01 May 2006

dvbs ends and our impromptu Romblon escapade

*** View Imman and Ivan's Wrestling Match, Part I here

I didn't have the time to write about the DVBS graduation last Friday because we had a rather pleasant surprise. We were on our way to church Friday morning for the DVBS graduation when my Mom calls me up and says that Mama Diding wants to know if we want to go to Romblon with her that afternoon. Oh do we? Ahaha yes we did.

So okay first things first. The kids had their DVBS graduation Friday morning, and I had a difficult time practicing them for their short presentation onstage. Aww but it was a bit sad knowing I won't be seeing most of my students anymore, those who lived far off.

my 5th grade class :)

Mary Grace my cute student and Ate Rhoda's favorite little girl (forgot the name)

We got home around 1pm already so we packed real quick, then Mama Diding picked us up (and the food she ordered) and we headed to Pier 8.

from Manila to Romblon

It was early morning so I was a little off ahaha. Kate and Me.

We arrived at Bachawan, unpacked, took a shower and headed to San Agustin, town proper. Mama Diding is the mayor and she promoted this Kalipayan Festival. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention, she brought Denise Joaquin the actress, Sevendays the band (don't know them), four beaty queens/models, and the Lyceum Dance Troupe. They were with us on the ship, and there was even a delay because Denise Joaquin was late. Whateverrr.

We watched the Ati-Atihan entries of the different barrios

Then we headed to the Madrona Beach at Paroyhog, where we had lunch. It was nicer than last year, and there were added cottages so we got to eat in private ahaha. And talk a lot. Oh and Ramona Revilla was there too AHAHA. God I think I've seen enough starlets there (COUNT: TWO) to last me a lifetime. It's like a bad telenovela blown to epic proportions and it's not even funny. Whateverrr ahaha.

Yen / Yen and Kate

Yen and Kate, on our way back to Bachawan. They were sitting on monoblock chairs in the back of the Frontier, which is a pickup or something. They told me it was fun ahaha.

the hellipad

So okay the first night, I was an idiot because I left the cam ahaha. No pictures. But can I just say that the band probably had a mighty good time because they performed you know, typical songs a showband would play. I hate to say this but we were laughing so hard because they were so Klownz or some comedy bar harharhar. Then they asked people for requests, which is a no-no in Romblon because --- the popular songs there are always, like, 2-3 years behind. Then the locals started gathering in front of the stage trying to reach their hands, and shouting that they love them. Rockstars eh, grabe. Denise Joaquin and the beauty queens judged the contests in the afternoon and had a sagala, and that evening they judged the Miss Tourism thing.

Fast forward to Sunday morning --- we woke up early and went to Bitaugan to visit lola since we were leaving that afternoon. Then we headed back to Bachawan, packed, and went to the Fish Sanctuary in Carmen. High tide so we can't walk by the seashore, which is a good thing really because we get to ride the speedboat. View our speedboat ride here

say hello to the speedboat ahaha

Me and Kate

a part of the Fish Sanctuary, which showed drastic improvements since last year

Problem arises shortly after lunchtime. Mama Diding could not find a vehicle that will bring us to Odiongan, where the port is. We realized we won't be going home that afternoon after all, so we called up Mommy and Daddy.

So. That night we were still able to watch the performance of the Lyceum Dance Troupe.

Kate and Yen

The dance troupe performed different dances

tribal and the ones from olden times

interpretations of Ryan Cayabyab songs and traditional ones

national dances (or whatever you call it) like Tinikling etc.

excerpt from Moulin Rouge and retro

I particularly liked the retro series, where they performed Ang Boyfriend Kong Baduy and Annie Batungbakal and stuff, it was funny. They're good, and they've competed in several countries like France and Italy. Cool. I wonder if they had time to sit on sidewalk cafes or if they bungee jumped. Should have asked AHAHA.

Lyceum Dance Troupe with Mama Diding the mayor and Mr. Robbie their director

okay some pictures that night heehee

Monday morning, the other guests at Bachawan boarded the yacht because they had to go ahead to Romblon, the other island. The ship which will take us to Manila will come from there. Since Mama Diding still had a meeting, she said we'll go with her later that afternoon pa so we had time to swim. I did not swim because I had no swimwear with me, or anything which can be worn as such AHAHA. I am not about to swim in crocheted tops or cardigans. So I just took pictures of Kate and Yen enjoying the sun and sea. Oh I put on tanning lotion since I'm going to fry myself sitting at the hellipad anyway ahaha.

Kate and Yen and their lifejackets

at the hellipad. behind me is the beach house

yay I got a picture of Yen in midair when they had a grand time diving

fooling around ahaha

When Mama Diding arrived, we packed and left. For good, this time. I can't remember how many times we've packed and unpacked, brought the bags out and back in because we thought we were leaving already ahaha. Yen was left there because she will be going back to Manila Wednesday, along with the other kids and their cousins.

We headed to San Agustin, where we'll ride a motorboat to Romblon the other island with the dance troupe. It wasn't there yet when we arrived, so we stayed at the municipal hall, in Mama Diding's office.

Aloha from Kate at the terrace ahaha

the motorboat

the dance troupe again with Mama Diding and Mr. Robbie, and their recognition in marble ahaha

So we got on the boat, and were even taking pictures when it wasn't moving yet.

Me and Kate

Kate / Me

See I was even happy ahaha. But holy guacamole, when the motorboat engine started and we left, I got so dizzy I wanted to throw up. AND THE RIDE WILL TAKE AN HOUR OR SO. I got motion sickness so I felt awful. Then I could not close my window because I had to look outside just to make the dizziness bearable, but every now and then there'll be a huge splash and I got soaked. I still don't know how I made it through that ride, but at least we saw dolphins. When we arrived in Romblon, I felt terrible --- dizzy, wanting to throw up, and soaking wet. So the whole time --- after boarding the ship and settling down till we arrived in Manila, I just slept and did not even bother to eat.

When we got home, Mommy and Daddy were waiting and they had us tell everything we did since Friday ahaha. Then they took us out to lunch --- we had the usual talks, jokes, they told us what they did when we were gone, we laughed a lot. Nothing beats that, and I had an even greater time with them.

taken after Mommy's dinner party for her highschool friends. Imman took the picture haha

It feels good to be home.