09 September 2005

smoking is so overrated

So you smoke. Big bad deal.

I don't know how people get into their heads the fact that smoking is cool. On the other hand, I'm not saying it's uncool. The point is: So you smoke, period.

Most of my friends in UST smoke. Joy consumes 5 cigarettes in one sitting (that's her equivalent of a single stick). Meri, Charm, Tal, Fio (I could go on and on) have yosi breaks by the hour, sometimes even every twenty minutes especially when we were making orthographic projections or conceptualizing. And just to make it convenient, they bring their own packs everyday. Jim shows us different whatnots with the smoke, and I particularly liked the "o".

I probably got tired of seeing everyone smoke everyday --- mornings (to perk up a bit), yosi breaks in between, lunchtime (inhaling it together with tuna sandwiches and chocolate drinks at Coffee Indulgence), more yosi breaks, more cigarettes at Chino's store (he is, by the way, the godfather of I. delos Reyes nyahaha), then Touki or one of the guys will bring a whole carton of more cigarettes which will more or less keep them occupied till around 10pm. It got old real quick, and if I continue taking in all that smoke, my lungs and brain cells will melt away into millions of tiny molecules real quick too. No thank you.

I see young girls and boys smoke because they think it's cool.
Children! I shall not tolerate such behavior. Go memorize your lessons or sleep so you'll grow faster (the latter has in fact been affirmed by my Anatomy professor, sweeties).

And I don't know about that coolness factor. But I do know that if you continue puffing away with those sticks (flavored or not), there is an enormous risk of getting your right and left brain mashed together, and you'll be mentally-challenged before you even get to learn how to solve Algebraic equations. Or maybe there'll be punched-up holes in your lungs, and the holes will eat it up and one day you'll simply perish while smoking (yet again) outside your school campus.

Oh well. At least you followed school rules and regulations.

But if you should ever choose to disregard my warnings, please brush your teeth.