29 July 2006

remember to remember

This is officially movie week. Well at least for us since we normally don't watch more than once a week pffft haha. But the malls are terribly crowded since it's the end-of-the-month sale or something. HAHA I just remembered, we were in the cab this afternoon then Kate told me to look at the cab beside ours and we sort of got terrified for a bit cuz the little boy looks EXACTLY like the one in The Grudge/Scary Movie 4, sans the pasty white skin. And it didn't help at all that he looked weird, doing ocular movements (wowww nursing term in the house! ahaha) and was kind of rolling around his eyeballs, so it was disturbing hahahaha. I swear it was a SUSHI SASHIMI moment! That's for you, HunkyPunky haha.

Well so. Kate and I were talking about a lot of things. I mean when we think about it now, it seems lightyears ago when our family left for US, but the best part about it is, you know there's a certain difference. Like being excited to go online whenever you can during lunchtime since they probably are too, so you can talk with them. Like wanting to know what they're up to and tellin them about everyday stuff just because. Like planning little somethings for surprises (ok pretend you didn't read about that because it's a surprise hello). And you know, all those other things.

I remember that one day, the first week that Kristoffer, Mama Pach and Ima arrived here. I was gonna go with Kate to school for enrollment stuff so we were dressing up. Ima asks us if we're going to bring Kristoffer since we're both leaving right, and I told her we're not cuz we won't take long. Then when we go down Mommy asks us the same thing, adding that maybe he wants to go too. So ok we brought him and TomTom but left them at Jollibee haha cuz we figured they'd be bored anyway. I can still make out what I told Kate then, because at that time we were exceedingly happy --- I told her to remember that day, remember that feeling, so that we could at least go back to something when they leave.

I don't want to think that way, really. But whenever I get too happy, whenever something great happens, I have this tendency to think about things real hard and remind myself to remember everything, since it'll be gone in a matter of weeks, maybe even days. But I don't really fall into the pessimistic category either. But when we were unbelievably sad when they left, I also told Kate to remember that feeling, so at least when you wake up the next day you'd somehow feel better thinking how bad things were, but hey, maybe this will be the start of something new. Do I make sense?

It feels so ironic --- I can't believe it's been a month because I still miss our whole family everyday, but at the same time, it feels so long ago. We're back to our usual lives and activities, we're all better.

haha sorry we used the camera --- but hey it's the family :)

But the whole experience is like eating something nice for dinner (ok or lunch or breakfast) --- it leaves a nice aftertaste. (I'm beginning to sound like Daddy hahaha). Though they've left, you have something to hold onto. I mean yeah half of your family's on the other side of the world, but isn't the mere thought that they care, and you care, enough to keep you happy?

And I realized we weren't left empty here. We've gained so much along the way, spending time with them whom we haven't seen in years. So what's there to be sad about?

24 July 2006

i miss everyone

I just noticed that in my Friendster testimonials, I miss everyone and they miss me too (naks). Seriously though, puro na lang miss. And I realized it's been a long time since I spent like a whole day just bumming around with friends, joking left and right. I was thinking of visiting Chino (the godfather of I. delos Reyes hahaha) but I thought, who would be there anyway? I don't even know the schedule of the ones still in UST, like Meri. And all of them have gone the yuppie route haha. Or trying to, at least. Realization # 2983758959: Jobhunting is a nightmare. My friends can attest to that.

Last Sunday I was given the chance to teach in SAYA, as the representative for our group in the Talent Fest. I'm most definitely not used to talking in front of a crowd and I was so nervous the night before that I begged Kate NOT to sleep until I've smoothened out my points and I was coherent. So she listened to me until 3am hahaha. I kept making note changes and stuff, but it was all good. My hands were all clammy on the way to church that afternoon, but thank God it turned out fine. BUT as much as I love my group, I really think the Trumpets are hilarious! They're good actors, I mean last week for the drama presentation, they were so believable and went all out. Then last Sunday for the comedy, I had a grand time laughing.

