16 January 2006
why I could never be a politician
Last elections we were all in Romblon because a few relatives were running for mayor. Papa Dennis in Sta. Maria, Mama Diding in San Agustin, Tito Elmer in Calatrava. We were registered in Sta. Maria, so we helped Papa Dennis during his campaign.
Politics in Romblon is as bungled up as the politicians themselves. We thought it would be pretty easy for Papa Dennis since he's already the vice mayor, and we had quite a following. Turns out, everything else is useless against bribes and threats.
We tried to play the game. We were present in meeting de avance's, Papa Dennis had bodyguards and runners (who each had their own motorcycles), had these operations or whatever after sunset, went to every corner of the town, talked with different people. I mean even Kate and I tried to be nice to not-so-nice people, which is a big deal considering we can't really keep hanging out or talking with people we don't like. Hey don't get the wrong idea that we're snobs or anything--- we love people, but there's bound to be some who won't like you for reasons you can't really understand, so so.
Back to the elections. So okay the people whom we were counting on were the ones who turned against us, and it came as quite a shock. To add insult to injury, when we visited this school where they just finished counting the ballots, people were mocking us left and right. I mean one of the teachers had the nerve to say things to me which I'd rather not write here. She probably knew I was the niece. And the next day, when it was in fact confirmed that we lost, loyal supporters headed over to lola's house and cried, hugged, talked, made promises. We gathered up the vehicles and went around the whole town, thanking everyone who have given their support and congratulating the winners.
And those, darlings, are the reasons why I could never be a politician. Because if that happened to me and I was the one who ran for office, I won't tolerate traitors. I'd shoot them all, or maybe just burn a whole barangay muahaha. Seriously though I was so mad after. And I'm too outspoken when I don't like how things are going. And I could never pretend that everything is just peachy when I'm immensely disappointed with the people close to my heart, knowing I could not count on them after all.
Maybe it's a bit harsh but hell, considering what that family (the current mayor) has done to ours, it may not be so bad after all. Years back, in one of the elections (in Sta. Maria, it has always been their family against ours when it comes to politics), they set on fire one of lola's buses in the middle of the night. And once, they passed by lola's house and dared all members of our family to go out, and they were ready to shoot us. It's not terrifying, it's annoying. They think they can just threaten us like that. Boohoo, I'm trembling in fear. God it's really pathetic when I think about it. They've probably watched one too many pinoy action flicks. Sorry but I'm so not in the mood for baloney.
Maybe when I have tons of money I'll just buy off that place and throw their family out to sea. AHAHA.
So yeah this is one long rambling I guess. The title came to mind because Kate always tells me I could never enter politics, when it comes to those things I have very little patience. Good thing yo, since I have no plans of running for office in the near future ahaha. And I always remember these things when A LOT of people there are approaching us now, acting as if everything is normal when they were the very ones who gave us up. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I should forget the whole thing, but the issues are just so glaring and they go way way back, it's hard to separate things now.
HOMAYGOSH I'M SO SERIOUS I'M SO INTELLECTUAL FORGIVE ME I'M JUST TOO COOL! nyahaha. Sometimes we just gotta talk politics, yes?
my Christmas story
On a sunny Christmas morning, we were walking outside our church after the morning service. I was wearing my favorite gold sandals (I realized just now that I have three gold sandals ahaha) and I don't know what happened exactly, but I was asking Kate, "Mas hindi kaya madulas pag mabilis ako maglakad? Kasi ang dulas ng shoes ko..." and before I knew it I was sitting sideways on the road. Ya I guess I'm making it sound demure or something but I looked funny. Mommy and Daddy turned around and saw me there, and I swear they were trying so hard to keep themselves from laughing out loud so as not to make me feel more embarassed than I already was.
Dad asked me, "Anong ginagawa mo dyan?", which is a pretty stupid question considering the fact that no sane person would want to sit in the middle of the street right. And I definitely did not want that to happen, it was so embarassing. Dad helped me up and I had scratches on my knee, I'm such a klutz. He said he checked if there were people behind and told me that nobody saw me, because I was telling him, "Dad, nakakahiya. Mas masakit pa yata yung kahihiyan kesa sa sugat ko hehehehe". They were still laughing at me after lunch. What a way to spend Christmas ahaha.
And Tita Tina asked Mommy that afternoon if I was alright, because they saw me that morning! Ugh. She said pa "Sabi ko nga kay Carlos (her husband) puntahan namin kayo kasi baka nasaktan siya". UGH. Good thing they were the only ones who saw me, I swear I would just DIE if I fell right in front of everyone.
I probably have one of each embarassing experience that could possibly happen to a person, it's crazy. Oh yeah maybe I can make another post about that AHAHA. I have a LIST, I'm telling ya. Then I'll include the funniest ones of Dad and Kate too, ahaha. The three of us have the most number of these in the family. And maybe Mommy too.
Anyway here's a family foto taken last Christmas. Look at Daddy and Imman, they look so alike AHAHA. Wait till you see Ima (my grandmother), who is the woman version of Daddy. Well duh she's his mother ahaha. Put a wig of short curly hair on Daddy and it's Ima ahaha.

