22 May 2007

ciao dahlings


From here on after, all my words, pictures, music and art can be found HERE.

This journal will remain open mainly to view the archives.

16 March 2007


So ok I've been here in Australia for a week and it's been great. The flight going here was fine, but the Immigration guy at the Manila airport was skeptical about us since Jonas and I are just students and we had a business visa --- apparently, it's really hard to get that kind of visa to Australia, unlike the tourist one. Good thing we brought all the relevant documents: personal invitations from 6 private hospitals (3 in Sydney, 3 in Melbourne) and the board of directors of several colleges and universities. They had no choice but to leave us alone haha.

Immigration at the Sydney airport was lax, we weren't asked even a single question. The place we're staying in is huge and very very nice, and the people we're working for are just amazing. The first week is more on paperwork, and I'm about to finish our website. We've been going around town and we went to the city yesterday, but we'll do more of the traveling when the rest of the team arrives. I got to know Filipino guys and they want to take us around the city, I'm not sure when our schedules would meet though.

We'll be meeting up with Dr. Chang and the AAoN (Australian Academy of Nursing) owners on Monday, then Charles Sturt University board of directors on Tuesday. Then it'll be Melbourne on Wednesday, I'm not sure if we'll be flying or driving. It's going to be a busy week. Check my multiply for heaps of pictures.

28 February 2007

a non-analytical post (for a change)

An excuse to post pictures of the get-together last Sunday night:

Imman's birthday/Dad's birthday/my sort of despedida. So much fun! And good thing Kuya O was able to come, imagine, straight from Ilocos I think.

A real bummer though because I'll still be there this Sunday and I've said goodbye to most of them already hahaha. Flight's on Tuesday, not yet sure what time.

Oh and head over to my multiply, tonsss of new pictures.
Mon's Sunset Strip photo shoot
Pics with Lokomotiv and of Lokomotiv (and click here to view their official site)
Mon's amazing rock and roll party
My lovely high school friends --- Pau's birthday
Macabre photo shoot
Photo shoot with Sir Bong (Vintage Pop owner) and Mr. Roberto Bellini
Carlyn's photo shoot --- Part Une and Part Deux
Dad's birthday!
Jo's fab photo shoot

I realized I had tons of photo shoots in there. Woot! haha. I should start making a career out of taking pictures. Oh and look what I found:

Two sketches (or artistic interpretations haha) of me. This was last year during the Jazz Festival, when Kakoy asked his artist friends to draw me as well as Kate. It was mighty awkward while they were doing it though, since I could not move. But it turned out great --- I think I look more like the first one.

20 February 2007


Two relatives passing away in a span of one week may just be too much. Not unbearable in its truest sense, since I don't really have a close relationship with them. Too much uncertainty, too much reality. And when reality rears its ugly head, our tendency is to run off in the opposite direction.

No, reality isn't always this disconcerting. There's the reality of life and love, the ones we've come to experience and revel in. The fact that everything is potentially beautiful, the comfort you find in family and friends. The thrill in knowing there is more to conquer, there's more of the world you have to see. The happiness which emanate from people, and the love you're willing to give in return. These are endless retaliations to all that we consider cynical, hoping against hope that life would be infinite.

Then another reality sinks in. The reality that renders an abrupt end to everything --- plans, dreams, life. When people you've actually known pass away, death becomes tangible. We're not faced with minor changes but major life overhauls, where people and families are involved. We're reminded that everything is fleeting, that we have no control at all over things.

An uncle in Florida passed away because of complications due to leukemia. He was diagnosed just a few months ago, just when he was about to retire and planning annual vacations in the Philippines and Europe with his family. He was under chemotherapy a few weeks after that, then he was bedridden. Then we received the news that he died of cardiac arrest. Now tell me what's reality.

An aunt in Tarlac passed away this morning because of excessive bleeding after a normal childbirth. The baby lived, but she failed to make it through. A life in exchange for a life --- it's almost hurtfully ironic. Now tell me what's reality.

In some ways, life may be the euphemism for death. You're given the chance to live just to mask the grave fate we're all headed to. Incidentally, we need not follow this train of thought. Seeing through that perspective defeats the purpose of living, giving little importance to all that makes the ride worthwhile.

Experiences yield consequential results. You either dwell on it or move on. In times like these, you wonder if we live to die, or if we die in order to live.

