30 August 2006

twenty-one for love!

We've been giving away samples of this wonderful mud pack Kate got from Rhia, who got it from her boyfriend's mom, who's a chemist I think and is the one who makes it. I hope they buy it, but more importantly, I hope it paves the way towards their skin rejuvenation! HAHAHA what did I just say pfffftt.

Oh it's officially Daddy and Mommy's twenty-first wedding anniversary! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Hahaha. I can't believe it's been 21 years already, they look young to me. So much has happened but I'll always be thankful we're well and good. And that my parents are still so in love with each other hahaha. I mean I guess it could be cheesy at times but when you go thru rough times especially when it involves the kids, it's a gigantic factor. I love them both very much, recently we had a fight (our bad) but I don't know, Kate and I get restless and we can't sleep through a single night knowing everything's not fine, so we went to their room and apologized. Lesson learned, kiddies: it pays to be humble, to admit your mistakes, to be the one to apologize. It sets off a good current or something in relationships.

Anyway Mommy will be leaving September 10th (tentative) for Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. But that's still tentative too, since she said she wanted Thailand so she could ride elephants hahaha. I'm not even sure it's in Thailand, but whatever. She's going to meet up after a few days there with Mama Diding, who will come from a Mayors' meeting in Beijing, China. We've been trying to convince Dad to go with Mommy since he REALLY NEEDS to rest a bit, he's working nonstop. He can't even find time to dictate to me the write-ups for the Guitar Hospital website, and I read his emails to him during lunch hahaha. Basically I handle everything about the site, sorry for the terrible photos sometimes hahaha. So ok, he just has to go with Mommy, but he says he won't be able to relax din knowing he left tons of work lined up at home. But whatever, he has to go talaga. And besides it's their anniversary, so they could consider it sort of a gift for their 21 years together hahaha.

I saw Lei again tonight, after a loooong time! Hahaha. Grifton gave us a ride home again after choir practice, and we were with Kuya Ozep and Allan. Anyway Grifton brought us to his parents' place muna since it was his tita's birthday, and since Lei was just a few houses away I think, he called her up. It was nice seeing you again Lei! Sure sure I will tell Mikko and Ina so we can plan a night out too hahaha. It's like she did NOT change at all, Lei is still so happy-looking and very sunny, the way I remembered her in highschool. I will text you pala as soon as I get a sample so you can try the mud pack too hahaha.

I'm happy nowadays. Great news hahaha. So ok I guess it doesn't take much to make me happy. I feel like quoting a song, but right now all I can think of are blues ones and they don't exactly fit the bill. AteRon, check your mail! I've something there for you, tell me what you think. I know you would DEFINITELY understand hahaha. All I want to do right now is go to a coffee shop with a nice ambience and talk to people I care about. Ohwell it's just those times when you feel like living life to the hilt hahaha. Ciao I'm off to sleep.

28 August 2006

post-allergy attack hahaha

Ok so my eye has been terrible the past week. The eyedrops from my doctor doesn't work wonders for it anymore, and I looked sick everyday so I wore eyeglasses. We went to the doc last Thursday and had it checked, and I now have THREE eyedrops for my allergy grabe. Then he recommended that I have my nose, ears and throat checked too because maybe it has something to do with it. So off we went to see another doc. After checking, he told Mommy and me that chances are I'd develop asthma if we cannot do something about my nose allergy. OMG I didn't know I had tons of allergies, I feel so vulnerable HAHAHA. So I have two nose spray whateverrr, plus tons of tablets/medications for my allergies. It better not pop up on my eyes or nose or anywhere else in the near future, with the number of things I take.

Well at least my eyes are a-ok! now hahaha. It's the worst thing, to have bloated eyes (or worse, one bloated eye lang). I can't make eye contact with people when I talk with them because it feels so awkward.

Saturday afternoon, Kate and I shopped at Shang. The red shoes she wanted wasn't there, so she bought a different one that's real nice too. Very Louboutin, and less expensive. She also bought the Topshop scarf we've wanted for the longest time hahaha. I bought a suede bag from Felicity and a new blush from Beauty Bar, because my blush got crushed in my purse and was all over the place huhuhu. Anyway I was just so glad to be out again after staying in for almost a week because of my eyes.

