14 June 2005

French women don't get fat

I was flipping through channels this afternoon and settled for Oprah. And surprise! surprise!, she's having a feel-good makeover episode. There's this one woman who was placed in a see-through, soundproof booth in the middle of the street and random people were asked about her age. Almost everyone said she was past 50, but she was actually just 40. Alarmed, she had a makeover and she looked 30.

It was nice seeing women who felt good about their new looks, but it's getting old. I've been watching Ambush Makeover and you'd be watching the same thing, and it's better because it's quick-paced minus the drama.

Then I heard that next up was the author of the book French Women Don't Get Fat. Interesting. So I didn't switch channels during the commercials. Hehe.

I'm sleepy. So here are the facts:
1. They don't count calories
2. They don't weigh every morning
3. They don't do diets or workouts
4. They don't deprive themselves
5. They walk a lot
6. They indulge, but in small portions
7. They have a 3-bite rule: when you've had 3 bites of the food, move on to the next

Maybe we should try that. You know, small portions and all. But I don't know about that 3-bite rule. Maybe four? Or five, I guess. Haha :)