20 October 2005

hello my name is insomniac

Can't wait for tomorrow. I'm gonna see my high school friends again yay! I just can't believe that Jo's graduating already. I mean yeah, we're all supposed to graduate this schoolyear, but it's just so odd thinking of me and my friends hitting the yuppie route. And Jo's jobhunting already! I think a part of me will always see us as these high school girls scattered in different sections but always had this one spot during recess and lunchbreak, talking about silly things, gossiping about the teachers and other students, exchanging lunches, studying for quizzes, running off to meetings.

Had I pushed through with my fine arts course, I don't think I'd graduate this year anyway (because of one crazy subject I definitely could not handle...ah, the pressure!). Which is mainly the reason why I salute my fine arts friends. You can tell they love what they're doing, as well as the hassles that go with it. I love art, but I love writing and literature and music too. Why oh why do we have to choose? Why can't I dabble in all of these fields at the same time? Life would have been so much better.

Oh yeah, and Mikko called this morning (I was still asleep... I know, I know, it's not good anymore because I'm awake the whole night and I doze off in the mornings, but I guess it's what happens when your classes start at 7pm.gah). He left a message inviting me to their exhibit in PICC, I think.

I would definitely go. Knowing Mikko, it would be so amazing. I thinks he's the epitome of a true Industrial Designer. I mean, he's always thinking forward and I guess out of everyone in our group he's the one who can actually make something out of plans. Because when we're together, we always have these crazy ideas, we even planned a line of clothes before, and we already had the launch party all mapped out. And we already had a name for the business. But Mikko, he somehow manages to make everything a step ahead, design-wise. When we built this miniature theme park, it was supposed to have these rides, with just the structure and everything. But he wasn't contented with that (and what a good thing because we were groupmates), so he got something out of several toys (he actually ripped them out) and made our rides move, like those in a real theme park. And he makes the coolest lamps, you can have them customized. Which reminds me, I'll go check if he still makes them and plug it here HAHA.

Dad's site is almost up, just have to finish a few more things. It's just in geocities because I'm still a lousy web designer-whatever and I'm still trying my hand at it. Maybe when I'm terribly good I'll ask Dad to sign up for his own domain or something.

I am totally clueless when it comes to television shows nowadays. Kate and I mostly rely on this pc for everything --- music, internet, movies. So naturally I don't know what Pinoy Big Brother is all about. And I'm not interested, I bet it's mostly sex, breakups, fake drama, scandals. They're not amusing, it's such a waste of time.

I'd rather listen to SRV and Jeff Buckley.

Two names in my playlist, people. At least for this week.

And for some strange reason I love Jim Croce. Don't know him? Go ask your Dad or your Grandpa. There's one word which comes to mind when I listen to his songs --- honest. It's so brutally honest, you could tell he wrote from experience, and the way he sings, it's so full of heart. I swear if someone sings to me I'd Have to Say I Love You in a Song, well.... I would swoon. HAHA. I would fall madly in love and we will ride off in a white horse and live happily ever after.

I'm such a hopeless romantic.

I gots to go 'cause it's 3am and I have to be in school by 8am. See I told you I have this sleeping disorder, I may have acquired insomnia from my Dad. I have ugly eyebags I'm telling ya, and I'm using tea bags to minimize the puffiness haha. Goodnight Good morning! I'm out in

Oh wait.
PS: AteRon, I already emailed you. Lookee there's a photo! haha.

And one last thing: our maid, Ate Lan, 34, single, has a date on Sunday. Sabi ko nga itanan na nya date nya e. Hehe.