Love precedes life, and life entails loving. We have to remember that because we could not afford to be disillusioned. When euphemisms, whether abstract or definitive, aren't enough, it could only mean one thing: you're closer to the truth.

And the truth tells me I'm only human, and I could only know so much.

17 February 2007

lost and found

In less than a week your life could have significant changes.

There's the photo shoot with none other than Sir Bong (Vintage Pop owner) and Mr. Roberto Bellini. There's just some magical vibe down there at Cubao X (or Marikina Shoe Expo) which brings out one's ingenuity, as well as an earnest appreciation for vintage and everything that comes with the idea. Knowing them widened our perspective regarding art and its connotations, and further proved that the fact that no one understands you doesn't make you an artist.

Then there's the wonderful opportunity I was blessed with. I was chosen to be part of the seven-person marketing team flying to Australia (Sydney and Melbourne) in the next week or so. I'll be working as a writer/photojournalist (ads, prospectus etc) and web designer for the company, and we'll be there three weeks. They'll be shouldering all the expenses so it's really great, and I've already met the rest of the group and they're all great people. I can't wait to start working and see the company's plans materialize.

Too many things happening all at the same time, and I can't grasp the middle line. I can always claim I'm searching for myself, but it sounds immensely impersonal coming from me. Maybe because you don't say things like that --- after all, life is an ongoing process of defining who you really are, and we're all trying to live. It could also be because old wounds are exacerbated this way --- when you've found your meaning in other things or people apart from yourself, it all goes downhill when you realize how empty you've been all along.

Or maybe because I've reached this point wherein I've put down all my defenses and realized I've finally let someone else define me. A feasible option, not a very welcome idea. You tell me, because oftentimes it gets too tiring thinking about you.

31 January 2007

hello sunshine

I never got around to writing that New Year post. School has been dreadful, but at least I'm learning --- to perfectly encapsulate my feeling towards this whole thing, limbo. Neither here nor there, not fulfilling but I get the job done. I'm not being antagonistic towards my Nursing student life, but theories and ideas are getting old. I want to be out there --- meaning, application.

Music and photography has been my constant redemption. I've been waiting for Dad's SLR which my cousin borrowed, but then I figured I didn't want to waste time having my pictures developed and scanning them just so I could save them in the computer. So I guess the best thing to do now is wait for my grandparents (who will be here in May, hopefully with Kristoffer) and ask for a digital camera for my birthday. My desire to pass portfolios or head over to go-see days will come to a halt as of now, because it's futile to push through without a professional camera. Imagine editors asking you about your "weapon of choice", or something in that line, and you holding up a 5 megapixel digicam with pink jewel stickers all over. NOT the way to enter the industry haha.

And let me tell you about my Hello Sunshine Boy, who keeps making bizarre entrances into my life but very much welcome nonetheless. He amuses me and he's very odd sometimes, like you can't decipher what he's trying to say, but he's definitely trying to say something. Far from a rock and roll guy, because I've learned from Joni Mitchell. He's smart and well-read, but can also level up with my sense of humour. He has no idea that he's my Hello Sunshine Boy. He makes me happy for several reasons he's not aware of.

As for the year that lies ahead, I'm just thankful for numerous things.
I'm thankful for chances which remind me that I could still push through with things I was hesitant about before, for chances which lead me towards creating something out of peculiar situations.
I'm thankful for people who came into my life the past year. I was going along just fine, then they happened and I don't think anything will ever be the same again. Meeting new people and gaining new friends do that to you --- they give you happiness which solitude has robbed you of.

And I'm thankful for Hello Sunshine Boy. As much as I want to deny the fact that a boy, in fact, is making me happy nowadays, it's just too much to contain. I guess there will always be that feminist part of me (I don't know if it does exist, so maybe I need some psychoanalysis haha), or my tendency to become defiant towards anything remotely cheesy. But then someone who has become quite special can burn it down, and all that's left is me.

It would appear we're indestructible, but when people that we consider important leave, we're left wounded. If you should ever make an exit, Hello Sunshine Boy, I'll be bruised. I can regard them as battlescars, but they're visible nonetheless, proof of how vulnerable love can make you.

But then again, you don't have to condense it into something unequivocal. You don't explain love, you form an affinity with it. It will make itself clear in time. When? Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in another year. Or maybe not ever.