Sunday morning I met up with classmates about our community analysis, and in the afternoon we went to Bethany Makati with the rest of our churchmates. Good to see familiar faces, like Gavin and Khristine, who were groupmates at camp. We were late for the evening service haha, then we practiced for the Christmas Cantata. I'm beginning to memorize the songs yay! It's so tiring lang, seriously. It's like belting out for almost half an hour (maybe more?) and that night we were standing up since we were around the piano. We always go thru the Cantata in our seats hahaha. Yeah so, we were introduced pala to Grifton, a churchmate. He brought us home (he has a car and his parents' home is near ours) and he seems like a really nice guy. Turns out he ran for Councilor last elections in our area, but then we wouldn't really know. We were in Romblon at the start of the campaign pa lang, since some relatives were running for Mayor. And he's Lei's cousin! Hi Lei! hahaha. Lei (or Eileen) was a highschool classmate, and I think she still hangs out with Mikko and Ina sometimes. Anyway so, thanks Grifton for the ride home. And Jeremy, you must buy the Bentonite mud pack hahaha.

And Kristoffer! What's up at BJ? He headed over to South Carolina pala last Saturday and we haven't talked yet. We called him up on his mobile and he was on his way to the airport hahaha. He was telling Kate, "Anong ginagawa niyo? Mahal to, ano ka ba.... " blah blah, he was saying all of these things and Kate was telling him to be safe and everything. So she handed over the phone to me and Kristoffer was still yakking about how the bill is expensive for international calls etc, and I just told him to shut up HAHAHA. Hello, if maybe he listened and said ok, I will take care blah blah, then the call would be worth it haha. So ok I hope he flew in safely and I hope he sets up his laptop na HAHAHA. OMG he has the most wonderful laptop ever! YOUR LAPTOP IS LOVE! hahaha. He was showing it off on YM and it's really a graphic designer's thing. BUT you're still far from being a full-fledged graphic designer HAHAHA. I hope you do it justice or else I shall whisk it away from your paws HAHAHA. Go online ha.

This morning pala, Sammy Asuncion of Pinikpikan was here. We took a photo of him for the website, and he was really nice. When we left, he told us to take care and said we should play the guitar. We told him we do, but we're far from being great hahaha. I went with Kate to her classmates' cheer practice. She's not included in it actually, but she had to go because of the attendance and stuff. We left early din since she had nothing to there anyway.

Dinner tonight is at Saisaki, our treat (Kate and I). HAHAHA yeah yeah, it's our favorite place to eat. TomTom was so funny! We took lots of photos hahaha. Had fun, I always do naman with my family. Hey Levs let's eat out during SACI week ha, with Maan and Tina and Kate. I've been planning for the longest time but as you told me, it never pushes thru. I promise this time it will! And Happy Birthday Pap! I love you! I hope we meet up soon.

( pictures, photos, and more hahaha )

Ohwell. Some things are so confusing, maybe mysterious. It's like one big guessing game where you're given clues, and it's up to you to decide which way to go, or rather, what conclusion you'll come up with. And right now I feel like there are no right or wrong answers. In time. We'll see.

22 August 2006

artistes can paint a picture for you

I even miss Kate's friends I've grown fond of. Sort of like my little sisters too, like Monique. She texted Kate the other day saying she knows why we always like the artiste-type of guys. And it's so true, Mon, so true. Unfortunately, this runs true, too:

You can't hold the hand of a rock & roll man very long.

So it's somewhat contradictory, right? HAHA it's so complex, this whole idea. We'd rather just leave it to the heart to decide, just how much of it we can take. We are so Blonde in the Bleachers HAHAHA.

Anyway. Thanks to everyone who texted us for orders! We'll be putting up more designs in the next few days, we're just trying to finish them so we can take pictures already. And if you've got suggestions, like if you want smaller versions of the earrings or something, feel free to email us there. We'd love to know what other girls like.

