22 September 2006

hi mom we miss you!

I miss Mommy. I brought her to the airport Tuesday morning and I was glad she wasn't boarding PAL because that part is boring haha. I like the other international flights, there's considerably more people and better lighting. Anyway yeah she was in China that afternoon and has been shopping since haha.

But we all miss her, especially Dad. They burn the (cell)phone lines all day hahaha. Mommy made sure everything was taken care of before she left, so the helpers know what to do and cook or reheat haha. I make Dad's coffee --- I think I've mentioned before that he's very particular with that, so Mommy taught me how kasi otherwise he won't drink it. I wake up terribly early every morning to wake up TomTom, dress him up for school, let him eat breakfast and see him off when the school bus arrives. We prepare Dad's snacks and drinks, and since Mommy left we've eaten out every night.

tomtom and kate

Can't wait for Sunday. Her flight will arrive 11am, so Dad and TomTom will go fetch her. She texts Kate and I often too, telling us what she's recently bought haha. God I miss her, I even miss her nagging. You see, she doesn't leave alone very often, most of the time it's with Dad so we're not used to being Mom-less hahaha. Also, can't wait for the family trip this October hopefully. We wouldn't want to move it further than that, it's gonna be winter I think in Hongkong and there'll be no clothes to shop for which we can actually use in this country hahaha.

me and tomtom

Foundation Week next week so there should be very few classes. Or no classes at all. Then we'd be forced to watch beauty pageants which totally make NO sense to me, and attend ball games or ceremonies whatnot for our class attendance. But yeah well we've planned to watch the one at UP Theatre on Wednesday night so we could have dinner out afterwards with Lev, Tina and Maan. Sayang we were supposed to go to Ateneo tonight for the Fiesta Bossa Nova or something because Mon invited us over, then Jo and a few of Kate's STC friends will be there. BUT Mon could not make it at the last minute, and hello she's the one from there right and she won't be coming so we decided against going na lang.

hi mom we miss you! i miss you too but i was taking the picture haha

So yeah this week things are sort of on slow-mo or pause or whatever because I've become the governess again HAHA.

Oh I read another one of James Patterson's books and it's sobfest all over again HAHAHA. They're so sad and beautiful --- after reading it, I wanted to tell everyone whom I cared about how much I love them. They're a huge deal to me, and besides what would matter when you strip your life of everything else right. I never liked the idea of people leaving, and I never will --- I think of all the things I'm willing to give up for them to stay, and it's everything. Then I start thinking of how I should NOT have let them come too close in the first place so they won't ever be able to hurt me, but it's pointless. You could never force yourself to love or un-love someone, it just happens.

What are we but our stories. I read that from the book. We live, we love. Sometimes I think of how I tend to spend my time doing something I thought was relevant but turns out to be a disappointment, and I wish I could discern what matters most in life. I think I'm starting to learn though. I could only hope it's enough to keep them.

18 September 2006

funfun week

So ok last week we went to this party in an art gallery for a friend who had an exhibit and it was fun. Pieces are reminiscent of Vintage Pop items I think, very avant-garde, so it was nice. Went home earlier than usual though since Kate had an early class the next day. We saw a handful of musicians, celebrities and socialites but whateverrr, they were probably there for publicity HAHA.

jeremy kate me davey calvin / kate me calvin and his funny hair haha

yaaay the whole crew after dinner

Then Friday night we went out with new friends haha. We were supposed to go somewhere else but headed to Eastwood instead --- had dinner then dessert and drinks. Allan got there when we already finished dinner, and too bad Grif wasn't able to follow. We had GREAT FUN that night, and the part where we were chilling at Pasto and played truth or consequence was superb! HAHA. I think that's where things started to pick up. On second thought, we were already having a great time nung dinner pa lang so. HAHA. Then they had all these crazy consequences but they were so funny. And we saw Heart Evangelista pala, apparently she isn't that tall, and it was funny kasi we bought a copy of Mega's September issue (the best-dressed one) that night din and she was on the cover.

ate carol ate rhoda caly / calvin mizjey ate carol

dessert and drinks at Pasto / funfunfun

can't resist posting their photo, they're too cute --- kate and caly :-)

The questions had the same pattern though, haha. Ah, revelations. But it was all good, it was wonderful getting to know all of them a bit more, past the usual hello's in church. We had a grand time laughing, Ate Rhoda says the funniest things hahaha. Before we left we even had this last question where everybody answered. I think it was almost 2am when we left Eastwood, then took a cab with Ate Carol and Ate Rhoda.

my favorite for the night hahaaha --- ate rhoda and calvin

( more pictures here from Friday night at Eastwood hahaha )

In other news. Our Hongkong/China trip will be moved for October I think. Pastor Boyd and Ma'am Donna will arrive on the 28th, so the Pastor's Appreciation Sunday will be on October 1. We wouldn't want to miss that, plus it's gonna be Bluegrass music for that particular Sunday so Dad will be playing his banjo I think. BUT we still can't leave the week after because it's my battery exam on October 7th, then Tagaytay for school on the 8th. At least that'll give Dad more time to organize the work he's gonna leave. But we really want to leave na, especially TomTom (Imman). Mommy will be leaving for China tomorrow though, straight to Guangzhou. I'll bring her to the airport and she'll be back Sunday morning.

