30 October 2006
updates and we're off
So about that photo shoot, the pictures turned out real nice. I mean Jeremy turned Kate into triplets hahaha, and well there are other photos too so click here for the rest.

So Friday night, Mommy prepared tons of food for Pastor Warren and the others who came here with him. Thank goodness it didn't rain because we had the rooftop set up and we all had dinner there. We were so happy he loved everything and he kept repeating it over dinner. My parents invited him again on Saturday night, then Sunday morning he's going to preach in church. He brought a lot books from Papa Noel, and when he was leaving, we told him we sort of knew Amy, his daughter. Haha it was actually because we were able to talk to her on YM when Kristoffer went back to Chicago, his friends were always there and they watched movies or something. We also got to know Haylie and Felipe hahaha. Anyway, Pastor Warren told Kate and I a few things about his kids then we took pictures and he left.

Oh Kakoy gave us a Salindiwa cd! The cover can actually be formed into a box, with the lyrics and everything printed all over. He assembled it here and it was so nice that you can put it up in your room, which was what we did haha. And we've been playing the cd nonstop because the songs are amazing --- we particularly like Zeros and Ones & For Years. But they were all great you should go listen to it. Sayang we weren't able to go to Alabang for their album preview party. There's no way I'm going back there without our own vehicle, remember when we stalked (haha) Constantine there last year? Kakoy said he'll let us know when they have the formal launch or something, I hope it's in Metro Manila hahahaha. Oh and we were mentioned in the album! Awww I really love that band, can't wait to see them play again.
So. Can you believe my little brother is now an official Boy Scout? We went to his school for the ceremonies and watched him do all these hand gestures and poses hahaha which was so funny, along with his neckerchief and the carabao thing.

Saturday, we headed to STC for the fair and to watch Gia's dance production. I can still remember my senior year when we had our own, tiring but definitely worth it. Aww I miss my IV-1 classmates! Has it really been four years already? I mean when I meet them and realize that some are working, some are about to graduate, some have left the country, I can't believe we were the same highschool girls who drew teachers in class, and made songs, and ate, and everything hahahaha. There has to be a reunion, it would be great fun. And my FORK bandmates! Hahaha the practices here in my house were insane, we always ate street food before and after. And we sucked big time but they were waiting for our band because we had the coolest bandmates hahaha. SO anyway, I wasn't able to meet Pap I think she left already when we got there. We just met Kate's friends then left to have lunch.
Sunday was Family Day in church so there was the picture-taking after services. Kate was supposed to play the guitar and I'll sing at SAYA because it was the anniversary, but after everyone else sang we were so embarassed since I have an awful voice and Kate was so nervous her fingers were shaking hahaha. Good thing we convinces Kuya O to move it next week na lang so we can practice more, and there'll be less people. Anyway, more pictures here (from Saturday and Sunday).

the crew with Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna
We're still contemplating whether we'll share the booth with Charm on Thursday and Friday next week in front of Megamall. There'll be a bazaar and we can sell our goods (jewelry) there, but some people including LV sweetness just bought a few so we don't really have a lot of pieces right now. Unless we make them before then, which I highly doubt since we'll be having adventures starting Monday hahaha.
Dad, Mom and TomTom will be leaving for Hongkong/China on Sunday afternoon. LV how can you do this to me! HAHA I remember that bit of skin you pulled it hurts so bad I tell you. We didn't go with them to Hongkong because we knew she'd be staying here in Manila, but her Mom just called her up and told her to pack her bags because she's going to Hongkong ---- and take this, for being a good girl. HAHAHA. I wanted to see their house there pa naman, and she would have taken us to the really good shops there, and I wanted to see her school, etc. It would've been nice to see the place with someone who's lived there all her life haha but now our lonely hearts will be staying here. Actually no, not really lonely because we have a lot lined up for next week, much more fun if she was here lang.
Okay gots to go, we still have to pack some stuff for later. We're off to Caliraya for an overnight with friends. Be back Wednesday evening.
Oh and Happy Birthday Mikko! Tol we haven't seen each other in, what, a year? That's not good you have to plan a birthday dinner or something soon! HAHA love you artsy partner!