Still no classes today, which isn't really much for me since I only have one class on Mondays and nothing, nada, on Tuesdays. I'm trying to sketch again haha. MIKKO THIS IS CONCEPTUALIZATION OK. Hahaha. What will become of CAB now, now that Mikko is kicking into full gear as an Industrial Designer (I just knew he'd end up like this, he was tailor-made for this kind of stuff) and Charm is busy designing shoes for her brother's export company, and I'm studying? HAHA the last one sounds so lame. I guess I'll keep sketching till we have a meeting again. Hello guys, I think I've made an accessory line already with all the necklaces I've been making hahaha. No beads though. Wow fazione.

In other news: August 5, 9pm, Gweilo's Eastwood. Featuring Snakecharmer, Huka, Plug, Firebottle, Sould Benders, and Salindiwa. The last I think in the series of Benefit Blues Concerts for Mr. Egay Imperio. Go go go, those are great bands and it's for a cause.

Kristoffer we miss you! Hahaha I think that would always be sort of the footer for all my posts. Alam mo someone from church said ang sungit namin ni Kate the next week or so after you left, and she told him na we were just really really sad. Hahaha. Go online or else we will call you in the morning when you're still asleep and pester you. Tapos magsusungit ka. Ah, that will always be our story hahahaha.

22 July 2006

miss moustache

HAHAHA Kate paid too much attention to her moustache. I really did not notice it before, but turns out some of her friends were already at it. Then whenever we'd tease Kristoffer about his nosebleed, he'd pester Kate about her moustache hohoho.

Tsk tsk. So she bought a wax set at the mall earlier for some DIY hair removal session. The laser treatments were way expensive and you had to have several sessions haha. So ok Kate heated the small pan and when the wax started melting, she ran to the bathroom in front of the mirror and placed tons of it on her MOUSTACHE hahahaha.

It was so funny. I kept hearing her screaming from the bathroom, apparently whenever she'd peel parts of it off. I convinced her to open the door to let me see it, and being the good Ate that I am, took pictures of her hahaha. She kept telling me, "Kasi naman si Kuya Kris niloloko ko, tignan mo ayan ang sakeeeeetttt!" haha. Then we both laughed, and I laughed at her. So ok, it's your fault pala HunkyPunky hahaha.

After around 30 minutes, she was in tears and had a runny nose. Like after eating hot hot soup or noodles. Gah.

And she still had a moustache. Less visible though.

21 July 2006

Daddy is a guitar Jedi haha

We had a date last night. A double date. With two lovely boys.

Haha ok yeah yeah, with Dad and TomTom. Mommy had this dinner date with church friends (Mommies too haha) so Dad took us out. And we kept badgering him the whole day to take us out for dinner since he was in the newspaper today. Yes he was in Philippine Star and we didn't know it, one of his clients called him up and told him about it. And anyway we subscribe to Philippine Daily Inquirer heehee. It was actually about guitars and this interview with some of the country's top and famous musicians (not entirely about Dad) but the author was surprised that the musicians he interviewed all mentioned Dad as the guy to go to for guitar stuff. And hello MARC ABAYA called him the guitar Jedi hahahaha. Fun haha.

( read about Dad being a guitar Jedi hahaha )

Ok so Kate and I were able to watch Nacho Libre hahaha it was so funny! Jack Black is hilarious haha. And the little boy there who was really close to Ignacio (Jack) reminds me a lot of TomTom! Look for TomTom in the movie haha. I really enjoyed that one, especially that part where he was about to fight the greatest wrestler and he sang this song he composed for Encarnacion hahaha. Must watch it.

18 July 2006

ok before I go off studying

So I guess this will be my blog layout story--- she keeps mixing and matching but always ends up with the simplest ones. At least now I know it's futile to experiment with multi-colored layouts since I would always go back to this hahaha.

