05 September 2006

are you ready for this jelly hahaha

So basically I blog almost everyday and it's not healthy HAHAHA. It's not intellectually-stimulating (add a snobbish pinched-nose british twang to that and who have we got hahaha). AteRon go online, see I talked with AteRi kanina and it was so much fun HAHAHA. Miss you guys. Oh and it's so great that we talk with Kristoffer almost everyday, but he's sort of sick now. Anyway thank you Yahoo for your instant messenger.

You know what Kate and I do everyday? We wake up early and eat out for breakfast. OMG if we keep doing this I'll run out of money very very soon. Breakfast here, there, and everywhere. I mean we're after the ambience and nice conversations and hello it would not have been the same if we do it downstairs in our kitchen counter and eat eggs and bread or something hahaha. I just remembered, I was laughing so hard last night because Kate was singing in her sleep. She leaves on her earphones kasi, so at about 2am I think, she started making gurgling sounds and singing something (I couldn't make out the words) and I thought, hah, it's Regina Spektor. True enough when i told her about it this morning, OVER BREAKFAST hahaha, Regina Spektor was on repeat mode. She talks in her sleep most of the time, it's funny. But no one can ever measure up to TomTom when it comes to those things HAHA.

Anyway, I'll probably update today the hep!bijou site. There are tons of new ones e, I'm not in the mood to take pictures hahaha. Well so I was telling Kate about this person who seems to think... basta lots of things hahaha. OMG like it's so repulsive, the reactions, the turn of events. Why why why does it always turn out to be a disappointment. I don't think I'm ready for this jelly HAHAHA. See I'm so baduy.

Ugh I'm so bored it's not even funny.