29 November 2005

i'm a Soprano 2 yo

Would you believe I'm a Soprano 2?

And get this: Kate's a Soprano 1!

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Soprano 1's Renee & Kate, Sang's back (she's a Tenor, I think)

Oh yeah you bet we are. AHAHA. Though I don't really think we belong there if we sing with our true voices, if you get what I mean. Because --- we sing in falsetto there.

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Me, Ate Rhoda, Kate (camwhoring before practices AHAHA)

So we've been terribly busy on Sundays because of our Christmas Cantata practices. It's a yearly thing in our church, and we've been preparing since June or July, I think.

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Potluck at the Tagalog Auditorium / Practices (stage)

Anyway Imman's in the Junior Choir, and being the good ate that I am, I bring him to church for his practices (for their own Cantata and for the songs included in our Cantata) and wait for him for 4 hours. I actually have tons of fun watching them, they're so cute and they're good kids, and they even have speaking parts and soloists.

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Imman & Ivan / Imman and chocolates / The cute kids (MJ is the girl in the green shirt, front row)

And they're a smart bunch--- there's MJ, a nine-year-old little girl who's already in Grade 6. Kim told me that once, she asked Abu: "Kuya Abu, what's euphobia?" Whiz kid yo. I'm just glad she didn't ask me AHAHA.

It's our first time to join the Cantata so we're really excited. AND I'm in the pit choir, meaning I don't get to go onstage the whole time, but we sit in front and sing our hearts out (since the rest of the choir will be doing some actions onstage, so we're the voice amplifiers or something heehee).

You should hear me sing in Soprano 2 yo. Really.