31 May 2006

amy so sexy

HAHA sorry folks I promised her I'd title my post this way. OMG Amy is so thin na! Like I remember a few years ago, we were always teased as chubby little girls. Then she left me to bask in the embarassment cause she's now thin! Ahaha. She should write a book, like a success story in the lines of "How I Lost 30lbs... and Counting!". Whateverrr Amy, next time we meet we'll have an intimate talk and you will lecture me about healthy eating or something. Ah sucks to give up on food. HAHA.

So last last week was Charm's birthday and she had a birthday dinner at Fazoli's Eastwood. I had to bring Kate along because we had to go somewhere after, so terribly sorry Charm that we had to rush like that. A few pictures of that night:

Frankee and Charm / Fio and Me

Charm and Meri / Frankee Charm Meri and Fio (behind them)

Benji and Fio / Meri's "virgin look" (sabi niya ahaha)

Others present were Touki, Kevin, Ian and his wife, etc. Sorry I wasn't able to take pictures of the others, I just clicked away when we were leaving so I'd have at least some pics of that night and of the birthday girl. Aww and I could not wait for Mikko, EJ and Meggy anymore so I did not get to see them.

And well here are a few pictures from the family swimming thing and the party at Tito Tony's rooftop. I won't bother putting everything here so just go to my multiply one of these days and it'll be there.

So. We were supposed to watch The Da Vinci Code at Shang today but Krischuper --- AHAHA I just can't call him seriously, sometimes it's HunkyPunky, or anything that comes to mind --- wanted to watch Benchwarmers so off we went to watch guys farting off and picking their nose. Some scenes are pretty funny though. Oh and I saw Bianca Araneta there, she was walking around with her baby and the nanny.

This is lame but I want to write about birthdays EXCLUSIVELY or something in that line, so I'll just post another. And tidbits of sadness. I most definitely abhor goodbyes, they're the worst kind. Ugh.