Oh and here's Papa Noel and Dad's video:

20 August 2006

from highschool to the present

After a year or so (I think), we finally managed to squeeze in one night to meet up and do some catching up on what has been happening with us lately. And I could only refer to my three lovely friends --- Pap, Jo, and Pau.

It's melancholic, this whole growing up thing. I distinctly remember highschool memories, where we meet everyday and know every teeny tiny bit of information about each other. Stupid crush phone calls with Pap hahahaha. First taste of highschool freedom by going to the mall without the parents hahaha. Gigs where we probably looked like fools, completely ignorant on where to go and whom we can approach. I guess there will always be a part of me which tends to cling to happy memories, where things don't have underlying meanings, where everything is fairly simple, where we never discuss life's complexities. Now Jo is working, then Pap and Pau are currently in their first year of medicine proper and it's already killing them. Oh dear, such is life. Highschool was so carefree, all we did was sketch our teachers HAHAHA.

OMG I was so happy to see them again. We weren't able to make it last Christmas so it has been so long indeed. I was the first one to arrive at Teriyaki Boy so I reserved a table for four, then Pap arrived, then Jo who came in from work (Ortigas), then Pau, who rushed home from her class to change, then headed to dinner. We were our usual selves, that is, very talkative and laughing everywhere. But it was mighty fun, and the night was sprinkled with some drama from Pap. Too bad we weren't able to meet her boyfriend --- long story folks, but what's important is we were complete, the four of us.

We were looking for a nice place after dinner, so we were roaming around in Pau's car and decided to park near Xaymaca to check out the place. I saw Tito Carlo and his bandmate Mac I think, apparently they were playing that night too at a nearby place. We were sidetracked by the two boutiques there so we weren't able to head over to Xaymaca. We checked out the clothes and stuff, and they bought earrings I think. We watched Tito Carlo's band for a bit then said goodbye since we wanted to find a nice place where we can talk. So we ended up at Cheesecake Etc., cuz OMG all the coffee shops were full. Nice service over there though, and nice cheesecake art hahaha. And I guess all we cared about was taking photos HAHAHA.

( we had really nice photos that night! yay! )

More nights like this one! Pap's birthday is coming up, so we should be able to see each other again. Pap, I hope you work things out. Jo, I hope you're happy with your job. And Pau, study hard and don't worry about your mole! HAHAHA. Kidding. I miss you guys already. Check your mails pala I will send the thing I was telling you about.

15 August 2006

hello friends contact me!

All the hugging paid off, darlings. HAHAHA. Not that I don't hug my Mom and Dad everyday, but yesterday I was trailing them around the house the whole day. And Dad was giving me his usual "give me three reasons why I should buy you that" dialogue hahaha. Kate is the ultimate solution, she always gets to joke things away with Daddy. So ok friends, I've a new phone so give me your numbers! Especially those far away HAHAHA. I've no idea how I can reach you so yeah. And my phone is still pink yay! OMG when did I get to be so femme haha.

Oh and I made this icon or something for Hep Bijou folks. Just to promote hahaha. I was on YM with Mikko this afternoon and he said he still wants to push thru with CAB, but we have to start over. Count on him to consider every bit of aspect in ANYTHING at all, cuz honestly I wouldn't have thought of that --- new trends, sweeties, new trends. And at least we can use our designs/ideas for it. Have to keep creative juices flowing even without briefings from Master Mikko! HAHAHA. OMG he's such a professional now, he even talks more in english nowadays. His only flaw--- instant messaging during office hours. HAHAHA.

Remember: give me your numbers, friends. Or ask me for mine HAHAHA. Either way. I have to talk to you guys soon. XOXO. Oh and thanks so much AC for helping in the promotions department!

I hope it rains. It's nice to look out the window.