29 December 2006

words and abstract thoughts will be defined

2006 has been a wonderful year for me. Sometimes I wonder why I still keep this blog since I don't write here as much as I used to (some things you just have to keep to yourself), but whenever I'd want to remember what happened throughout the year, I go to my archives and read.

There's a certain magic in remembering things. It's like placing your heart back to who you were once, where you were that very moment, who you were with, what time of day that was, how you felt. Maybe you were happier then, maybe you were miserable, but then here we are right. Each day was a step of faith, and we've come this far.

Year-end posts have a way of releasing our sentimental side. You wonder what happened to you this year, if you've changed, if you've achieved something, if you've gained or lost. But then again, we can never claim to have gone through our lives in mediocrity. Friends made you laugh and heard you cry, helped you through some rough patches. Your family has always been by your side and never thought you a failure, even when it feels like it at times; you felt like nothing to the world, but you were the world to them. People have shown you love is real, you're just refusing to grasp its entirety; you restored your faith in love in the most unexpected places, and in the most unexpected people. There is a blessing in each year, we just have to learn how to single them out like a rose among thorns.

So I'll be writing a comprehensive post about this past year when we get back tomorrow. Persons, memories, places, experiences --- they'll simply be words until we write about them. Then they come alive and live forever.

Much like love. It will always be an abstract thought until we say it. And for me, it translates to YOU. That one exception to the rule.

14 December 2006

back from China

So hey hey, we're back from China. I was hoping we'd get to roam Hongkong when we get there, and possibly take advantage of the wonderful lights by Nathan Road for photo ops hahaha, but alas the bus leaves early and we had to get to the China border before the Immigration closes at midnight. Papa Glenn and his driver Paul were waiting for us there and it's a 2-hour drive down to Guangzhou.

It's still as fascinating as I remember. Well yeah it's always great to go anywhere outside the country, to travel a bit. I can still remember the places near Papa Glenn's place, the shops scattered around Taojin Beilu. We just had two whole days to do everything so we were out by around 9am and have dinner 9pm, and we still go shopping after that hahaha. Unfortunately though, it's really cold there and the clothes are all for winter so we didn't get to buy a lot of them. Anyway it was high time for layering so we donned these clothes which was really fun, like when will I ever get to wear cowboy boots in here right? Language barriers are so uncool, we saw really cute Chinese boys but all they did was smile hahaha. Okay Levina sweetie, I'm gonna tell you I'm kidding because it's not like we're going to talk to strangers and you know I only like one guy (hahaha don't comment here about it I think he reads this! And it's not even the one I was talking about before --- that's nada).

Anyway so. We squeezed in everything in those two days. And Kate and I have tons of pictures because during moments wherein the adults (Papa Glenn, Mommy and Tita Agnes, or just the last two) are discussing or busy with stuff, we pose hahaha. The last night we headed to the spa and had a two-hour massage which was really good. Last day we took the bus to the China border (there's a visa for China so we went thru all that trouble of filling in immigration forms, a bit of questioning from the officers like purpose of stay and such, and dragging the luggage). Then we went straight to the Hongkong airport and waited for the check-in.

click here for more China pictures!!!

Kate was sweating in fear when our hand-carried stuff went through the x-ray because she bought a fox fur thing, complete with a head and tail. I don't know if it's real but I think it is, and I was telling her I saw this sign where exotic animals/animal skins were prohibited. I thought she was gonna faint went her bag came out and the officers there did not question her hahahaha. We bought tons of stuff, mostly bags AND gifts for friends this Christmas. I hope they like them, we spent an insane amount of time trying to choose between prints and stuff hahaha. Our creed: give personalized gifts (like we base them on their personality or preferences, so it takes time to choose) and wrap them well.

TomTom couldn't wait because we bought him a Gameboy. China is the ultimate source for everything, I was telling Levs that we should start another business. Oh-kay, here we go again hahaha. But no really, we bought materials there for a new batch of jewelry we're going to put up. We're supposed to sell a lot of them but we end up wearing what we make so there's nothing left to for the consumers hahaha.

I missed a number of people, China was fun but I can't imagine living there, it would be so lonely.

goodbye to midnight love, midnight music
to all that is the scene
and since I took a step away
i'll head over to you
where the scene will merely be
a voice on the radio
though I haven't told you
this is still honesty
when music has long faded
you're my infinity

That's what I scribbled when I was in China, when I missed you much too much and I just had to put it in words. (to my friends in the know: no, this is NOT cheesecake guy).

