07 June 2006

cheesy movies and cheesier actors

It's so sad that Kristoffer has to be gone for like two days to stay at Tito Chito's place with Mama Pach. Yeah I know it's not long but we will miss teasing him and staying up late and his awesome submarine sandwich. OHWELL he will be back Friday hopefully because the plan to go back to 8 Waves Resort will push thru.

We watched Close to You (on video) last night, the movie with John Lloyd and Bea and that schmuck Sam Milby. I know tons will hate me for saying this, but I really do not like him nor do I think he's adorable in any way. At all. I don't know, there's something that's off with the way he always flashes his toothy grin. Or maybe how he thinks girls will most definitely swoon when he smiles. Well okay maybe the last one's true but count me out ahaha.

So yeah back to the movie. I AM MOST DEFINITELY BADUY but. I KID YOU NOT. I actually liked it ahaha. I think they patterned it after Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Kate was rooting for Sam Milby on the movie, but I was rooting for John Llloyd and I was not being biased. Nonono I do NOT by any chance fancy John Lloyd, but I can't stand Milby's overall cheesiness. And anyway I always go for the good guys, the neglected bestfriends and such ahaha. In Tad Hamilton I liked Topher Grace, see? And with good reason, because hello! Josh Duhamel's girlfriend is Fergie. Told ya.

Belated Happy Birthday AteRon! I miss them all so much, they even called on my birthday and you know how it is, one thing led to another and before we knew it I related to her everything that happened in a span of, say, a year, including my own chismis ahaha. You have got to take a vacation here next year for Kate's 18th! SO FUN.

Notice my new/old layout. It was the same one I used then and I used it again because the most recent one is acting up and I can't fix it ahaha. Anyway I like it naman and it's girly so we'll give it a go.

Yay we're going to 8 Waves tomorrow. We'd definitely take pictures this time--- the last time we went, we were too busy shuffling back and forth to different places (although we were staying there) to snap photos. It's nice there too, and they have excellent service.

We watched MI:3 today, this time at the movies ahaha. We were contemplating whether it'll be Tom Cruise or the movie Manay Po hahaha. I heard it's funny and well Polo Ravales is there. Oh but yeah lest we forget he's presko pala. Whateverrr.

Okay off to pack. Oh and bid adieu to bad skin ahaha. Seriously though my skin is starting to clear up thanks to Shu Uemura cleansing water. I didn't even get to finish the skin care set/kit I bought at VMV because I wanted to try this and so far I'm thinking it's a good choice.

And hey friends Kate has a new phone. She left her last one in the cab when we went to Greenhills so Mommy and Daddy bought her a new one as a birthday gift. God I hope she doesn't lose this because if she does, it's the FOURTH one and she may never have another ahaha. So don't send messages or anything on her previous number, ask her or me or whateverr if you guys still don't know her new one.

OMG OMG OMG. Right this very moment I received a text message from someone really really wonderful and it's so. OMG like my week is complete and off I'll go happy ahahahaha. How I love cellphones because people from, say, AFAR, could contact you just like that. I know this is vague but who says I write all the REALLY IMPORTANT details here? ahaha. Like when it's something about this I go straight to Kate and ring up AteRon for some serious chatting. Because I must admit, I still tell them everything regardless of the distance.

You read this AteRon? Time to go online. Heehee.