01 December 2005

when i'm old and gray

When I get old I'd want to do this too. Le sigh.

Last night my parents headed to Manila Peninsula Hotel for the renewal of vows (I think, or a wedding anniversary that includes wedding ceremonies heehee) of our pastor, Pastor Lyons and his wife Ma'am Donna.

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Ma'am Donna & Pastor Boyd Lyons

I'm really glad we've found the right church. Pastor Lyons is an excellent pastor, before church services he makes it a point to greet everyone (and I mean everyone, even if you're in the corner he'll approach you) and he tries to remember everyone by name. Oh and they call me Kris. See? It's like everyone has made up their own nickname for me. Now I'm gonna be the girl with THREE aliases. AHAHA.

Anyway Ma'am Donna is also a great great person. Every after church she talks with my Mom like there's no tomorrow, they've become great friends I think. She asks Mommy to teach her how to cook all her recipes, and she asks for advice on home decorations etc. She knows Kate and me too because she loves our long strand necklaces (she never fails to notice them every Sunday) and because we volunteer for the Medical Missions when we don't have classes (she heads the medical, and we do it every last Monday of the month).

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Mom & Dad with them / Ma'am Donna asked Dad to sing some classic love songs / Mommy & Daddy

Anyway, it's a huge celebration because they've reached their 50th year of marriage. And I think they've lived in the Philippines for more than 40 years already, because they were sent here as missionaries long ago. It's amazing to think they've done so much in that span of time --- built a church, sent our own missionaries to different parts of the world, started a Bible school, etc. They've really done the work for the Lord.

Looking at them makes me realize certain things --- that one's future could be much much better if you offer your life to God. And I'm already experiencing some truths to that, because things are falling into place.

No, I'm not about to become a missionary, but it doesn't take one to make things happen. I do admit that sometimes oftentimes, I'm not good, but I guess change doesn't happen overnight. And no, I'm not trying to be preachy now, I'm just thankful that my life (as well as my family's) has been terribly wonderful since we became church members here.

And I've started to give my tithe every Sunday (it's 10% of your weekly income, but in my case, weekly allowance). Plus I give my Faith Promise (it's a weekly amount that you give aside from your tithes which goes straight to the missions, to support missionary families in Afghanistan, Africa, etc).

I think missionaries are underestimated, and that most people aren't able to fully comprehend just what they do and the hardships they have to go through. More than a month ago, Pastor Lyons announced that a missionary in one of our neighboring countries (I can't remember if it's China, all I know is that it's a nation where Christianity/Christians is/are prohibited) is going to be executed. They found out that he's starting a church and telling people about God, so he's going to be beaten to death. Thankfully, some government officials were able to help him so he's alive and well.

When I'm old and gray, I would want to look back and see that I had a good life, that I've done meaningful things, and that all my efforts were not in vain. I'm glad I'm aware of what's beyond my comfort zone, beyond my life in general. It makes you see things in a different way, and you'll make wiser decisions. I just find my balance --- I live, I love, I've found my place in our church, I do things I love and I'm having fun with my life.