09 August 2006

hep bijou!

Define emo. I can't grasp the meaning of that word, because to me it's everything that spells out emotional, melancholic or something in that line. Heh. I probably don't give justice to the real meaning of that word but whateverrr. I have no idea. We've gone emo --- what does that tell you? It could go both ways, you know. It's kind of like saying something when you mean another. I just thought about it. I've been listening to a lot of new musicians, not blues. I guess I've outgrown the blues snob phase, where everything that falls outside the category simply isn't good enough. I feel so young! HAHA. Currently listening to: Regina Spektor - Us. It is love! Like I want to fly, fly straight to Chicago. HAHAHA.

Anyway. I met up with Charm yesterday, Coffee Indulgence beside UST. Ah, memories. I passed by Chino of course, because no trip to the UST area is complete without visiting him and his store, it was, after all, a huge part of my college days there. Then I spent the whole afternoon looking at Charm's accessories (she brought a laptop bag full of them, and even brought tools and all her beads haha) and planning for another possible venture. Hey you could never have too many sidelines hahaha. And at least we're earning.

So let me present: HEP BIJOU, the collective name for our jewelry and stuff. It's not exactly the name of our products, we're like the designers or something under that name. Which means other people who are into making accessories are welcome to contact us and post their goods at the site too. HEP BIJOU means avant-garde jewelry, by the way. Check out the site, we'll be putting up more in the coming days. We're experimenting with using synthetic leather as pendants, as well as plastic materials. And shirt-printing hahaha. It's better than doing nothing at all. And even if we don't sell them, we keep making these stuff anyway so why not sell and earn hahaha.

BUY! BUY! BUY! Keep the love coming!