06 December 2006

don't evoke the spark

Joni Mitchell-esque moment. Of course it could only be defined as melancholic, but more of a relief actually. I've been scribbling phrases in notepads and only Kate can understand --- who, what, where, when. After all is said and done, he was merely my split second. A lost memory in between transitions.

When you try to evoke the spark
You delve into the dark

* * * * * * * * * *

We're leaving for Hongkong and China on Saturday afternoon. A bazillion photos when we get back hahaha. Hopefully we can buy all the gifts for our friends there, we're done with the list --- specifically, what we're going to give each one. And we've thought of the colors for the wraps this year --- purple and gold. Hahaha.

Lots of things lined up: Conspiracy gig on the 15th, Christmas Cantata and SAYA Christmas costume party on the 17th, dinner with friends probably every single night the week after that, then Christmas party with friends (and Kuya Grif's birthday) on the 22nd, then parties with relatives etc. I love the Christmas season, eveything lights up and you get to see people whom you haven't seen in a long time. And this year is very special because of several reasons which I won't go into now. Let's save it for a year-end post hahaha.

Oh and yes Kate and I are so proud of Tomtom last Sunday when he performed in the Hallelujah Christmas Cruise. He's usually so shy and he slurs when he reads, but surprisingly he can speak well and sing too haha.

Tomtom the Top Dog

I didn't realize old songs could make me so sad. I heard It Might Be You at the drugstore last night and I wanted to cry for no apparent reason. Or maybe I just thought of someone. And the leaving part. Yeah that's it.

24 November 2006

of infinite moments

In the short time that you get to know a person, you will most likely realize three things --- one, that things aren't always what they seem; two, you could learn to love them and therefore let their curiosity (or maybe something more complicated) overshadow your sense of privacy; and three, there could be progress or a relapse in the process.

We can't really tell how things just happen, can we? At what point does one thing end and another begin? Where do we draw the line?

Patience is a virtue. But then again, honesty is, too.

16 November 2006

by the kitchen counter

I learn a lot of things in our kitchen counter. That's where we always have lunch, and since most of my classes are in the afternoon, I still get to eat with my parents. And my Dad talks a lot. Not the nonsense kind. He makes a lot of sense really, but he can be repetitive. I don't mind though, because it's better than a father who doesn't talk at all.

He talks about life, work, principles, changes, generation gap, music, guitars, high school, dates with Mommy, being a young father, restaurants, travel, and everything under the sun. He even talks like this to our friends, which is okay save for some instances when they're surprised that he teaches about life during lunch. And they ask me if he talks like that all the time, which I answer in the affirmative, so they nod in understanding. It's a good indication when he opens up to our friends, because that means he likes them --- you could never force Dad to even make small talk with people he doesn't like.

A few days ago, Dad was into sacrifices. Not the physical kind, but more of what you're willing to give up or leave behind so you could achieve something. He was saying that it's hard when you think about it, but if you stay you'd never know if you could've made it big. That there are things worth leaving behind (at least for some time) in exchange for better opportunities.

And I thought he was secretly talking about Kate and I. I guess they thought (him and Mommy): there'll never be a way to break it gently to these two. Whenever Mommy would mention the fact that I'd graduate a year earlier than Kate, and that I'd have to go off without her (hopefully to Chicago), Kate and I would become so aloof and we just dismiss her. Which is not the right thing to do, but I can't help it.

A friend once asked me if it never occured to me that Kate and I would have to part ways eventually. I always think about it actually, and it makes me sad. It's happiness versus dreams/ambitions. I think of how life would be without her, and it won't be the same --- no more laughing on the sidewalk, no more impromptu trips, no more inside jokes, no more petty fights, no one telling me when I'm being difficult, no one telling me it's okay even when it's not. I remember what she told me once when we were joking around, that it would be hard for her to find a boyfriend someday since she's going to look for my qualities. Then we both laughed, and I told her it's stupid because she can't do the same things we do with a boyfriend. And she said it's the things she wanted to do, so she probably isn't ready to have a boyfriend yet. And that she isn't ready for me to have one.