So Friday night, Mommy prepared tons of food for Pastor Warren and the others who came here with him. Thank goodness it didn't rain because we had the rooftop set up and we all had dinner there. We were so happy he loved everything and he kept repeating it over dinner. My parents invited him again on Saturday night, then Sunday morning he's going to preach in church. He brought a lot books from Papa Noel, and when he was leaving, we told him we sort of knew Amy, his daughter. Haha it was actually because we were able to talk to her on YM when Kristoffer went back to Chicago, his friends were always there and they watched movies or something. We also got to know Haylie and Felipe hahaha. Anyway, Pastor Warren told Kate and I a few things about his kids then we took pictures and he left.

Oh Kakoy gave us a Salindiwa cd! The cover can actually be formed into a box, with the lyrics and everything printed all over. He assembled it here and it was so nice that you can put it up in your room, which was what we did haha. And we've been playing the cd nonstop because the songs are amazing --- we particularly like Zeros and Ones & For Years. But they were all great you should go listen to it. Sayang we weren't able to go to Alabang for their album preview party. There's no way I'm going back there without our own vehicle, remember when we stalked (haha) Constantine there last year? Kakoy said he'll let us know when they have the formal launch or something, I hope it's in Metro Manila hahahaha. Oh and we were mentioned in the album! Awww I really love that band, can't wait to see them play again.
So. Can you believe my little brother is now an official Boy Scout? We went to his school for the ceremonies and watched him do all these hand gestures and poses hahaha which was so funny, along with his neckerchief and the carabao thing.

Saturday, we headed to STC for the fair and to watch Gia's dance production. I can still remember my senior year when we had our own, tiring but definitely worth it. Aww I miss my IV-1 classmates! Has it really been four years already? I mean when I meet them and realize that some are working, some are about to graduate, some have left the country, I can't believe we were the same highschool girls who drew teachers in class, and made songs, and ate, and everything hahahaha. There has to be a reunion, it would be great fun. And my FORK bandmates! Hahaha the practices here in my house were insane, we always ate street food before and after. And we sucked big time but they were waiting for our band because we had the coolest bandmates hahaha. SO anyway, I wasn't able to meet Pap I think she left already when we got there. We just met Kate's friends then left to have lunch.
Sunday was Family Day in church so there was the picture-taking after services. Kate was supposed to play the guitar and I'll sing at SAYA because it was the anniversary, but after everyone else sang we were so embarassed since I have an awful voice and Kate was so nervous her fingers were shaking hahaha. Good thing we convinces Kuya O to move it next week na lang so we can practice more, and there'll be less people. Anyway, more pictures here (from Saturday and Sunday).

