13 September 2006

i'm a paradox

It's so weird. But then that probably is what'll happen to you if you say things you don't really mean, if you refuse to acknowledge what you truly feel. But then what do you do, really. It's not like in a snap of a finger things will somehow find their place and you're over with this emotional-heart-whatever turmoil.

Ugh I sound like a bad cheesy novel. But then don't they speak the truth sometimes? Like when damsels in distress do all these silly things just because they can't tell the men directly they can't be together. It sucks but yeah, when do things like these become fairly simple anyway. I just can't take the parallelism! I just can't. It's full of baloney that it actually feels so real.

So basically I drown myself in studying anf redesigning layouts and having a good time with friends. Please let's skip the opening-the-box part and eating cheesecake together whilst talking. Cheesecakes are not supposed to go to the bin, but then you eat them and it goes straight to your heart and reality sinks in. CANNOT BE. So then what would you do right. You just forego the whole thing, which is not the wisest decision but OMG this is the case where options are fewer than ever. Please give me a gray area this once. There's a certain finality in black and white choices that just get to me. Not in a good way.

Don't mind my last entry too much. I was just way too pissed at this one classmate, in this new school, that I thought about a lot of things. I love my friends, nothing's gonna change that. Maybe I just want a fresh take on things, which is always the case.

So we're definitely leaving for Hongkong and China and it'll probably be on the 23rd, but if Dad can't manage to organize things then it'll be the week after that. Oh well at least it's definite we're leaving na. Can't wait for the shopping hahaha.

Hello why is this so ridiculous. It would have been easier if I just tell it as it is, but NO I refuse to do so then what do I get. This empire of an emotional conflict which refuses to go away.

I'm supposed to be over with rock and roll guys.