10 May 2006

gweilo's gig, youth quest, and the I LOVE YOU adventure

The Gweilo's gig was fun, partly because it's always fun watching Dad (yeah yeah we're his greatest fans ahaha) and because we got to look around stores and buy a few things. So we left early, around 6pm --- Mommy, Kate, Me and Jan (our cool new helper heehee)--- and headed to Tiendesitas, which was rather disappointing. I expected to see much more, or maybe run into some nice original shops but it was just a trendier Tutuban. No no scratch that, you'll see even MORE great finds in Tutuban than in Tiendesitas. Mommy just ended up buying flat slippers because her heels were killing her haha, and some camisoles for us.

at Tiendesitas

We headed to Eastwood because Tiendesitas was quite boring. Honestly I'm even more interested in vintage shops there but the jewelry pieces were expensive haha. So okay we went around Eastwood and Kate found a pair of the wedges she saw in Shangrila--- in her size. The People are People branch in Shang did not have ones that fit her before so she was happy to get them. I on the other hand got a Philosophy lip balm from Beauty Bar.

Kate's wedges

I may never truly understand why she adores heels. Maybe because she loves being taller than me ahaha. I don't feel comfortable in heels so I buy nice-looking flats na lang and wear them everywhere. Speaking of flats, I want the white ones in Topshop. And their red and white polka-dotted wide headband. And their jersey shirts and dresses hahaha. We're currently going thru a Topshop phase because they have nice things over there. Haha whateverrr.

Then it was dinner at Fazoli's, but Mommy ate somewhere else with Jan because they weren't fond of pastas.

bad lighting I know

Then we met up after and went to Gweilo's. Dad went with Tito Alex because they brought Dad's guitars and Tito Alex's Diezel amp. I think Dad was planning to bring just his Fender strat but when he was practicing and Kate and I were listening, we told him that he has to use the telecaster when they play "Need Your Love So Bad" because the sound is more "maarte" ahaha. I love love Daddy, even if he knows we're not experts on analyzing guitar sounds etc, he still asks us about the sound after he plays. I guess it's enough for him to know we love listening to him.

Soul Benders

Tito Lito / Tito Joric

So they're the first band to play that night. There were a lot of his clients who came because they wanted to see/hear how a guitar doctor would play the guitar ahaha. And it was so funny because we were debating with Dad about the lyrics to SRV's Mary Had a Little Lamb. He told us it was "... it's fleece was black as coal" and we were telling him it was "... it's fleece was white as snow". And we said, how could it be black when it was a lamb right, and it was talking about the fleece. And he told us that there are lambs with black faces, and we said that maybe it's just the face, but the fleece? Haha so we told him "Dad, when you sing later, just go with white as snow".

Dad :)

But no, he sang the black as coal thing and I guess he suddenly remembered because he looked at Kate and smiled ahaha. We were laughing throughout the song. But oh when Dad's up there onstage he plays the guitar so beautifully and he sings really good, and we're the proudest daughters in the world heehee. Oh and watch a clip of their Bell Bottom Blues (by Eric Clapton) cover here.

Dad and Tito Joric

So after Soul Benders was SnakeCharmer. Kate and I decided to go out for a while and grab something to drink, and we wanted to try out a different coffee shop but we saw Polo Ravales at Starbucks ahaha so we ended up there.

We were strategically seated (ahaha) in the corner so we could get a good glimpse of Polo Ravales without being noticed. AHAHA pathetic yo. Oh and see our matching heart bracelets from Topshop --- teenybopper nga kami hehe.

I have no idea how he ended up looking that good because during his teenybopper days, he was always in our school during concerts and stuff, and I always saw him back then. But before it was like, oh, it's Polo Ravales, okay whatever. HAHA. But now he's the new endorser for F&H and I think he's making a comeback or something. Whateverrr he just looked good but he was sort of presko.

Snake Charmer

The Brew

Then we went back to Gweilo's and watched the last part of the Snake Charmer set, and of course I enjoyed them again because of the harmonica. Then it was The Brew --- they were great, and the guy on guitars also did vocals. They were jumping from blues to reggae and other genres, and they even entertained requests. Anyway we did not finish their set and we didn't get to watch Southern Grass because we left already. Had fun though.