the crew with Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna
We're still contemplating whether we'll share the booth with Charm on Thursday and Friday next week in front of Megamall. There'll be a bazaar and we can sell our goods (jewelry) there, but some people including LV sweetness just bought a few so we don't really have a lot of pieces right now. Unless we make them before then, which I highly doubt since we'll be having adventures starting Monday hahaha.
Dad, Mom and TomTom will be leaving for Hongkong/China on Sunday afternoon. LV how can you do this to me! HAHA I remember that bit of skin you pulled it hurts so bad I tell you. We didn't go with them to Hongkong because we knew she'd be staying here in Manila, but her Mom just called her up and told her to pack her bags because she's going to Hongkong ---- and take this, for being a good girl. HAHAHA. I wanted to see their house there pa naman, and she would have taken us to the really good shops there, and I wanted to see her school, etc. It would've been nice to see the place with someone who's lived there all her life haha but now our lonely hearts will be staying here. Actually no, not really lonely because we have a lot lined up for next week, much more fun if she was here lang.
Okay gots to go, we still have to pack some stuff for later. We're off to Caliraya for an overnight with friends. Be back Wednesday evening.
Oh and Happy Birthday Mikko! Tol we haven't seen each other in, what, a year? That's not good you have to plan a birthday dinner or something soon! HAHA love you artsy partner!
22 October 2006
everything is potentially beautiful
I'm actually wracking my brain, or heart, for something intellectual or heartfelt I could write down. It's been a long time since I wrote something which required actual mental activity, all I did was write down what I've been doing. Not that it's a bad thing, right, because they're a huge deal to me after all and I treasure every moment. But sometimes because of wanting to document everything, we tend to become technical. Devoid of any emotion. It becomes merely a routine, a list.
Not that I'd want to go back to writing at the height of depression, although admittedly, my entries are extremely emotional. Those are now immortalized in my archives, mainly as my personal reference --- here I go again with my "if it was that bad then, this couldn't get any worse" philosophy.
This is kind of funny, sitting in front of the computer and internalizing, trying to figure out how I really feel. As if I'm waiting for happiness to inflict some physical manifestation.
Which leads me to the realization that it's pointless. I take happiness in the silliest things --- in staying up late with Kate, in hanging out with friends, in seeing and talking with him, in talking with my parents, in spoiling my younger siblings, in everything. So it's futile to psychoanalyze, because I AM happy. I'm not claiming I'm this extremely positive person who breaks into song while walking on the street, but we have to live after all. Everything is potentially beautiful.
Anyway. Pictures of the rooftop dinner for friends here! Sooo much fun hahaha. We played badminton afterwards. We should do that again, next time with longer hours for badminton, not eating hahahaha.
In other news. We're not going to Hongkong with Dad, Mommy and TomTom. I was expecting that LV sweetie (hahaha that's how I call her) would be there to visit her Dad, but he's gonna be visiting her instead so we have no one who could be with us since we didn't want to go to Disneyland. We told Dad that we're just going to shop here haha. They're leaving 5th of November I think.
Oh and new pictures and icons later. We had this photo shoot (wowww haha) with Hej and some friends for the SAYA poster or something. I'm waiting for him to send it in hahaha.
Not that I'd want to go back to writing at the height of depression, although admittedly, my entries are extremely emotional. Those are now immortalized in my archives, mainly as my personal reference --- here I go again with my "if it was that bad then, this couldn't get any worse" philosophy.
This is kind of funny, sitting in front of the computer and internalizing, trying to figure out how I really feel. As if I'm waiting for happiness to inflict some physical manifestation.
Which leads me to the realization that it's pointless. I take happiness in the silliest things --- in staying up late with Kate, in hanging out with friends, in seeing and talking with him, in talking with my parents, in spoiling my younger siblings, in everything. So it's futile to psychoanalyze, because I AM happy. I'm not claiming I'm this extremely positive person who breaks into song while walking on the street, but we have to live after all. Everything is potentially beautiful.
Anyway. Pictures of the rooftop dinner for friends here! Sooo much fun hahaha. We played badminton afterwards. We should do that again, next time with longer hours for badminton, not eating hahahaha.
In other news. We're not going to Hongkong with Dad, Mommy and TomTom. I was expecting that LV sweetie (hahaha that's how I call her) would be there to visit her Dad, but he's gonna be visiting her instead so we have no one who could be with us since we didn't want to go to Disneyland. We told Dad that we're just going to shop here haha. They're leaving 5th of November I think.
Oh and new pictures and icons later. We had this photo shoot (wowww haha) with Hej and some friends for the SAYA poster or something. I'm waiting for him to send it in hahaha.
19 October 2006
hey hey what's up
Look at what Jeremy did! Hahaha I lovveeet.

So last Sunday was Pastor's Appreciation. After the morning service we headed to the mall with friends and sort of accompanied Kuya Ozep who bought plates as a wedding gift. And we took lots of pictures everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE

so guess where this is hahaha
Moving right along. That afternoon was the western/conutry style service, so we had bluegrass church music and we donned cowgirl/cowboy stuff. Then more pictures.

Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna with my family

yayyy church friends
( more more pictures from that day here )
I don't have anything remotely interesting (at least to some of you haha) that I can say as of now. Ill just relate the fun fun tale of my past week, which has been extremely busy because of the finals.
Oh yeah I met up with Charm yesterday because she texted me that she wanted to go on an ukay rampage. Why not. I even saw Bitoy (of Blue Jean Junkies --- great band) in the second floor of one shop, apparently that's where their office is. And we went to Marikina Shoe Expo. Wait I think it's not called that way anymore, it's now Cubao X or something, I'm not sure though. There were art galleries scattered there. Oh Charm we should do that too! We were thinking of having something like that too, but with more of a glam/feminine vibe. There were also massage places, vintage shops (I found vintage shades which are similar to the pieces sold at I Love You! hahaha), and quaint cafes. We're going back soon and we'll bring Kate and Meri and everyone else who would like to come. Girls day out hahaha.

me and Charm

why is Charm so wholesome hahahaha
So I left Charm at Taco Bell and headed to West Av where my family awaits me haha. Oh no I didn't leave her at Taco Bell pala, she went with me outside Gateway and waited till I got a cab. So. Daddy and Mommy treated two couples (friends from church) to dinner with us so basically the adults were talking and Kate, TomTom and I were taking pictures. And TomTom devoured every piece of shrimp in there hahahaha. I made funny icons look!

TomTom is the coolest!

and we are idiots hahaha. no not really
( more pics in here. see kate and her leggings! hahaha )
I was actually sooo mad this morning because my dance partner in PE class did not show up. We practiced yesterday and everything was going well, then she just didn't show up. No calls, no text messages. I had to ask her friend what happened and there was some problem with her parents I think. I hate to sound like I don't care, but THIS IS OUR FINAL EXAM and what am I supposed to do right. I had to find another partner and teach the steps ugh. And she has Kate's dress and shoes, because she borrowed them yesterday for the dance nga.
I'm off. Party tonight for our circle of friends in church. Should be great fun hahaha I just hope we don't play the history or love story. At least not in front of my parents that's so embarassing haha.

So last Sunday was Pastor's Appreciation. After the morning service we headed to the mall with friends and sort of accompanied Kuya Ozep who bought plates as a wedding gift. And we took lots of pictures everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE

so guess where this is hahaha
Moving right along. That afternoon was the western/conutry style service, so we had bluegrass church music and we donned cowgirl/cowboy stuff. Then more pictures.

Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna with my family

yayyy church friends
( more more pictures from that day here )
I don't have anything remotely interesting (at least to some of you haha) that I can say as of now. Ill just relate the fun fun tale of my past week, which has been extremely busy because of the finals.
Oh yeah I met up with Charm yesterday because she texted me that she wanted to go on an ukay rampage. Why not. I even saw Bitoy (of Blue Jean Junkies --- great band) in the second floor of one shop, apparently that's where their office is. And we went to Marikina Shoe Expo. Wait I think it's not called that way anymore, it's now Cubao X or something, I'm not sure though. There were art galleries scattered there. Oh Charm we should do that too! We were thinking of having something like that too, but with more of a glam/feminine vibe. There were also massage places, vintage shops (I found vintage shades which are similar to the pieces sold at I Love You! hahaha), and quaint cafes. We're going back soon and we'll bring Kate and Meri and everyone else who would like to come. Girls day out hahaha.

me and Charm

why is Charm so wholesome hahahaha
So I left Charm at Taco Bell and headed to West Av where my family awaits me haha. Oh no I didn't leave her at Taco Bell pala, she went with me outside Gateway and waited till I got a cab. So. Daddy and Mommy treated two couples (friends from church) to dinner with us so basically the adults were talking and Kate, TomTom and I were taking pictures. And TomTom devoured every piece of shrimp in there hahahaha. I made funny icons look!