Maybe we just enjoy doing a lot of things now. We could be anywhere in the world and we'd be happy just because we have each other. Sometimes I wish I could say the same thing about this boy, but when he implies that friendship is not an option, and that it's either you be with him or nothing at all, you know it's time to go. I know I'd be throwing away the two years I was happy being just friends with him, but it's worth it when I think of the years of disappointment I'd have to endure just because I made the wrong choice.

So anyway, I think I've mentioned before that the worst thing for me is when people leave. I feel one's presence, maybe because when people talk, I do listen. When I'm with people close to my heart, I laugh and have a great time and think about it afterwards, how I could go through anything because of moments like that.

And what my Dad said got me thinking. So I told Kate about it that night --- she told me that Daddy and Mommy have a point. That you'd have to sacrifice certain things in order to get what you want. That I won't always be with her, and we would have to lead separate lives eventually. She said a lot of things, then started crying. I didn't know where that came from, and neither did she, so we laughed anyway. It was weird seeing her crying and laughing at the same time, berating herself for acting that way. She said she just couldn't help it when she realized how unhappy things would be when I leave her here.

So I thought, our parents did have a point. We won't always be together. We would have to lead separate lives eventually. But not before we get to do our own plans together, like backpack through Europe and bungee jump or skydive and put up our own exhibit. Or maybe we won't get to do those things unless we start working, so it would take time. I don't know really, it's hard to plan ahead because it almost never happens. There are times when life seems simple, you live and love and and try to make the most out of things and it would be enough. There are times though when it's such a complex idea, where there are other people to consider and lots of unhappiness involved.

We've got more or less two years. Maybe that's enough time to figure things out.

12 November 2006

what's been up

So the past week we cruised through Manila. No actually we just shopped and met up with friends and partied a bit. Monday we were at Greenplace La Salle (spelling?) area with Kate's friends then Glorietta. Then I honestly don't know we went everywhere the next few days, from Makati to the Fort to vintage shops scattered around the metro. Oh welcome back Cheska! Apparently her dreadlocks were a hit in Kansas haha. So Infamita is still officially complete.

I want to read more books. Lately I've been fascinated with Mario Puzo, sorry I'm late with this whole Godfather thing but I still think reading the book's much better. And Frederick Forsythe definitely. Then I borrowed this huge Chronicles of the 20th Century book from Kuya Grif which I might be able to finish in a year or so haha. And Kate's borrowing Perks of being a Wallflower from Cheska dear, who has a great collection of books by the way. But don't ask me about literary bigwigs because I have no idea, like I can't cite wonderful new authors and stuff because I'm not big on those.

Then there's music. We've been alarmingly leaning towards electronic beats or something hahaha. Not entirely though, but I like Peaches and Ladytron and Mickey Avalon and MIA and stuff. Our playlist is really weird, from SRV then it's gonna be Galang by MIA, then it's gonna be Ella Fitzgerald and Clapton, then Aqualung, then Silverchair, then I don't know who else. Yamagata, Orson, and of course the Salindiwa cd. Which reminds me, Rock Awards this year? Last time we went was two years ago I think, back when Kate was in dreads too and we had tunnel earrings haha. The invites then weren't sold yet, we got free ones when December comes around since Dad's clients are also djs at NU107. Anyway we haven't been going the past few times because I found no reason to head over there, but I don't know maybe it'll be fun this year. The Fete this year was sort of a disappointment to me since the vibe was different from that of El Pueblo, the Jazz Festival was even better plus Kristoffer was with us there (I miss you kiddo! I heard you got to talk with Kate the other night, let us know when you get to Chicago and when you get our itty-bitty surprise haha).

Imman (otherwise known as TomTom) is such a good kid and is learning really fast. He bought Kate a really nice fur vest and got the bag I like and other stuff so we got lots of things when they arrived Friday night. Oh and thank you Caly for the chocolates! She just got back from Hawaii and had a nice tan and was so Topshop today which was cute. Patents are real nice in anything, not too much though.

Oh and my dearest Levina called me up yesterday and she's still in Hongkong but will be back soon. Haha I love you LV! Imagine she's in there and we still talk about makeup, like the amazing mascara she was able to buy haha. Can't wait for you to come back, we shopped for beauty products at Beauty Bar when Mom was gone not knowing she bought lots too so we have new ones here. Which spells out --- makeup fair number two hahaha.

