21 October 2005

friendship rediscovered and highschool tales

So it's Jo's birthday today and we almost didn't make it there. For some reason Pau said there was a rally so we couldn't pass by Batasan, but no there wasn't a rally so we did go. And Pau has disappeared into thin air in like 5 minutes. So Pau, galit kami sa yo. Haha.

I don't think I'd ever get to memorize how to get to Jo's place because I'm terrible with streets and places and it's so far. Good thing Pap's driver remembered it from last year (Jo's birthday bash too). We got there just in time and there were mainly three groups: Jo's Beautiful High School Friends (that would be us, thankyouverymuch), Jo's college friends (La Salle), and Jo's yfc friends. We headed straight to the food and ate a good deal of yummy pasta. Haha. So yeah if you're reading this Pap you know how many times we filled plates with it. Excluding the desserts haha. Oh and Lourdes was there, we actually didn't recognize her at first because she looked totally different. You look so... dalaga! Hehe.

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Lourdes, Pap and Me / Me and Pap

And Julls and Contax were able to come. It's so nice seeing them after several years. When we talked it seemed normal, it's almost as if we're the same kids in high school. Almost, but not quite. I guess we would always live with the fact that once, things weren't that okay. Not chaotic or scandalous, just not fine. And I always wondered what went wrong, where things went wrong.

But what I saw tonight, it was wonderful. It was like picking up the pieces bit by bit, slowly rebuilding what crashed down a few years back. And I knew tonight, we bridged the gap.

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Julls, Contax, Pap, Jo (I'm behind them nyahaha) / Jo, Pap and Me

I saw that friendship just isn't lost. We laughed and took pictures and talked and there was no awkward silences. Yeah it can't be done with just one night, but we're getting there.

It was so much fun reminding Julls about Joseph muahaha. And Julliene is still the same bubbly person I knew, always had stories to tell. And Contax, I just knew she'd be a cheerleader (and she is, for Ateneo). The perkiness, the unstoppable dance routines, it was all still there.

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Julls, Contax and Me

As for Pap, we didn't waste time catching up. As soon as I got in the van, she started telling me about certain things and certain people haha. And as usual, we talked and laughed nonstop.

And Jo, Happy Happy Birthday! You don't know how much I miss you (and everyone!). Ohmygod you're about to become a spankin' office girl, promise we'd still meet up okay? I could never thank God enough for giving me the best in the friends department. We may not meet almost the entire year, but when we do, nothing's changed, and it feels as if it was just yesterday when we had dinner or something. And Jo, I could never say (or even think) of anything negative about you. Do you know that I realized that just now? Like you're one of the most positive people in the world, always sweet, always thoughtful, always there for her friends. You never fail to brighten up my day when you send one of your sweet messages.

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Me with Jo the Birthday Girl

Here's to more happiness (as well as success) to one of the most beautiful persons I know, inside and out. I love you Jo! Happy Birthday! :-)