TomTom is the coolest!

and we are idiots hahaha. no not really
( more pics in here. see kate and her leggings! hahaha )
I was actually sooo mad this morning because my dance partner in PE class did not show up. We practiced yesterday and everything was going well, then she just didn't show up. No calls, no text messages. I had to ask her friend what happened and there was some problem with her parents I think. I hate to sound like I don't care, but THIS IS OUR FINAL EXAM and what am I supposed to do right. I had to find another partner and teach the steps ugh. And she has Kate's dress and shoes, because she borrowed them yesterday for the dance nga.
I'm off. Party tonight for our circle of friends in church. Should be great fun hahaha I just hope we don't play the history or love story. At least not in front of my parents that's so embarassing haha.
09 October 2006
i have new hair
So we did some experimentation haha last week and I ended up with reddish hair. I wanted brown but well I kind of like it, thanks to Kate. I got bored with my perpetually black hair so. But I badly need some hair treatment because it's too dry. Since when did I become too frivolous with hair HAHA this is because of you Levina.
Last week was full. Monday and Tuesday we were in Amoranto I think for the sportsfest and stuff. Then I've been reviewing for the Battery Exam, which we took last Saturday. That's in between my classes. Then Saturday night Levs came over since we had to go to school before 4am to get nice seats on the bus --- no way, middle seats. We actually didn't sleep, we just talked a lot and ate and had our mini makeup fair. Kate got a makeover for a younger look because people always thought she was older than me. So we went to 7-11 to buy batteries and drinks, then Jollibee for our food.
I got the window seat yayyy. Levs was beside me. Kate was in another bus, IN A MIDDLE SEAT, poor thing. We went to this orphanage where they took in 9 kids with cerebral palsy --- 4 of them can walk but sort of limping, and the remaining 5 cannot move at all and are spastic. We dropped off the groceries we brought, had some interaction, and left before lunch. Went to Mahogany Market and bought fruits --- Levs got some pineapples and mangosteen, and I bought bananas. Headed to the picnic place (I forgot the name haha) where we ate lunch and slept in our red blanket hahaha. And took pictures.

kate levs me

kate me levs
( more pics here )
But it was a really long day. When we got home we showered and headed to church for the Cantata practice, since it was gonna be the last night that the positions and stuff will be taught. Almost 11pm when we got home.
It's Kristoffer's birthday today! We called him up first thing in the morning (morning in South Carolina hahaha) and greeted him, including TomTom and Mommy. Dad had dinner with Tito Lito so he wasn't able to greet him. Awww I miss Hunkypunky, at least he's online 24hours a day so we can talk on the phone hahaha. Love you tons Kristoffer! Be good. And study hard HAHAHA well I'm your Ate so I can pester you with that. And fix your laptop hello so we can talk and send files and stuff.
Oh and Dad was invited at Meralco for the Octoberfest, so they're playing there on the 27th I think. I hope they play blues and none of the stuff they were asked to play the last time to cater to the crowd. I still want to play the harmonica but I never get to practice anymore, I just don't have enough motivation hahaha. I need to be able to watch a great blues band with a blues harp guy again.
Levs was telling me that we should've come with her to Embassy that night after we went to UP Theatre and had dinner at Greenbelt. We couldn't because we only said we were gonna have dinner and nowhere to go after. We were in the VIP list with her, thanks to her friend HAHA. Anyways we could always go next time, and we might be in Hongkong with her at the end of the month (MIGHT being the operative word, since Dad and Mommy are still planning things hehehe).
This week I saw this boy I really really liked before, who eventually became a good friend. He's still the same --- tall, dashing, and really talkative. I might be seeing more of him soon hahaha. And Kate went into overdrive about this boy AGAIN when she saw him, because she liked his friend. Whateverrr it's too complicated. No actually it isn't because I'm pretty sure this is just one of those welcome (very welcome indeed haha) distractions that lead nowhere. And like what's the point really, we're all friends and we sometimes hang out and have dinner or watch them play. So it all boils down to the fact that: romantic quotient is ZERO.
I'm tired. Remember to cleansetonemoisturize HAHA.
Last week was full. Monday and Tuesday we were in Amoranto I think for the sportsfest and stuff. Then I've been reviewing for the Battery Exam, which we took last Saturday. That's in between my classes. Then Saturday night Levs came over since we had to go to school before 4am to get nice seats on the bus --- no way, middle seats. We actually didn't sleep, we just talked a lot and ate and had our mini makeup fair. Kate got a makeover for a younger look because people always thought she was older than me. So we went to 7-11 to buy batteries and drinks, then Jollibee for our food.
I got the window seat yayyy. Levs was beside me. Kate was in another bus, IN A MIDDLE SEAT, poor thing. We went to this orphanage where they took in 9 kids with cerebral palsy --- 4 of them can walk but sort of limping, and the remaining 5 cannot move at all and are spastic. We dropped off the groceries we brought, had some interaction, and left before lunch. Went to Mahogany Market and bought fruits --- Levs got some pineapples and mangosteen, and I bought bananas. Headed to the picnic place (I forgot the name haha) where we ate lunch and slept in our red blanket hahaha. And took pictures.

