13 June 2006

8 Waves

8 Waves was tons of fun, as always. We went there Friday morning and checked in, occupying three rooms --- one room for Mama Pach, Kris and Tito Chito's family, another for Papa Al's family, and another for us. I did not swim yet again, but before you go off thinking I'm such a killjoy let me relate to you the sad sad tale of my bloated left eye. OMG it happened again, it just sort of blew up but at least now I know that I just have to put a cold compress over it or something and it'll be alright. But it's still bloody red (or pink, depending on how you look at it) and looked funny that day so I stayed at our room. Or Pancake House ahaha since it's the only one available inside the hotel. They had fun swimming and trying to drown each other, and I had fun catching up on my reading (read: geek). AHAHA.

Kate and MoiMoi / Imman and Me

Imman and his milkshake / MoiMoi and his ala mode or something ahaha

at the pool

one of the pools and the hotel

Saturday morning we checked out and rented a cottage at the more public part of the resort. We were surprised to find that the place was HUGE, I mean there was even this really big space where they had a stage, apparently for entertainment purposes. It was rather full that day since GMA Network had it's summer extravaganza or something ahaha. All their employees were there so the resort was packed. I went around, lounged at the beach chairs while watching the kidlets pushing each other into the pool, ate with Mommy and Imman, then Dad joined us and we ate again. So please don't wonder why we're a happy healthy family ahaha. I saw these wonderful fedora-style hats and I wanted to buy one but they're so expensive and I would NOT spend for something I won't be wearing much anyway. OHWELL it was fun taking pictures and walking around and eating desserts at Pancake House. The tax over there combined with the service charge nearly killed me though ahaha. I mean how much is it? EIGHTY PERCENT? Seriously though you could have another meal with the amount you pay for it.

the kidlets

mirror shots

aloha from Carl, Kate Cheena / Me Carl Kate Cheena

Anyway. We went home Saturday afternoon. Went to church Sunday and found out that they'll be going to Tagaytay on Monday, and everyone's invited to come. And we did, and my what fun we had. But that's a different story, therefore a different post. Ahaha sorry I'm dead tired but I'll post about it later and we have tons of pictures there. And yeah more pictures in 8 Waves at my multiply so juct check it out there.

There'll be dinner for our church friends and a few others this coming Thursday night so more pictures then I guess.