15 September 2005

rain reminds us of memories that make cold hearts warm

The title of this post was actually a text message I got from Mikko --- and I believe it's true. I've always been happier when it rains (though I abhor flooded streets and having my things get soaked). Ironically, I tend to study better when it's raining, and I'm definitely more productive.

But today I kinda missed the sunshine.

I don't want to sound like I don't care about this country's welfare, but I've lost my faith in our leaders and I think the current situation is hopeless. And until I see an honest politician, I will continue to believe that.
It's the sad truth I face almost everyday when I walk to school, seeing all those people participating in a rally in hopes of finding a solution to this country's problems. But then again, I can't help admiring them for being optimistic.
I could only hope I had as much faith in this country as they all do.

I miss my cousins in Canada. I wasn't able to talk with them for so long, and I'm glad they're back. Ateri: Sinabi ko kay Mommy yung dream mo heehee. She misses you all na din sobra :-)

We can now customize our Friendster accounts. I've already done mine so go go take a peep! Heehee.
Note to my haters for my Friendster article at ClicktheCity:
See I told you that was for fun. I lurve my Friendster so you should lurve me too. I even customized it now, eh? Whoopee!