kate levs me

kate me levs
( more pics here )
But it was a really long day. When we got home we showered and headed to church for the Cantata practice, since it was gonna be the last night that the positions and stuff will be taught. Almost 11pm when we got home.
It's Kristoffer's birthday today! We called him up first thing in the morning (morning in South Carolina hahaha) and greeted him, including TomTom and Mommy. Dad had dinner with Tito Lito so he wasn't able to greet him. Awww I miss Hunkypunky, at least he's online 24hours a day so we can talk on the phone hahaha. Love you tons Kristoffer! Be good. And study hard HAHAHA well I'm your Ate so I can pester you with that. And fix your laptop hello so we can talk and send files and stuff.
Oh and Dad was invited at Meralco for the Octoberfest, so they're playing there on the 27th I think. I hope they play blues and none of the stuff they were asked to play the last time to cater to the crowd. I still want to play the harmonica but I never get to practice anymore, I just don't have enough motivation hahaha. I need to be able to watch a great blues band with a blues harp guy again.
Levs was telling me that we should've come with her to Embassy that night after we went to UP Theatre and had dinner at Greenbelt. We couldn't because we only said we were gonna have dinner and nowhere to go after. We were in the VIP list with her, thanks to her friend HAHA. Anyways we could always go next time, and we might be in Hongkong with her at the end of the month (MIGHT being the operative word, since Dad and Mommy are still planning things hehehe).
This week I saw this boy I really really liked before, who eventually became a good friend. He's still the same --- tall, dashing, and really talkative. I might be seeing more of him soon hahaha. And Kate went into overdrive about this boy AGAIN when she saw him, because she liked his friend. Whateverrr it's too complicated. No actually it isn't because I'm pretty sure this is just one of those welcome (very welcome indeed haha) distractions that lead nowhere. And like what's the point really, we're all friends and we sometimes hang out and have dinner or watch them play. So it all boils down to the fact that: romantic quotient is ZERO.
I'm tired. Remember to cleansetonemoisturize HAHA.
01 October 2006
back to civilization
So I'm glad everyone's okay after that supertyphoon last Thursday. The last thing I remember doing before we got thrown into the wilderness was having dinner Wednesday night hahaha.
Well anyway, Wednesday night we had to go to the UP Theatre to watch this beauty pageant. Foundation Week, okay, so no choice really. Actually we got there late and left earlier than everyone else because we didn't want to fight for a cab hahaha. Levs was saying it was like the diva attitude HAHA, the arriving late and leaving early thing. There was nothing special about it, just a bunch of girls and boys embarassing themselves because they could not comprehend the judges' questions.
It was just Me, Kate and Levs that night because Maan and Tina could not make it. We headed to Greenbelt and had dinner at Bollywood which was wonderful, I tell you. When we arrived there were live musicians playing Indian instruments, then we were seated beside the television so we could watch the Indian film they were currently showing HAHA. OMG but the food was awesome, go ask Kate and Levs. We finished everything. So then we went down and Grif joined us for coffee at Coffee Bean. His place is near Greenbelt lang so he dropped by, and he was a bit sick that night. Well we had fun talking, it was great so we stayed a little later haha. Then Levs got a cab after and went to Embassy, Kate and I got a cab and went home, and Grif got a cab too I think 'cause he didn't bring his car. Thanks guys tons of fun that night!
