13 August 2006

superwoman plays the guitar

CLICK is a good movie hiding behind a comedic facade. I thought it was all laughs and I wanted to watch it anyway, but it was something else. It makes you think about time lost, the importance of family time, of retaining (or building, depending on your situation) broken relationships. And it made me thankful, yet again, for my wonderful family--- simple things like being able to give your parents a hug and tell them you love them eventhough I'm a big girl now (literally and figuratively HAHAHA). Like being able to throw in little surprises everyday for Kate and TomTom which makes them happy, like buying them burgers or renting a kiddie movie for him. And simply being able to live my ATE role to the hilt. Hahaha OMG my little kidlets know I love being an Ate (that includes you Kristoffer haha). I love sitting in front of the cab and give orders HAHAHA like take down the license number, or anything at all. I like bringing them stuff like food, making sure they're okay. Which probably explains why we had tons of food when we went to Tagaytay, I mean combine me and Mommy (who always seems to be afraid that we'd starve out in the wilderness, and wants to share with other peolple we're with, which is a good thing) and you get loads of food, complete utensils, tissues, garbage bags, the works hahaha. ANYWAY. I'm very protective of my brothers and sister, I can tolerate almost anything except things about my family. Well ok I'm just glad that I don't have this strained relationship with my parents and siblings. I don't want to do or say things I might regret, so I'm very careful now with my words and actions. Kate said I used to be so verbally hurtful especially to her since I know I'm the one who could hurt her the most (and vice versa) and because I knew she won't lash out at me. I used to take things like that for granted, but thankfully I've changed. And I used to push away TomTom whenever he'd approach me and tell me about his day, his classmates and everything else and showed him I wasn't interested. But I realized he's at the critical stage where he needs to talk to his older sisters too, aside from Mommy and Daddy. It's the make or break stage wherein, if guided accordingly, he could grow up to be a good boy, a fine man, and eventually NOT end up like most kids nowadays. So Kate and I ensure we talk with him a lot, that we listen, that we tell him when something doesn't look good or apprehend him when he makes mistakes. Sometimes it's much more bearable if it comes just from your Ate, and in that way we prevent trouble since we've already straightened him out before he does it and our parents find out. OMG we love TomTom so much, he's the baby in the family. Kate and I even shop for his clothes so he'll start leaning to a clean young boy look and not look dirty and delinquent like his other classmates HAHA. So ok that would make us Stage Sisters, meddling even with his choice of clothes. HAHA I just remembered, when Kristoffer was here we had a dress code and we always pushed him into wearing collared shirts and told him NOT to put his hair up with hair gel so he'd look better. I hope you're still into the dress code down there in Chicago HAHAHA.

Meet Superwoman, who plays the guitar dishing out exhibitions ala Hendrix. HAHAHA. Anyway. Saturday night Mommy prepared dinner for our relatives who came over because Kuya Zervin is back from Korea! But too bad because we only got to see them that night, and he left for Korea again today. But it was so much fun, especially hearing his Korean adventures HAHAHA. And OMG it's a small small world --- imagine, he became friends there with Maricris, who was Ate Ri's best friend. I knew her because hello, I was in Ate Ri's place almost everyday before and pestered them HAHAHA. And Maricris said I had short hair before and I remembered the days when everyone thought I was a tomboy. Yeah. So. HAHAHA it's funny now but I must have been that horrible before. Ok back to the dinner. We took lots of pictures, and the kids were so funny. Chynna is into the pouty face thing and she loves playing the guitar! She was strumming this little guitar in our room and asked Kate and me what she was playing, and we always got it right because currently she likes two songs, so it's either Narda or the Justice League theme HAHAHA. And she loves posing for the camera with her Superwoman pose, which explains the numerous pictures of her on my multiply. Kuya Zervin, New Year ha? Let's invade Baguio! HAHAHA. Till then, mag-ipon ka ulit ng funny stories about your co-workers so we'll have a grand time laughing again when you get back. Then we'll launch na your singing career wowww! We love you and God bless!

( pictures from the Hipolito dinner, plus solo shots of Superwoman HAHAHA )

I hope Dad buys me a phone soon, I've been hugging him all day HAHAHA. It's a necessity, I think, since I need to contact my friends for the dinner planned Friday night with Jo, Pau, and Pap, who will introduce us to his boyfriend. OMG I just had this feeling that it was gonna be Pap who'll tread the boyfriend path first HAHAHA. I remember during Jo's birthday we were talking over dinner who would probably be first and we had no idea, but Pap ALWAYS knew lots of boys, even in high school HAHA. Anyway I'm excited to meet him and of course my friends on Friday night. Then Saturday I'll be heading to Bulacan with my groupmates in school for a community analysis, since it has to be a rural area. And Sunday we're required to watch a play. OMG I really need a phone, I need to contact lots of people. And I have no idea how I'll be able to reach Jordan, he really needs someone to talk to these days after that problem he told me about when we talked on the phone a week ago. He switched to Smart so he can text me more often and now, pfffttt. Awww and it's his birthday on Friday. Too bad.

Check out HEP BIJOU again, folks. We've got new stuff in there. And if you've got great stuff with you and you want to sell them or something, you can put up pictures of it on the site too so just say the word. Ciao!