24 December 2005


Okay quick post about the Cantata. I was thinking of making one long post but it'll be jumbled and everything so I shall make different posts.

And hey I'm trying to cram everything tonight since it's Christmas tomorrow and we're leaving on the 26th. AND we haven't packed our bags yet.

So the Cantata was wonderful, although a few things happened when we got home which I'd rather not dwell upon. We had a fight with Dad, but things always go like that. We fight, we both get really mad, then we get really upset, then Kate and I will miss talking with him and laughing with him that OFTENTIMES, even if it's not really our fault, we apologize. Then he treats us out somewhere fancy ahaha.

We weren't really that nervous, since Kate memorized the songs by heart and I was in the pit choir (meaning I didn't have to memorize ahaha). But we were excited, and I loved the songs there I promise. Like it's backed up by an orchestra or something.

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top row: the choir / bottom left: junior choir / bottom right: Mary & Joseph

There were a lot of people, considering it's the afternoon service. Hanee was great as Mary, and Kuya Aaron was also wonderful as Joseph. I don't know what's with him, but everything he says seems so so funny ahaha.

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Christmas Cantata 2005

And the backdrops were so cool. Loves it.

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Kate and Me / Kate Renee Wuthie Abbie and Rita

Looking forward to next year's. Hopefully I'll be out of the pit choir and belting out (soprano 2 at that yo) onstage. Ahaha.