( pics from that night )
So well the next thing I remember is waking up without electricity Thursday morning, then the supertyphoon in the afternoon. So yeah Thursday morning to Sunday morning --- NO ELECTRICITY. So no way we could charge, right, which means no phone and mp3 whatever too. Good thing Grif dropped by Friday to lend me the book he was talking about (ang daya he had eletricity all this time in his condo! hehe), so yes I read that the entire day and finished it Saturday morning.
It's so hard NOT to have electricity, we can't do anything. But it's better than not having water right, which was the case for some areas like Las PiƱas I think. Last night we walked to 711 to buy anything cold, but went home empty-handed. Kate and I even got tired of talking, so it must be that bad HAHA.
Happy Birthday Fiorelle! I sent you a message haha. I miss your LIVELY thing, hopefully I'll see you guys soon. And Kristoffer! I got your message haha. I'm so sorry we haven't been able to go online recently. Want us to call you up again? HAHAHA. And how's your laptop? We love you (Kate and Tomtom too).
Well anyway, Wednesday night we had to go to the UP Theatre to watch this beauty pageant. Foundation Week, okay, so no choice really. Actually we got there late and left earlier than everyone else because we didn't want to fight for a cab hahaha. Levs was saying it was like the diva attitude HAHA, the arriving late and leaving early thing. There was nothing special about it, just a bunch of girls and boys embarassing themselves because they could not comprehend the judges' questions.
It was just Me, Kate and Levs that night because Maan and Tina could not make it. We headed to Greenbelt and had dinner at Bollywood which was wonderful, I tell you. When we arrived there were live musicians playing Indian instruments, then we were seated beside the television so we could watch the Indian film they were currently showing HAHA. OMG but the food was awesome, go ask Kate and Levs. We finished everything. So then we went down and Grif joined us for coffee at Coffee Bean. His place is near Greenbelt lang so he dropped by, and he was a bit sick that night. Well we had fun talking, it was great so we stayed a little later haha. Then Levs got a cab after and went to Embassy, Kate and I got a cab and went home, and Grif got a cab too I think 'cause he didn't bring his car. Thanks guys tons of fun that night!
( pics from that night )
So well the next thing I remember is waking up without electricity Thursday morning, then the supertyphoon in the afternoon. So yeah Thursday morning to Sunday morning --- NO ELECTRICITY. So no way we could charge, right, which means no phone and mp3 whatever too. Good thing Grif dropped by Friday to lend me the book he was talking about (ang daya he had eletricity all this time in his condo! hehe), so yes I read that the entire day and finished it Saturday morning.
It's so hard NOT to have electricity, we can't do anything. But it's better than not having water right, which was the case for some areas like Las PiƱas I think. Last night we walked to 711 to buy anything cold, but went home empty-handed. Kate and I even got tired of talking, so it must be that bad HAHA.
Happy Birthday Fiorelle! I sent you a message haha. I miss your LIVELY thing, hopefully I'll see you guys soon. And Kristoffer! I got your message haha. I'm so sorry we haven't been able to go online recently. Want us to call you up again? HAHAHA. And how's your laptop? We love you (Kate and Tomtom too).