Dad is so funny. He told Mommy last night "Pag alis mo na naman, sasamantalahin ako ng mga 'to!". Referring to US, their lovely children hahaha. Between the two of them, Dad's the one who can't refuse us most of the time (not in everything though), but he likes tormenting us like asking you to give him valid reasons and stuff. Mommy's the health-buff-but-not-really in the family, and less likely to agree when you want to eat out HAHAHA. So I guess Dad can already visualize us hugging him and saying let's eat out haha.

Regarding personal issues. So yeah and basically I'm avoiding encounters with you. It's not an option anymore. Past few days I was confused then we met up and talked things through, and I realized we're too different now. Not different in the literal sense, but different in almost everything, especially priorities. I heard this one yesterday --- there are many things that can catch your eyes, but there are only a few things which can catch your heart. And maybe you're not one of them. Remember what I told you though.

13 September 2006

i'm a paradox

It's so weird. But then that probably is what'll happen to you if you say things you don't really mean, if you refuse to acknowledge what you truly feel. But then what do you do, really. It's not like in a snap of a finger things will somehow find their place and you're over with this emotional-heart-whatever turmoil.

Ugh I sound like a bad cheesy novel. But then don't they speak the truth sometimes? Like when damsels in distress do all these silly things just because they can't tell the men directly they can't be together. It sucks but yeah, when do things like these become fairly simple anyway. I just can't take the parallelism! I just can't. It's full of baloney that it actually feels so real.

So basically I drown myself in studying anf redesigning layouts and having a good time with friends. Please let's skip the opening-the-box part and eating cheesecake together whilst talking. Cheesecakes are not supposed to go to the bin, but then you eat them and it goes straight to your heart and reality sinks in. CANNOT BE. So then what would you do right. You just forego the whole thing, which is not the wisest decision but OMG this is the case where options are fewer than ever. Please give me a gray area this once. There's a certain finality in black and white choices that just get to me. Not in a good way.

Don't mind my last entry too much. I was just way too pissed at this one classmate, in this new school, that I thought about a lot of things. I love my friends, nothing's gonna change that. Maybe I just want a fresh take on things, which is always the case.

So we're definitely leaving for Hongkong and China and it'll probably be on the 23rd, but if Dad can't manage to organize things then it'll be the week after that. Oh well at least it's definite we're leaving na. Can't wait for the shopping hahaha.

Hello why is this so ridiculous. It would have been easier if I just tell it as it is, but NO I refuse to do so then what do I get. This empire of an emotional conflict which refuses to go away.

I'm supposed to be over with rock and roll guys.

05 September 2006

are you ready for this jelly hahaha

So basically I blog almost everyday and it's not healthy HAHAHA. It's not intellectually-stimulating (add a snobbish pinched-nose british twang to that and who have we got hahaha). AteRon go online, see I talked with AteRi kanina and it was so much fun HAHAHA. Miss you guys. Oh and it's so great that we talk with Kristoffer almost everyday, but he's sort of sick now. Anyway thank you Yahoo for your instant messenger.

You know what Kate and I do everyday? We wake up early and eat out for breakfast. OMG if we keep doing this I'll run out of money very very soon. Breakfast here, there, and everywhere. I mean we're after the ambience and nice conversations and hello it would not have been the same if we do it downstairs in our kitchen counter and eat eggs and bread or something hahaha. I just remembered, I was laughing so hard last night because Kate was singing in her sleep. She leaves on her earphones kasi, so at about 2am I think, she started making gurgling sounds and singing something (I couldn't make out the words) and I thought, hah, it's Regina Spektor. True enough when i told her about it this morning, OVER BREAKFAST hahaha, Regina Spektor was on repeat mode. She talks in her sleep most of the time, it's funny. But no one can ever measure up to TomTom when it comes to those things HAHA.

Anyway, I'll probably update today the hep!bijou site. There are tons of new ones e, I'm not in the mood to take pictures hahaha. Well so I was telling Kate about this person who seems to think... basta lots of things hahaha. OMG like it's so repulsive, the reactions, the turn of events. Why why why does it always turn out to be a disappointment. I don't think I'm ready for this jelly HAHAHA. See I'm so baduy.

Ugh I'm so bored it's not even funny.

04 September 2006

not her,oh no

We watched The Devil Wears Prada last Saturday, and it wasn't as disappointing as critics claim. But Anne Hathaway was so NOT for Andy's role --- I mean yeah ok she started out as someone who doesn't care about fashion, so initially she was right for the role. But when Andy became chic and everything, some outfits simply did not click. As for Miranda Priestly, if it is based on Vogue editor Anna Wintour, she's not too edgy. But then again who knows right, what if it's about French Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld? Wintour may have been around for the longest time, but Roitfeld is so larger-than-life. And French Vogue is better I think HAHA.

