19 October 2006

hey hey what's up

Look at what Jeremy did! Hahaha I lovveeet.

So last Sunday was Pastor's Appreciation. After the morning service we headed to the mall with friends and sort of accompanied Kuya Ozep who bought plates as a wedding gift. And we took lots of pictures everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE

so guess where this is hahaha

Moving right along. That afternoon was the western/conutry style service, so we had bluegrass church music and we donned cowgirl/cowboy stuff. Then more pictures.

Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna with my family

yayyy church friends

( more more pictures from that day here )

I don't have anything remotely interesting (at least to some of you haha) that I can say as of now. Ill just relate the fun fun tale of my past week, which has been extremely busy because of the finals.

Oh yeah I met up with Charm yesterday because she texted me that she wanted to go on an ukay rampage. Why not. I even saw Bitoy (of Blue Jean Junkies --- great band) in the second floor of one shop, apparently that's where their office is. And we went to Marikina Shoe Expo. Wait I think it's not called that way anymore, it's now Cubao X or something, I'm not sure though. There were art galleries scattered there. Oh Charm we should do that too! We were thinking of having something like that too, but with more of a glam/feminine vibe. There were also massage places, vintage shops (I found vintage shades which are similar to the pieces sold at I Love You! hahaha), and quaint cafes. We're going back soon and we'll bring Kate and Meri and everyone else who would like to come. Girls day out hahaha.

me and Charm

why is Charm so wholesome hahahaha

So I left Charm at Taco Bell and headed to West Av where my family awaits me haha. Oh no I didn't leave her at Taco Bell pala, she went with me outside Gateway and waited till I got a cab. So. Daddy and Mommy treated two couples (friends from church) to dinner with us so basically the adults were talking and Kate, TomTom and I were taking pictures. And TomTom devoured every piece of shrimp in there hahahaha. I made funny icons look!

TomTom is the coolest!

and we are idiots hahaha. no not really

( more pics in here. see kate and her leggings! hahaha )

I was actually sooo mad this morning because my dance partner in PE class did not show up. We practiced yesterday and everything was going well, then she just didn't show up. No calls, no text messages. I had to ask her friend what happened and there was some problem with her parents I think. I hate to sound like I don't care, but THIS IS OUR FINAL EXAM and what am I supposed to do right. I had to find another partner and teach the steps ugh. And she has Kate's dress and shoes, because she borrowed them yesterday for the dance nga.

I'm off. Party tonight for our circle of friends in church. Should be great fun hahaha I just hope we don't play the history or love story. At least not in front of my parents that's so embarassing haha.