sorry I did not scan this, I just took it using the cam heehee
Ciao. Gonna do some updating on the site.
Politics in Romblon is as bungled up as the politicians themselves. We thought it would be pretty easy for Papa Dennis since he's already the vice mayor, and we had quite a following. Turns out, everything else is useless against bribes and threats.
We tried to play the game. We were present in meeting de avance's, Papa Dennis had bodyguards and runners (who each had their own motorcycles), had these operations or whatever after sunset, went to every corner of the town, talked with different people. I mean even Kate and I tried to be nice to not-so-nice people, which is a big deal considering we can't really keep hanging out or talking with people we don't like. Hey don't get the wrong idea that we're snobs or anything--- we love people, but there's bound to be some who won't like you for reasons you can't really understand, so so.
Back to the elections. So okay the people whom we were counting on were the ones who turned against us, and it came as quite a shock. To add insult to injury, when we visited this school where they just finished counting the ballots, people were mocking us left and right. I mean one of the teachers had the nerve to say things to me which I'd rather not write here. She probably knew I was the niece. And the next day, when it was in fact confirmed that we lost, loyal supporters headed over to lola's house and cried, hugged, talked, made promises. We gathered up the vehicles and went around the whole town, thanking everyone who have given their support and congratulating the winners.
And those, darlings, are the reasons why I could never be a politician. Because if that happened to me and I was the one who ran for office, I won't tolerate traitors. I'd shoot them all, or maybe just burn a whole barangay muahaha. Seriously though I was so mad after. And I'm too outspoken when I don't like how things are going. And I could never pretend that everything is just peachy when I'm immensely disappointed with the people close to my heart, knowing I could not count on them after all.
Maybe it's a bit harsh but hell, considering what that family (the current mayor) has done to ours, it may not be so bad after all. Years back, in one of the elections (in Sta. Maria, it has always been their family against ours when it comes to politics), they set on fire one of lola's buses in the middle of the night. And once, they passed by lola's house and dared all members of our family to go out, and they were ready to shoot us. It's not terrifying, it's annoying. They think they can just threaten us like that. Boohoo, I'm trembling in fear. God it's really pathetic when I think about it. They've probably watched one too many pinoy action flicks. Sorry but I'm so not in the mood for baloney.
Maybe when I have tons of money I'll just buy off that place and throw their family out to sea. AHAHA.
So yeah this is one long rambling I guess. The title came to mind because Kate always tells me I could never enter politics, when it comes to those things I have very little patience. Good thing yo, since I have no plans of running for office in the near future ahaha. And I always remember these things when A LOT of people there are approaching us now, acting as if everything is normal when they were the very ones who gave us up. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I should forget the whole thing, but the issues are just so glaring and they go way way back, it's hard to separate things now.
HOMAYGOSH I'M SO SERIOUS I'M SO INTELLECTUAL FORGIVE ME I'M JUST TOO COOL! nyahaha. Sometimes we just gotta talk politics, yes?
my Christmas story
On a sunny Christmas morning, we were walking outside our church after the morning service. I was wearing my favorite gold sandals (I realized just now that I have three gold sandals ahaha) and I don't know what happened exactly, but I was asking Kate, "Mas hindi kaya madulas pag mabilis ako maglakad? Kasi ang dulas ng shoes ko..." and before I knew it I was sitting sideways on the road. Ya I guess I'm making it sound demure or something but I looked funny. Mommy and Daddy turned around and saw me there, and I swear they were trying so hard to keep themselves from laughing out loud so as not to make me feel more embarassed than I already was.
Dad asked me, "Anong ginagawa mo dyan?", which is a pretty stupid question considering the fact that no sane person would want to sit in the middle of the street right. And I definitely did not want that to happen, it was so embarassing. Dad helped me up and I had scratches on my knee, I'm such a klutz. He said he checked if there were people behind and told me that nobody saw me, because I was telling him, "Dad, nakakahiya. Mas masakit pa yata yung kahihiyan kesa sa sugat ko hehehehe". They were still laughing at me after lunch. What a way to spend Christmas ahaha.
And Tita Tina asked Mommy that afternoon if I was alright, because they saw me that morning! Ugh. She said pa "Sabi ko nga kay Carlos (her husband) puntahan namin kayo kasi baka nasaktan siya". UGH. Good thing they were the only ones who saw me, I swear I would just DIE if I fell right in front of everyone.
I probably have one of each embarassing experience that could possibly happen to a person, it's crazy. Oh yeah maybe I can make another post about that AHAHA. I have a LIST, I'm telling ya. Then I'll include the funniest ones of Dad and Kate too, ahaha. The three of us have the most number of these in the family. And maybe Mommy too.
Anyway here's a family foto taken last Christmas. Look at Daddy and Imman, they look so alike AHAHA. Wait till you see Ima (my grandmother), who is the woman version of Daddy. Well duh she's his mother ahaha. Put a wig of short curly hair on Daddy and it's Ima ahaha.

sorry I did not scan this, I just took it using the cam heehee
Ciao. Gonna do some updating on the site.