13 August 2006

superwoman plays the guitar

CLICK is a good movie hiding behind a comedic facade. I thought it was all laughs and I wanted to watch it anyway, but it was something else. It makes you think about time lost, the importance of family time, of retaining (or building, depending on your situation) broken relationships. And it made me thankful, yet again, for my wonderful family--- simple things like being able to give your parents a hug and tell them you love them eventhough I'm a big girl now (literally and figuratively HAHAHA). Like being able to throw in little surprises everyday for Kate and TomTom which makes them happy, like buying them burgers or renting a kiddie movie for him. And simply being able to live my ATE role to the hilt. Hahaha OMG my little kidlets know I love being an Ate (that includes you Kristoffer haha). I love sitting in front of the cab and give orders HAHAHA like take down the license number, or anything at all. I like bringing them stuff like food, making sure they're okay. Which probably explains why we had tons of food when we went to Tagaytay, I mean combine me and Mommy (who always seems to be afraid that we'd starve out in the wilderness, and wants to share with other peolple we're with, which is a good thing) and you get loads of food, complete utensils, tissues, garbage bags, the works hahaha. ANYWAY. I'm very protective of my brothers and sister, I can tolerate almost anything except things about my family. Well ok I'm just glad that I don't have this strained relationship with my parents and siblings. I don't want to do or say things I might regret, so I'm very careful now with my words and actions. Kate said I used to be so verbally hurtful especially to her since I know I'm the one who could hurt her the most (and vice versa) and because I knew she won't lash out at me. I used to take things like that for granted, but thankfully I've changed. And I used to push away TomTom whenever he'd approach me and tell me about his day, his classmates and everything else and showed him I wasn't interested. But I realized he's at the critical stage where he needs to talk to his older sisters too, aside from Mommy and Daddy. It's the make or break stage wherein, if guided accordingly, he could grow up to be a good boy, a fine man, and eventually NOT end up like most kids nowadays. So Kate and I ensure we talk with him a lot, that we listen, that we tell him when something doesn't look good or apprehend him when he makes mistakes. Sometimes it's much more bearable if it comes just from your Ate, and in that way we prevent trouble since we've already straightened him out before he does it and our parents find out. OMG we love TomTom so much, he's the baby in the family. Kate and I even shop for his clothes so he'll start leaning to a clean young boy look and not look dirty and delinquent like his other classmates HAHA. So ok that would make us Stage Sisters, meddling even with his choice of clothes. HAHA I just remembered, when Kristoffer was here we had a dress code and we always pushed him into wearing collared shirts and told him NOT to put his hair up with hair gel so he'd look better. I hope you're still into the dress code down there in Chicago HAHAHA.

Meet Superwoman, who plays the guitar dishing out exhibitions ala Hendrix. HAHAHA. Anyway. Saturday night Mommy prepared dinner for our relatives who came over because Kuya Zervin is back from Korea! But too bad because we only got to see them that night, and he left for Korea again today. But it was so much fun, especially hearing his Korean adventures HAHAHA. And OMG it's a small small world --- imagine, he became friends there with Maricris, who was Ate Ri's best friend. I knew her because hello, I was in Ate Ri's place almost everyday before and pestered them HAHAHA. And Maricris said I had short hair before and I remembered the days when everyone thought I was a tomboy. Yeah. So. HAHAHA it's funny now but I must have been that horrible before. Ok back to the dinner. We took lots of pictures, and the kids were so funny. Chynna is into the pouty face thing and she loves playing the guitar! She was strumming this little guitar in our room and asked Kate and me what she was playing, and we always got it right because currently she likes two songs, so it's either Narda or the Justice League theme HAHAHA. And she loves posing for the camera with her Superwoman pose, which explains the numerous pictures of her on my multiply. Kuya Zervin, New Year ha? Let's invade Baguio! HAHAHA. Till then, mag-ipon ka ulit ng funny stories about your co-workers so we'll have a grand time laughing again when you get back. Then we'll launch na your singing career wowww! We love you and God bless!