I've already read the book so I guess I'm focusing on the characters' style HAHAHA. They hired Patricia Field as the stylist --- of SATC fame, oh how could we ever forget Carrie Bradshaw's (Sarah Jessica Parker) crazy outfits and accents which actually worked, like large silk flowers and prints over prints. Anyway, I like how she puts things together but OMG Anne Hathaway can't pull it off. Like the preppy sort of thing going on when she donned a houndstooth print cap, a black off-shoulder top over a white polo. Does. Not. Work. I loved the Chanel necklaces she wore with that though. I loved the bags too HAHAHA, like the Fendi Spy and the Balenciaga motorcycle which they all claim is over but I still love it. At the end of the movie though, especially during the Paris Fashion Week, Anne (or Andy, whateverrr) kept getting better. She stuck to basic blacks and OMG the suede jacket and pencil skirt is LOVE! Anyway Kate and I just had fun trying to pinpoint fun elements in their wardrobe and identify WHO they're wearing HAHAHA. It's a Pucci top. And the heels are Louboutin. And a LOT of Prada duhhh. That sort of thing. What story? All I can remember are the clothes. HAHAHA kidding.

Yaay we were able to talk with Kristoffer this morning. We called him up and he was lined up for lunch sorry HAHA. Was supposed to go to Cavite today for the community analysis, but oh my eyes! They're acting up again, it's like your hair where there are good and bad days. I offered to the the CNA na lang so I could compensate for my absence when they interview families.

We MIGHT be going to Hongkong next week, the whole family. But it's not sure yet, though Mommy's been calling the travelling agency which handled our trip before. It's very expensive pala to go to Singapore when you come from Beijing, China, so Mama Diding won't go, so that will leave Mommy alone for the Singapore-Indonesia-Malaysia trip. Then Dad says maybe he'll go, but to Hongkong na lang. Then they thought they should bring TomTom (Imman hahaha) so he could see Hongkong Disneyland, then Kate and I told Dad to bring us along. We told him: Dad, you won't have to bring us to Disneyland, just give us shopping money and leave us on Nathan Road and we're A-OK! HAHAHA.

In other news. It may be hard to hold the hand of rock and roll men very long, but THESE kinds of guys are downright neurotic. THANKSVERYMUCH, I'll pass.

01 September 2006

love on the frontline

Went with Mommy to Shang this evening because she was going to buy shoes. It's sort of our gift to her for their anniversary, or maybe us girls are just trying to find a reason to go and shop together HAHAHA. Mommy is COOL, that I can tell you. And most importantly, not the hippie sort of cool for parents to the point of giving you absolute freedom which would NOT be good for you eventually. She finds her balance, meaning I still get the nagging sometimes HAHA, but since she's relatively young to be a Mother to two ladies like us, we also do a lot of things together.

So. Kate and I were waiting while she was trying on different shoes so we took silly pictures, which turned out to be fun. Mommy chose the pair she liked and I wish I shared the same passion that they (Mommy & Kate) have for shoes, but they know I like bags HAHAHA. And anyway they like these really high heels and I prefer flats naman. So ok, we went to Topshop after and we saw Mich Dulce there. She's actually thinner in person pala, and she's not that tall. And she has this quirky fashion sense that's all her own. Anyway. You always get to see a lot of celebrities in Shang naman, it's normal to bump into anyone at all.

School's starting to get busy, since it's almost foundation week and we're starting to complete the papers we have to submit for the battery exam. Wow I want to wear the white stockings HAHAHA. Hey Kristoffer we miss you! We didn't know you go online THAT early, we got used to the after-lunch hours haha. So we'll go online extra early for you ha, you must be there, we haven't talked in ages. And AteRon! You haven't checked your mail yet haha.

Oh did you guys see the HepBijou stickers we made? I'll post some photos tomorrow, we use the stickers to seal the packages when you buy the jewelry. We're trying to improve on the packaging though. And I think Mikko will be sharing his stalls with us in the next months, in malls and bazaars. I'll contact him soon, haven't been able to talk to a lot of people lately because it's midterm week and its busy busy busy. Does stress which emanates highly positive energy even exist? HAHAHA. No, seriously.

Recently I noticed that I realize some things everyday. It doesn't have to be complicated, even little details or a few words could signify something meaningful. And for today, I was thinking about:

Love. That I'm a person driven by love, in all its possible incarnations. That I'd rather love myself away than live my way through life miserably. That I'm starting to have an unwavering faith in people, in the way love transforms, in the way love heals. It's what keeps you happy when everything else falls away --- because it will be worth it, knowing you have placed your heart on something that is true.

It should always be on the front line. Then you could never go wrong.