30 September 2005


Once I wished I was a cowgirl.
A swingin' cowgirl, with the spankin' cowboygirl hat.
So when we went to Windows of the World in China and I saw a cowboy hat, I decided to get one no matter what.
Turns out I didn't have to starve for it. Very affordable.
Imagine getting one for 15 RMB. That's around 100 pesos.
It's not a leather one, but it'll do.
I even got a pink parasol, eventhough I was pretty sure I won't be able to use it.
I paraded around in my new cowboy hat, not taking it off even when we were freezing sliding down man-made snow hills ( I don't even know what to call it) in the gigantic snow room, or going to the crazy rides. I loved loved loved my hat.

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Imagine my surprise when I saw maintenance people, cleaning up around the place, all wearing cowboy hats. The same ones as the one I got. I was afraid one of them would hand me a broom and yell at me to start sweeping.

I never heard the end of it from Mommy and Kate.
The humiliation! Oh, the terrible humiliation!

There goes my cowgirl dream out the window.