01 August 2006

boys will be boys

Pizza galore the past few nights. Man, Daddy and Mommy sure has a way of squeezing out information from us little girls. By little girls I mean Kate and I, who don't exactly fit the description but you get it. TomTom doesn't like pizza --- he'd rather play computer games or watch Pokemon (he already memorized the theme song, you should hear him sing it ahahaha).

So. Not that they have ANYTHING to know really. While we were munching a while ago, Dad asks simply if I have a boyfriend, which made me and Kate laugh. He asks if the guy wearing the jersey who went here likes me, and I honestly don't know but he's not interesting. Let's just say that I have high regard for well-spoken boys, and those who put in "8s me" rather than "it's me" in text messages (or "aq" instead of "ako") just don't make the cut. I'm an old fashioned girl, I still believe in correct grammar (Kristoffer knows that Kate and I cringe and look at each other whenever we hear grammatical errors ANYWHERE --- it's bad but I told you we're OC hahaha), and I respect literature hahaha.

Then Dad launches into his loverboy stories --- love letters to Mommy (which we were able to read because Mommy kept them hahaha), cassette tapes full of songs he recorded himself (Dad originally tried to learn the guitar so that he wouldn't have to look for someone else to play for him when he sings), his mini paintings, dates with Mommy, college in UST etc. We never get tired hearing them again and again because it's fun hahaha.

Anyway. It was Conversations with Kate afterwards --- there's a recurring pattern with the Hipolito men, we think. They're all smart, passionate with what they believe in, and they explain things REALLY well. It all starts with Tatang --- no questions about that hahaha. He asked me to spell 'pseudonym' when I was in Grade 1 and apprehended my grammatical errors in the little story I made when I was 4 years old. Then there's Papa Noel and Dad --- they know so much, they give out tidbits of info every now and then, and we learn a lot from them. Then Kristoffer, who may NOT always be right but he has relevant points during our debates hahahaha, and he's smart too. Then there's TomTom who, at an early age, is showing visible signs of being Arie Junior hahaha --- he talks a lot, sometimes too much that he's telling you about his week, not just how his day went. But he's a smart kid, his dear sisters never fail to remind him --- under good supervision hahaha.

So we were thinking --- is it just us or do girls tend to look for boys who are similar to their Dads or the men in the family? One of our helpers now used to work in lola's house in Romblon, and she told Mommy then, when we first visited Romblon as a family (Daddy, Mommy and Me barely a year old) that they didn't like Dad, that they felt he wasn't good enough for her. It's an old old story but whenever I hear that I still get annoyed. Mommy told them they're clueless and that they'd realize everything in the future. Fast forward to a few years later --- the girl gets married and asks Mommy and Daddy to be godparents. At the present, she's working here and looks up to my Dad, since my parents are the first ones to help her family especially when her husband got sick and she needed to find a job.

Ok long story, but the moral of it is: Looks COULD kill. Literally though. Tantalizing eyes are nice, as well as killer smiles, but when the going gets tough, he won't be able to feed you by batting his beautiful eyelashes, and his husky voice won't pay the bills. Romance is good as long as you don't overdose and you know when to be practical. I hate to put it that way but I just get these visions of Derek Zoolanders of the male population and it just screams NO hahaha. In a nutshell: if boys were cappuccinos, choose the coffee itself rather than the froth. HAHAHA. Yes, it is I, Krisel the Philosopher. Pfffftt.

And it wouldn't hurt either if the boy has eyeglasses. Hah.