23 April 2005

of lies and earthquakes

And it just so happened that this person I know is desperately messed up in the head. Not in a mentally-challenged-and-sort-of-abnormal way. Just freakishly untruthful, like telling you tales which are so, well, untruthful, I might as well ask her:
Do you think I'm frickin' stupid?
Anyway I don't know what prompted me to think about her and write about her as well. Haven't seen her in a while.

What a big chunk of baloney that earthquake prediction was. We were actually in Baguio at that time (Thursday night), the last night for the camp, and Hannee told me that people in Manila are convulsing in fear of some earthquake that would hit the city at around 4am, Friday morning. Intensity 9 at that. Oh lordy, I must sit still until the wee hours of the morning and wait till the ground starts shaking so I could run for cover under the, ah... pine trees? Oh shoot, I'm in Baguio mehn, I'm never gonna make it. And tears threaten to fall...

Not. Hee-hee. I was not about to abandon the big warm bonfire they prepared for us there for our last night. And if the ground's gonna swallow you anyway, might as well have roasted marshmallows with you. But we didn't have roasted marshmallows there. I was just saying that to make it sound like your typical cool bonfire (no pun intended). What we had was a handkerchief that started the agawang-panyo. Ah, I remember the good ol' days when I played langit-lupa and luksong-tinik with all my heart. Anyway, it's always good to be silly sometimes and give in to your childish side, and I enjoyed everything that night. Especially the people we were with :)

We eventually headed for the girls' dorm and plopped down on the bed (believe me, I'm making it sound inviting and cushy and nice, but it's sooo far from that--- people who've been there will know why haha). And it's a triple deck--- where else can you find that?

And it dawned on me: the INTENSITY 9 superdooperschizzleschmizzle earthquake will hit Manila in an hour or so! And who knows, maybe it'll damage the lowlands so hard that Baguio will become one gigantic landslide catastrophe! I thought about it so hard...

And I fell asleep. Oh well, the superdooperschizzleschmizzle earthquake will have to wait. My beauty rest beckons :)