Just head over to my multply, tons of new photos --- sportsfest, friends, etc.

Oh and belated Happy Birthday Ate Lorraine! She brought donuts and we ate before Cantata practice.

Ciao. Proper post sometime in the next few days.

03 November 2006

when you think too much

We had the best time ever at Le Granta Resort (Kuya Grif's place) in Laguna. I don't know I think the pictures speak for themselves haha. On our way there we were already laughing so hard. And the place was wonderful. I'd write down every single thing we did there but I'd rather not, basta it was FUN. Apparently the boys are more frivolous than us girls who were there, imagine they had tons of solo shots with these insane poses and they always took pictures of themselves hahaha. But it was mighty funny, we even saw Kuya Grif's snake swallow a live chicken hahaha. Click here to see the pics, including boys emerging from the water and all other stuff.

* * * * * * * * * *

Joni Mitchell has got to be the most depressing songwriter. Cheska (Kate's friend and Infamita lead alright! haha) just got back from the US and she brought Kate a Joni Mitchell Hits cd, which is amazing.

Both Sides, Now
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
Its love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way

But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I''ve changed
Well somethings lost, but something's gained
In living ev'ry day

I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
Its life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all
I've looked at life from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
Its life's illusions I recall
I really dont know life at all

I just love how she writes her songs. It mostly revolves around hippie/rock and roll scene way back, and musicians. What gets to me though is how sadness/regret reverberates through the songs and words --- it's heartbreak solidified.

And haven't we all gone through that at one point or another. People who've disappointed you in some way, people whom you've given your heart to only to break it apart, people whom you've depended on but left you in midair. Chances you refused to take, dreams you've long given up, plans that didn't push through. Friends who've come and gone, relationships that fell apart, love that you let go.

There are times I wonder who I am now. Maybe I'm the same girl I was before, maybe I've changed. Maybe I've taken a new lease on life, maybe I've become jaded. Maybe I've taken my chances, maybe I've taken advantage of things I've been blessed with. Maybe I learned from my mistakes, but then again maybe I keep making those mistakes because in my heart, it's what feels right.

I may not entirely know life, but I know love. It's what kept me up all this time. You love and love until it overshadows the faults, the glitches. It's sort of like a stained glass artwork --- made of broken pieces but when put together, it becomes beautiful.

When I look at life, I don't see illusions at all. I see memories, I see wonderful people who've given love away and in the process, lived life fully. I see places where happiness bounced through walls, I see vivid images. I see friends who've remained the same, photographs of laughter and tears. I see life in detail, not as an abstract thought.

When I look at love, I don't see illusions at all. I see you. And that speaks volumes.

30 October 2006

updates and we're off

So about that photo shoot, the pictures turned out real nice. I mean Jeremy turned Kate into triplets hahaha, and well there are other photos too so click here for the rest.

So Friday night, Mommy prepared tons of food for Pastor Warren and the others who came here with him. Thank goodness it didn't rain because we had the rooftop set up and we all had dinner there. We were so happy he loved everything and he kept repeating it over dinner. My parents invited him again on Saturday night, then Sunday morning he's going to preach in church. He brought a lot books from Papa Noel, and when he was leaving, we told him we sort of knew Amy, his daughter. Haha it was actually because we were able to talk to her on YM when Kristoffer went back to Chicago, his friends were always there and they watched movies or something. We also got to know Haylie and Felipe hahaha. Anyway, Pastor Warren told Kate and I a few things about his kids then we took pictures and he left.

Oh Kakoy gave us a Salindiwa cd! The cover can actually be formed into a box, with the lyrics and everything printed all over. He assembled it here and it was so nice that you can put it up in your room, which was what we did haha. And we've been playing the cd nonstop because the songs are amazing --- we particularly like Zeros and Ones & For Years. But they were all great you should go listen to it. Sayang we weren't able to go to Alabang for their album preview party. There's no way I'm going back there without our own vehicle, remember when we stalked (haha) Constantine there last year? Kakoy said he'll let us know when they have the formal launch or something, I hope it's in Metro Manila hahahaha. Oh and we were mentioned in the album! Awww I really love that band, can't wait to see them play again.

So. Can you believe my little brother is now an official Boy Scout? We went to his school for the ceremonies and watched him do all these hand gestures and poses hahaha which was so funny, along with his neckerchief and the carabao thing.

