11 May 2005

post Mother's Day

I know that was last Sunday, but I've been sooo busy I never had the chance to write something for my Mom in here (but hey, I was the first one who greeted her that morning hee-hee).

me and my mommy :)

There's nothing much to say, really. She's fought for me since the very beginning, when I was still in her womb. For those who don't know, the bathroom was my delivery room. Nobody thought she was pregnant because I was barely visible (I was only 4 lbs, almost half the size of normal babies). My head came out while she was taking a bath, and overcome with fear and confusion, she decided to give birth right then and there. She was already carrying me in her arms when we were brought to the hospital, but we were still connected by the umbilical cord. I would never forget how Mommy tells me that story, her voice filled with love and awe that such a small baby (I was even placed in the incubator for a few weeks) would grow up to be me (a big, big girl, I know haha).

Saying sorry would never be enough to mend the heartaches I have caused her, but it was during those trying times that I truly felt how much she loved me. She never gave up on me, and for that I will always be thankful. She was one of the few persons who believed in me when I felt like a failure and one gigantic joke. Mommy always listens when I tell her about my day, and eventhough I'm already bigger than her, she always calls me baby.

To the woman who knows all and sees all, yet loves me anyway: I'm proud of you, and I hope these words will be enough to sum up everything I want to say: I love you Mommy :)