drag us off to the garden to eat it.

Ugh we have to talk AHAHA. I have SO MANY things to tell you guys.