29 October 2005

they're still winners to me

Yeah I sound like a doting older sister AGAIN, but hey my sister's section is sooo good yesterday . And it's so unfair about the costume (and not just because Kate is the costume designer).

But whatever. They still did a bleedin' GREAT job out there and their production was the shiznit and I don't really care if the judges (or some faculty members) are willing to overlook an excellent dance production for some crappy issues about fabrics etc.

Remember IV-2: People are only mean when they're threatened.

In your case, maybe some overly agitated person (let's just say person, we don't want people guessing HAHA) saw your terribly good moves during practices and it scared the daylights out of her skull because maybe, just MAYBE, her own minions weren't good enough. Tears. Let's go weep in agony now, shall we?

God I don't really care about her. You're still winners in your own right, and you know you did good. And not that I'm biased or anything, but I think you're the only one who did justice to Pinikpikan. I mean can you imagine what Sammy Asuncion or Maria Bello would say if they saw those other dances using their song? NYAHA.

Anyway here's a view of your Kaamulan dance production. It's not the best view because I was at the back, but it shows the whole thing quite good.

( IV-2's dance production: eat your heart out, you and your minions!!! )

Oh yeah and I've got a few pictures from yesterday; will post probably tomorrow. Laters. Ciao.