31 October 2005

hurrah for school breaks!

Because we get to do so many things.

AND I get to spend more time with my family.

Who says hanging out with your parents are uncool? Not me, sweetie.

So it's dinner out night again for us heehee.

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over juicy steaks and sushi! yaaay!

I must say it's always fun being with them. And that's always a good thing because for some people it's such an ass going home, as if home is the last place they would want to be. But for me it's all happy-happy joy-joy!


And yeah since I haven't checked in for a few days I want to greet Mikko now.


Yeah we call each other Tol because we're like this tight, NYAHA. No seriously, he's like a brother to me.

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Mikko is totally projecting! you are learning quick, yes?

He's also my business partner (ohmygod what about Escritoryo?), my tandem when it comes to bugging people (especially Ruth HAHA), daily news and gossip source, a constant companion back in the Fine Arts days, and most importantly, a true friend.

Don't forget me when you're a hot and spankin' Industrial Designer already, okay? I can feel it in my cartilages, you will be the next big thing (as well as our friends haha). But you always had the talent and the passion, you live and breathe Industrial Design.

Oh and let me know next time you guys have an exhibit, better if I know about it a few days before the actual event. I wanna go and see you all and we shall do some serious merry-making. HEEHEE.

Anyway this morning when I woke up I stared at the wall for a good ten minutes before I was able to mobilize myself. It feels so good to wake up and not have to drag yourself to the bathroom in panic because you might be late and you might fail the subject due to absences. I swear I'm such a geek when classes are on. Oh, to be young and wild and carefree!

Lev: I miss you. Oh well you're probably partying your ass off and living it up in Hongkong. Take care! :-)