17 June 2006

Tagaytay and the birthday shower

Oh yeah before I forget, Tagaytay was so much fun. We found out about it just last Sunday but I've never been there so we decided to go. We had games and ate at the park, then we went to Talisay and if Kuya Aaron had not told me, I wouldn't have known we were already in Batangas.

Most of them took a boat ride to Taal Volcano and went up to the crater or something, but since I KNEW there would be some sort of trekking, I stayed at the lakeside with the others ahaha. I am most definitely not built for Lakbay Kalikasan and such, I mean when I was in senior year highschool I was hyperventilating already and we weren't even halfway up Mt. Banahaw. I remember that and it was an awful feeling, like all I wanted to do was go back to the bus and go home. But anyway I was too terrified of the stories about that mountain to even bother exerting serious energy to go up.

So yeah back to Batangas. Since Kate went with the hiking group, I mingled with the others and had fun talking with them, learned to throw stones and stuff, took pictures of my feet, watched Kuya Aaron take pictures of himself ahaha, pestered Kokiks while he was texting away, ate junk food etc. It was already dark when they got back, then we headed home.

( Tons of pictures here )

Thursday night was the dinner for church friends to celebrate mine and Kate's birthday. It sstarted out just fine but when they were already eating, the rain just started to pour so the waiters rushed the food inside the house, then we rearranged the tables so everyone can fit in the roofed part. The rain was depressing this time because it made everything hard for us and our visitors. I love rain but NOT during parties hello.

huhuhu we even had a gazebo

Me Kristoffer Kate

the food yumyum

church friends

Jo Kate / Kris Imman Ivan

They said it was rather an adventure, but who would want to trudge through the flood and get their things soaked? Anyway I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle for them and at least they made it home safely.

Well last Tuesday we watched The Omen at the Mall of Asia and had our phones done. The booth offers this protective covering or something for mobile phones, digital cameras, palm pilot, iPods etc. Kris and Kate had theirs covered with a semi-transparent design, while I had swarovski crystals placed at the external screen of my pink razr.

Kate's phone / Kris' phone

yay my phone

It's really nice and terribly girly, but I love it anyway ahaha. Years ago I wouldn't have thought of getting a PINK phone in the first place ahaha. Check out GMASK's website for info.