12 March 2006

hyatt banquet and other things

Thusday night last week was the Graduation Banquet of our church's Bible school so we headed to Hyatt Hotel. It was a formal event so we had to put on dresses and my Dad wore a barong. Imman Tomtom had to stay home because kids weren't allowed I think and he has school the next day. Oh the anguish of poor schoolkids left at home because of early bus rides.

ANYWAY. I got a few pictures here from Thursday night. Oh it was so much fun dressing up, and everyone looked great. Oh and Kate designed the dress she wore--- she had it made for their Seniors' Night but COULD NOT help herself. So. Ahaha whatevs.

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Kate and Mommy / Mommy and Daddy

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Kate, Ate Rhoda, Kim / Mommy :)

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Kate and Chanel / Me, Kim, Ate Rhoda

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Me and Renee (back), Kim and Kate (front) / with friends from church

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Me and Kate

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and yes some pseudo photography ahaha

In other news.

I don't know why but suddenly my UST friends started pouring in ahaha. Oh it's sooo much fun getting to spend time with them again. Last Saturday, Meri asked me if I could go with them to visit Arianne, a classmate and friend who just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I was supposed to go but I had to be back by 6pm to go somewhere else, so I wasn't able to see her and the baby before she left. Arianne when you come visit Manila again I promise I'll go see you! And congratulations on your new baby. It's amazing how friends you just hang around with before could turn into Moms in a span of, say, two years. Oh and babies are so beautiful.

So okay last Monday I was there in San Juan for our class wherein we teach mothers about preventive measures and everything. I took a cab home and Ina and Raffy saw me when the cab passed by Mayon so they went here to see me. It was fun catching up with her and they even asked me to take their blood pressures ahaha. Raffy is hypertensive, I think, so they just wanted to go check. Anyway it was pretty normal when I checked so it's okay.

Then this afternoon I was walking there in Welcome, almost in Espana, when I saw this lost-looking boy. AHAHA it was EJ, and he's a bad influence. I was supposed to go to class but I got sidetracked, and anyway he was headed to PowerPlay where Mikko, Meg, Iris and Touki were playing badminton so I went with him. So good to see them again, especially Mikko and Meg. After their badminton session and after Mikko's gazillion years in the shower, EJ, Iris and Touki went home and Mikko and Meg went here in our house.

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Mikko / Meggy

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Meggy and Me / Me and Mikko

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Me and Mikko / Meg and Me, and we practically look the same as the one above ahaha

We went to Suki for some food trip ahaha. God I don't know how we were able to take it all in. More pictures tomorrow because they're gonna go back here and we're going to have a photography session ahaha. And we'll be planning our outfits for Monday night in our class party. I'm so happy for them, they're gonna graduate this April. Done with the thesis, and Mikko got a 1.5, which is a pretty big deal considering the panel of professors present during his defense. Funny but somehow, I just don't see myself standing in front of them talking about my design. Maybe I'm not an industrial designer after all. I may be drawn towards all things creative like music, art and literature, but not industrial design.

I don't think I can even come up with a design worthy of presenting as a thesis, because I was so lame when I designed toilet brushes and clotheshangers before. Oh I hate it with a passion. And I hated the fact that I COULD NOT come up with something revolutionary ahaha. Or even something innovative. Maybe I should have taken up Advertising. OMG I need to FOCUS ahaha. GOAL: Be a nurse, earn megabucks, start my business plan with Kate, cater to the international market, and be famous on a worldwide scale ahaha.

In the meantime, I'd have to endure these extremely complicated medical subjects which I don't even bother to excel in. Sucks.