( pictures from the Hipolito dinner, plus solo shots of Superwoman HAHAHA )

I hope Dad buys me a phone soon, I've been hugging him all day HAHAHA. It's a necessity, I think, since I need to contact my friends for the dinner planned Friday night with Jo, Pau, and Pap, who will introduce us to his boyfriend. OMG I just had this feeling that it was gonna be Pap who'll tread the boyfriend path first HAHAHA. I remember during Jo's birthday we were talking over dinner who would probably be first and we had no idea, but Pap ALWAYS knew lots of boys, even in high school HAHA. Anyway I'm excited to meet him and of course my friends on Friday night. Then Saturday I'll be heading to Bulacan with my groupmates in school for a community analysis, since it has to be a rural area. And Sunday we're required to watch a play. OMG I really need a phone, I need to contact lots of people. And I have no idea how I'll be able to reach Jordan, he really needs someone to talk to these days after that problem he told me about when we talked on the phone a week ago. He switched to Smart so he can text me more often and now, pfffttt. Awww and it's his birthday on Friday. Too bad.

Check out HEP BIJOU again, folks. We've got new stuff in there. And if you've got great stuff with you and you want to sell them or something, you can put up pictures of it on the site too so just say the word. Ciao!

11 August 2006

lovely day

So today when I was going home from class and about to cross the street, a woman was giving me strange looks. I thought she was really weird.

Well guess what, the weird part is my mobile was gone when I crossed the street. And the pocket of my uniform is torn. It's terrifying how fast they can work with that. And terribly annoying. I never ever lost my phone, this is the first time, and I'm sad. Gone is my sweet girly mobile.

To sum it all up: I have no mobile phone, and my uniform is torn, and I can't contact people who are important to me, and some numbers I may never get again because I have no idea how I can get to them. Lovely. Just lovely.

09 August 2006

hep bijou!

Define emo. I can't grasp the meaning of that word, because to me it's everything that spells out emotional, melancholic or something in that line. Heh. I probably don't give justice to the real meaning of that word but whateverrr. I have no idea. We've gone emo --- what does that tell you? It could go both ways, you know. It's kind of like saying something when you mean another. I just thought about it. I've been listening to a lot of new musicians, not blues. I guess I've outgrown the blues snob phase, where everything that falls outside the category simply isn't good enough. I feel so young! HAHA. Currently listening to: Regina Spektor - Us. It is love! Like I want to fly, fly straight to Chicago. HAHAHA.

Anyway. I met up with Charm yesterday, Coffee Indulgence beside UST. Ah, memories. I passed by Chino of course, because no trip to the UST area is complete without visiting him and his store, it was, after all, a huge part of my college days there. Then I spent the whole afternoon looking at Charm's accessories (she brought a laptop bag full of them, and even brought tools and all her beads haha) and planning for another possible venture. Hey you could never have too many sidelines hahaha. And at least we're earning.

So let me present: HEP BIJOU, the collective name for our jewelry and stuff. It's not exactly the name of our products, we're like the designers or something under that name. Which means other people who are into making accessories are welcome to contact us and post their goods at the site too. HEP BIJOU means avant-garde jewelry, by the way. Check out the site, we'll be putting up more in the coming days. We're experimenting with using synthetic leather as pendants, as well as plastic materials. And shirt-printing hahaha. It's better than doing nothing at all. And even if we don't sell them, we keep making these stuff anyway so why not sell and earn hahaha.

BUY! BUY! BUY! Keep the love coming!

04 August 2006

make and break

The Kris Drink. Or so Kristoffer says hahaha. We happened to buy lots of Red Iced Tea and Mountain Dew when we had the Tagaytay trip and he combined them out of nowhere and realized it's good. And so the story goes that whenever we had visitors at home or there was a party, he urged us to buy these two then he combines it in a pitcher and goes around pouring on everyone's glasses. And this is kind of memorable because we consumed three large bottles of this (already combined) on his last night here. Just talking, reminiscing, laughing. Generally having fun, I guess, and trying to mask the sadness.

But tonight it's a bottle of memories. Good, happy ones. Funny how the same things which could sadden you a few weeks back could be one of the reasons which makes you laugh now.

