22 October 2006

everything is potentially beautiful

I'm actually wracking my brain, or heart, for something intellectual or heartfelt I could write down. It's been a long time since I wrote something which required actual mental activity, all I did was write down what I've been doing. Not that it's a bad thing, right, because they're a huge deal to me after all and I treasure every moment. But sometimes because of wanting to document everything, we tend to become technical. Devoid of any emotion. It becomes merely a routine, a list.

Not that I'd want to go back to writing at the height of depression, although admittedly, my entries are extremely emotional. Those are now immortalized in my archives, mainly as my personal reference --- here I go again with my "if it was that bad then, this couldn't get any worse" philosophy.

This is kind of funny, sitting in front of the computer and internalizing, trying to figure out how I really feel. As if I'm waiting for happiness to inflict some physical manifestation.

Which leads me to the realization that it's pointless. I take happiness in the silliest things --- in staying up late with Kate, in hanging out with friends, in seeing and talking with him, in talking with my parents, in spoiling my younger siblings, in everything. So it's futile to psychoanalyze, because I AM happy. I'm not claiming I'm this extremely positive person who breaks into song while walking on the street, but we have to live after all. Everything is potentially beautiful.

Anyway. Pictures of the rooftop dinner for friends here! Sooo much fun hahaha. We played badminton afterwards. We should do that again, next time with longer hours for badminton, not eating hahahaha.

In other news. We're not going to Hongkong with Dad, Mommy and TomTom. I was expecting that LV sweetie (hahaha that's how I call her) would be there to visit her Dad, but he's gonna be visiting her instead so we have no one who could be with us since we didn't want to go to Disneyland. We told Dad that we're just going to shop here haha. They're leaving 5th of November I think.

Oh and new pictures and icons later. We had this photo shoot (wowww haha) with Hej and some friends for the SAYA poster or something. I'm waiting for him to send it in hahaha.