21 December 2005

told ya i love these girls

What is THIS. I'm supposed to write about me but I'm posting about my sister's Christmas party ahaha. But then I love them girls anyway, so so.

Saturday night they had dinner at Mon's place, since her parents were out of town. They cooked their own food, which means there was pasta, veggies, pastries, and red wine.

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bottom left: Mon, Jo, Jaire / bottom right: Chai, Camille, Kate

I won't bother giving you guys a blow by blow so just enjoy the fotos

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Camille / the girls


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JO: a spankin' fashion desginer and businesswoman
She's terribly business-minded. I mean, I think she even wanted a contract signing with Kate regarding their profits for their business, FROST. And she knows her angles in front of the camera. AND she's a great dancer.

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CAMILLE: the next AiAi delas Alas
Ohmygod when this girl does these crazy things, nobody can keep a straight face. And I mean nobody. Even terror teachers in STC suck up to her ahaha. Her future's bright in showbiz I swear!

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JAIRE: a pretty nurse
We have to thank Jaire for the dozens of InStyle magazines we're able to read because of her mom (a flight attendant who brings home back issues heehee). Oh and not only will she be a pretty nurse, she's gonna be a pretty nurse who loves making mashed potatoes!

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MON: a top lawyer with a string of restos in the city
Of course Mon is going to be a lawyer, she's smart and a thinker and loves picking on people's brains. And she's crazy over John Lloyd Cruz, which I can and will never ever understand AHAHA. Hey Mon at least no mention of specific food here ha? heehee.

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CHAI: a Hollywood Insider reporter
She knows every tidbit of gossip about ANYONE, like "Alam mo ba yung si ano? O tapos yung kapatid nya ano, naku yung girlfriend ng pinsan nun ano...". And she laughs out really loud. But she's cute as a button ahaha.

CHESKA: a politician
She's very idealistic, and she's not easily swayed. She does her own thing, and I BELIEVE (ahaha) she'll be a good leader. Kate says her swimsuit when she was in Grade 6 is the same one she uses until now ahaha.
(sorry no foto of her she left the party way too early)

Okay more pictures before I go

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top left: Jaire, Mon, Kate

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Jo, Chai, Camille, Mon, Jaire, Kate

More posts later byenow.