Jan Kate and Mommy

Me and Kate

Anyway. This year's Youth Quest is hosted by Bethany Makati, so last Tuesday we met up early in church and went to Bethany together. It was so much fun seeing friends from camp last April, so it was some sort of reunion ahaha. Jordan was there too and it's a good thing because he told me last week that he still has to complete the transportation fare, and he asked for help because their church wants to buy an acoustic guitar. So we brought him and Rudy (his churchmate) here and Dad showed them an acoustic for sale, then they got to talking about guitars and ministries and a lot of things. They didn't buy the guitar yet because they had to consult their pastor first, but anyway Dad gave them a new set of strings. Then we went back to Bethany Makati, stayed for the afternoon activities and went home. Before we left Jordan gave me a picture of him but he didn't want others to see it so he shoved it in my bag and told me to look at it at home na. AHAHA so I looked at it when we were in the cab and Kate and I were laughing so hard, he was sleeping and in a funny position and his mouth was a bit open. HAHA hilarious yo, to think that he looks pretty serious sometimes.

Youth Quest at Bethany Makati

my id. huhuhu which I won't be using anymore

Too bad we won't be able to go back there, I mean Mommy and Daddy initially did not want us to go anymore, even just on the first day since we have to clean up and attend to a lot of things before other family members arrive on Thursday night (yay!). But we convinced them to let us go just on Tuesday. So. I hope everyone who went back had tons of fun and are revived. And I hope the Sword team wins ahaha --- that's my team.

Well the other day we managed to go out and have an adventure. We've been planning to go to the I Love You Store since the time they were still in Saguijo but we never did. But now they're in Makati Ave. and they had a map on their LJ/site so we decided to go take a peep. However, when we were in the cab and it was speeding through Makati Ave, I forgot the landmarks we were supposed to look for and if it was on the left or right side so we got off and walked around. We asked a guard if he knew where Government is, which is some sort of a bar because all I can remember from the map is that the store is beside Government. He pointed us to this direction, beside McDonald's so off we went but there was no I Love You, nor Government the bar. Out of frustration we decided to go inside a computer shop and check the map out again. Sayang naman since we were already there in Makati right, so I copied the map on a piece of paper.

Oh it was fun walking down the streets with a piece of paper in hand, we felt like we were treasure-hunting ahaha. We found out that based on our current location, the map was upside-down haha so we found the landmarks and everything and finally located the store.

When you go in you have to walk down the stairs since it was underground, and we noticed their unique walls which is the background image on their site. Then we met Corinne, one of the owners, and we told her we'll just look around. Her pictures don't do her justice (she's seen on the pages of fashion magazines here, and the store has numerous features already) --- she looks much much prettier in person. Anyway we were overwhelmed. Racks of clothes, bags, shoes, and all kinds of trinkets everywhere. Plus there were 6 or so girls in there and they all looked sooo great, so stylish. There were hats, sunglasses, the famous I Love You pins, cd's, and a lot of stuff. We ended up buying two I Love You pins and a cute wide headband. BUT Kate suddenly saw these Charles Jourdan heels, and they were exactly what she's been looking for. So I bought it for her. AHAHA yeah I can be kuripot BUT when it comes to my family I have no qualms about spending.

Kate's super high Charles Jourdans --- my feet hurt just by looking at it

Then the girl in the counter asked us "Have I seen you guys before?"
And I said, "I don't think so, this is our first time here..."
"Oh 'cause you look familiar. So where did you hear about the store?"
"You guys are everywhere, and we always read about it in magazines."
"Did you hear that? We're everywhere...". Then she offered us tea or coffee.

Yeah they're really nice. And this other girl said she loved my skirt and checked out Kate's necklaces, then asked us what we want to write if we had our own I Love You pins --- she told us she wanted I Love Doctors. Anyway Kate got the one which says Happy Happy Joy Joy and I got the one with Fluxxe It!!! ahaha. Fun.

Oh yeah and they cut hair too, although the styles are much too experimental for us. I already went through the weird hair phase and I'd rather keep it like this. There's this guy who was having his haircut and we asked the girls how much it costs. We were surprised to know that you pay them depending on how much YOU think YOUR haircut is worth. Like if you think it's so great and worth a thousand, then give them a thousand; if you think it sucks big time, then you pay them ten pesos. That's so rad!

Can I just say. I love them I LOVE YOU girls. We'll definitely come back and bring a few friends along.

So yeah this is one long post because we're terribly busy so I cram like three posts into one. And to think these are the days when we go out everyday and we do a lot of things I want to write about ahaha. Anyway. I'm sooo excited --- Ima, Mama Pachee and Kris will arrive tonight, and Tatang and Papa Noel on Monday. So okay bye now have to go get some sleep, long day later.