Saturday, we headed to STC for the fair and to watch Gia's dance production. I can still remember my senior year when we had our own, tiring but definitely worth it. Aww I miss my IV-1 classmates! Has it really been four years already? I mean when I meet them and realize that some are working, some are about to graduate, some have left the country, I can't believe we were the same highschool girls who drew teachers in class, and made songs, and ate, and everything hahahaha. There has to be a reunion, it would be great fun. And my FORK bandmates! Hahaha the practices here in my house were insane, we always ate street food before and after. And we sucked big time but they were waiting for our band because we had the coolest bandmates hahaha. SO anyway, I wasn't able to meet Pap I think she left already when we got there. We just met Kate's friends then left to have lunch.

Sunday was Family Day in church so there was the picture-taking after services. Kate was supposed to play the guitar and I'll sing at SAYA because it was the anniversary, but after everyone else sang we were so embarassed since I have an awful voice and Kate was so nervous her fingers were shaking hahaha. Good thing we convinces Kuya O to move it next week na lang so we can practice more, and there'll be less people. Anyway, more pictures here (from Saturday and Sunday).

the crew with Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna

We're still contemplating whether we'll share the booth with Charm on Thursday and Friday next week in front of Megamall. There'll be a bazaar and we can sell our goods (jewelry) there, but some people including LV sweetness just bought a few so we don't really have a lot of pieces right now. Unless we make them before then, which I highly doubt since we'll be having adventures starting Monday hahaha.

Dad, Mom and TomTom will be leaving for Hongkong/China on Sunday afternoon. LV how can you do this to me! HAHA I remember that bit of skin you pulled it hurts so bad I tell you. We didn't go with them to Hongkong because we knew she'd be staying here in Manila, but her Mom just called her up and told her to pack her bags because she's going to Hongkong ---- and take this, for being a good girl. HAHAHA. I wanted to see their house there pa naman, and she would have taken us to the really good shops there, and I wanted to see her school, etc. It would've been nice to see the place with someone who's lived there all her life haha but now our lonely hearts will be staying here. Actually no, not really lonely because we have a lot lined up for next week, much more fun if she was here lang.

Okay gots to go, we still have to pack some stuff for later. We're off to Caliraya for an overnight with friends. Be back Wednesday evening.

Oh and Happy Birthday Mikko! Tol we haven't seen each other in, what, a year? That's not good you have to plan a birthday dinner or something soon! HAHA love you artsy partner!

22 October 2006

everything is potentially beautiful

I'm actually wracking my brain, or heart, for something intellectual or heartfelt I could write down. It's been a long time since I wrote something which required actual mental activity, all I did was write down what I've been doing. Not that it's a bad thing, right, because they're a huge deal to me after all and I treasure every moment. But sometimes because of wanting to document everything, we tend to become technical. Devoid of any emotion. It becomes merely a routine, a list.

Not that I'd want to go back to writing at the height of depression, although admittedly, my entries are extremely emotional. Those are now immortalized in my archives, mainly as my personal reference --- here I go again with my "if it was that bad then, this couldn't get any worse" philosophy.

This is kind of funny, sitting in front of the computer and internalizing, trying to figure out how I really feel. As if I'm waiting for happiness to inflict some physical manifestation.

Which leads me to the realization that it's pointless. I take happiness in the silliest things --- in staying up late with Kate, in hanging out with friends, in seeing and talking with him, in talking with my parents, in spoiling my younger siblings, in everything. So it's futile to psychoanalyze, because I AM happy. I'm not claiming I'm this extremely positive person who breaks into song while walking on the street, but we have to live after all. Everything is potentially beautiful.

Anyway. Pictures of the rooftop dinner for friends here! Sooo much fun hahaha. We played badminton afterwards. We should do that again, next time with longer hours for badminton, not eating hahahaha.

In other news. We're not going to Hongkong with Dad, Mommy and TomTom. I was expecting that LV sweetie (hahaha that's how I call her) would be there to visit her Dad, but he's gonna be visiting her instead so we have no one who could be with us since we didn't want to go to Disneyland. We told Dad that we're just going to shop here haha. They're leaving 5th of November I think.

Oh and new pictures and icons later. We had this photo shoot (wowww haha) with Hej and some friends for the SAYA poster or something. I'm waiting for him to send it in hahaha.