So. A friend recently called and related to me the tragic tale of her failed relationship (I can't believe I'm talking about this hahaha). I'm no expert on these things, but it's common knowledge that if you set off on the wrong foot, it's not going to end up right. Surely it's headed nowhere, they had nothing concrete to begin with. I honestly don't know what to say, but it sure made me think about a lot of things.

Love can do great things. It can move you. It pushes you to be better. It builds dreams. It captures wonderful moments, memories. It changes lives. It overlooks flaws. It fuels hope. It forgives the gravest mistakes.

But don't let it be the end of you.

01 August 2006

boys will be boys

Pizza galore the past few nights. Man, Daddy and Mommy sure has a way of squeezing out information from us little girls. By little girls I mean Kate and I, who don't exactly fit the description but you get it. TomTom doesn't like pizza --- he'd rather play computer games or watch Pokemon (he already memorized the theme song, you should hear him sing it ahahaha).

So. Not that they have ANYTHING to know really. While we were munching a while ago, Dad asks simply if I have a boyfriend, which made me and Kate laugh. He asks if the guy wearing the jersey who went here likes me, and I honestly don't know but he's not interesting. Let's just say that I have high regard for well-spoken boys, and those who put in "8s me" rather than "it's me" in text messages (or "aq" instead of "ako") just don't make the cut. I'm an old fashioned girl, I still believe in correct grammar (Kristoffer knows that Kate and I cringe and look at each other whenever we hear grammatical errors ANYWHERE --- it's bad but I told you we're OC hahaha), and I respect literature hahaha.

Then Dad launches into his loverboy stories --- love letters to Mommy (which we were able to read because Mommy kept them hahaha), cassette tapes full of songs he recorded himself (Dad originally tried to learn the guitar so that he wouldn't have to look for someone else to play for him when he sings), his mini paintings, dates with Mommy, college in UST etc. We never get tired hearing them again and again because it's fun hahaha.

Anyway. It was Conversations with Kate afterwards --- there's a recurring pattern with the Hipolito men, we think. They're all smart, passionate with what they believe in, and they explain things REALLY well. It all starts with Tatang --- no questions about that hahaha. He asked me to spell 'pseudonym' when I was in Grade 1 and apprehended my grammatical errors in the little story I made when I was 4 years old. Then there's Papa Noel and Dad --- they know so much, they give out tidbits of info every now and then, and we learn a lot from them. Then Kristoffer, who may NOT always be right but he has relevant points during our debates hahahaha, and he's smart too. Then there's TomTom who, at an early age, is showing visible signs of being Arie Junior hahaha --- he talks a lot, sometimes too much that he's telling you about his week, not just how his day went. But he's a smart kid, his dear sisters never fail to remind him --- under good supervision hahaha.

So we were thinking --- is it just us or do girls tend to look for boys who are similar to their Dads or the men in the family? One of our helpers now used to work in lola's house in Romblon, and she told Mommy then, when we first visited Romblon as a family (Daddy, Mommy and Me barely a year old) that they didn't like Dad, that they felt he wasn't good enough for her. It's an old old story but whenever I hear that I still get annoyed. Mommy told them they're clueless and that they'd realize everything in the future. Fast forward to a few years later --- the girl gets married and asks Mommy and Daddy to be godparents. At the present, she's working here and looks up to my Dad, since my parents are the first ones to help her family especially when her husband got sick and she needed to find a job.

Ok long story, but the moral of it is: Looks COULD kill. Literally though. Tantalizing eyes are nice, as well as killer smiles, but when the going gets tough, he won't be able to feed you by batting his beautiful eyelashes, and his husky voice won't pay the bills. Romance is good as long as you don't overdose and you know when to be practical. I hate to put it that way but I just get these visions of Derek Zoolanders of the male population and it just screams NO hahaha. In a nutshell: if boys were cappuccinos, choose the coffee itself rather than the froth. HAHAHA. Yes, it is I, Krisel the Philosopher. Pfffftt.

And it wouldn't hurt either if the boy has eyeglasses. Hah.