06 April 2006

graduates and conceptualization

Somehow Vitamin C's song creeps in every March, and I can't seem to shake it off ahaha. "As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together...". So yeah call me a sentimental fool but it's so melancholic, like I recall times at Chino's store, trips to Design Center and World Trade Center for some classes, and all other things you do in college. I miss those things because I don't have too many friends in my new school, just a few who are really lovely and whom I could relate to. I miss the creative energy and the endless plans --- the typical art students setting ahaha.

I guess it's easier to find acquaintances, buddies you could hang out with on a daily basis. BUT it's hard to find people who share the same passion, visions, and interests. So to be able to spend a few years with them is amazing. Goodbye to that bit of my life where everyday is another artsy day! AHAHA.

So. Last Monday most of my friends graduated:

Oh yes Mikko just had to send me one of his solo shots ahaha

Charm, Fio, Mikko, Abby, EJ

Mikko, Ina, Che

Meggy, Abby, Tina, Mikko, Charm, Ina, Fio, Joy, Che, Ruthie (seated)

I'm so happy for all of them. And congratulations to Ryan, he's the only one in the whole graduating batch who got a Cum Laude. Meh I don't even know if I got the spelling right ahaha. Anyway he was my classmate then and he was really good yo.

So. I met up with Mikko and Charm at Starbucks West last night for our preliminary brainstorming session for our "entity". I was calling it a "company" but Mikko said we weren't established yet and all those other technicalities. We researched beforehand because we each had to make our own "presentation" and forecast trends etc. Mikko brought his laptop because he even had this powerpoint, and Charm and I were telling him "but we only have notes and sketches!" ahaha. I just brought my sketchpad and some magazines. This is so exciting! We were terribly productive. I mean we initially did not want the exhibit to go into three directions representing our individual styles, since this was supposed to be a collective effort. BUT as we progressed, we unconsciously classified it into three, representing the 3 of us ahaha. It was so rad! Next meeting we'll already be presenting product sketches and samples. So watch out for our launch this December.