11 October 2005

hi again

Sorry for being such a geek today, I just felt like blogging with this new layout and everything. But I'd be changing the photo at the top sometime this week, I'm racking my brain and building up some creative energy to make a new one. Hello Photoshop!

Louie Talan (of Razorback and Pinikpikan) was here the other day and I began to miss the good 'ol Razorback, when David Aguirre was still here in the Philippines. God I was such a fangirl then, Kate and I would never leave the Fete (or any other gig for that matter) without watching them play. And back when I barely studied and went out almost every night to watch bands, we'd be going to Razorback gigs wherever they may be.

Me: I wanna sing just like Kevin Roy!
Kate: But you're a girl
Me: So what I still want to sing like Kevin Roy!
Kate: Well you will never sing like Kevin Roy because you're a girl
Me: Shut up I'm going to sing just like Kevin Roy! I'm gonna be his girl version!

We were stupid kids then --- going out every night, lots of booze, terribly impressed with the rockstars. I mean back then we didn't care if they had no talent at all as long as they looked good without their shirts on and their band was popular. Now I feel old mature whenever I see bands because I'm looking for great guitar playing, and I'm not impressed with distortions anymore (some bands think that when you play in distortion, it's so hardcore haha). And we're not looking for shirtless hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love vocalists anymore, although it won't hurt if it comes with the package, that some guitar virtuosos are sexy too haha (hello SideBar and Fete night! I'm grinning like an idiot here).

Oh well. I really miss Razorback, I feel like it's not the same without David.

Regarding what I wrote earlier, I really think I'm a feminist. Kate asked me to write an intoduction for their paper which talks about 60's to 70's groupies, and I'm supposed to defend them. Then I just started typing away, and when I read what I wrote, God, I didn't know I had all those ideas. Like those groupies are the real feminists because they serve as the catalyst and security blanket for rockstars, and because they did what they wanted, defied conventionality and never followed the norms etc.

But I do believe what I wrote in there, but that was probably because of all the things Kate forced me to read the last 2 weeks --- about groupies, what they went through and other controversies. I now see them in a different light. And you should watch the Banger Sisters, it's a great movie. And Almost Famous (one of my favorites). The songs make me feel so nostalgic.