Nothing much is happening but surprisingly, I'm quite happy these days. Oh and we were able to install the software needed to transfer the pictures from Kate's cam, so I'll spend time uploading them in multiply. And I realized we weren't able to put up the ones from the family vacation! We have lots of them and they're really clear, at least the ones from Papa Noel's cam. Haha I must admit we sort of neglected Dad's camera during the summer because we always used Papa Noel's 7megapixels I think. It's so detailed! And lots and lots of memory. Which reminds me again, youtube videos. Pfffft why am I such a computer geek? I think I'm the only one here who actually enjoys answering emails, uploading pictures, editing stuff whateverrr hahahaha. And saya nila Dad and Mommy and Kate, most of the time ako pinapa-check and answer ng emails nila! And I do it willingly, with a happy heart! Hahaha ok but I could really live with this stuff.

( long overdue: Salindiwa at the JazzFest )

Prelim week. Ok on to hit the books.

Oh and we had this computer reformatted so all the other files are in the cd and I haven't installed the graphic softwares yet. The image editing ones I guess. Which explains why I don't have a header hahaha. I want to learn vectors pala, I really do. I mean is it that hard? I've seen some cool graphic artworks online and it's so nice, it would be great to learn how to do it. Well I could do some research or something. But first things first: updates for the Guitar Hospital site. I have here loads of pictures we haven't uploaded because I'm waiting for Dad to sort it out and dictate to me what I have to put in the procedures part, or descriptions. Pffft.

Ok on to hit the books now I promise. My head's starting to hurt with these chemical bondings and stuff.

11 July 2006

memories and health...what?

Yeah ok I was cleaning up some folders in here a while ago and found these ancient pictures hahaha. It's so funny how I remember them and how vivid the memories still are. Sorry I'm a sucker for these kinds of things haha.

So okay this is David, our tour guide in Shenzhen, China. He's really funny because he keeps saying the wrong tagalog words and he desperately wants to sing. Problem was, he has no voice AT ALL, like he is TERRIBLE ahaha. And he wants to please us Filipinos so he was singing and dancing Ocho-Ocho, which made things a lot worse really. AHAHA. But he's nice and he even accompanied us and did the bargaining when we went shopping.

David Kate Me 2004

I miss these girls, I never get to see them anymore. I had the best highschool memories with them and life then would have been blah if I hadn't known them. Pap just took the board exams, Jo is already working, and Pau will continue with med school I think. We always make it a point to meet come Christmastime, but we weren't able to do so last year. And we still haven't seen each other. Gah I promise I'll meet up with them soon.

Pap Jo Pau

And AteRi & AteRon! ahaha. And Reg and Riley and Angel too. Grabe I miss them, good thing we were able to talk the past few days after they got back from Chicago, and they were able to go to Papa Noel's place yay!

hahaha AteRi and AteRon

I was telling them nga that the setting's perfect, imagine being in Chicago with your favourite cousins (ok I love all my cousins but you can't deny the fact that you're simply closer with the others) --- them girls and Kristoffer. Ang saya! And I'm so glad they had so much fun there too hahaha.

Oh yeah benefit blues night again for Egay Imperio this Friday at Mag:Net Katipunan. I uploaded some pictures pala of that night we went out for coffee wala lang hahaha. It was great fun especially that part where Kristoffer ordered a lot of pastries ang lakas ng loob then he realized he did not have enough money, so he comes calling for us hahaha.

I'll probably upload a few more pictures and videos too. Sayang naman since we took videos of some musicians at the JazzFest.

Oh and Dad is so funny, he keeps saying that our theme nowadays is "Health Awareness" hahaha. Seriously though we are going to exercise yay although it seems so hard when you think about it. But Daddy and Mommy already bought a used exercise bike for a low price, and I think they're gonna buy another one, something newer and better. They're searching on the internet and the other day it was so funny because Dad asked me to make an account on EBay Philippines. So I did and he asked me to bid on this exercise bike, so I searched locally but there weren't any. He kept insisting cuz he saw the page daw and it was in Php right, but turns out it's located in London hello hahaha. Shipping costs alone would cost him tons. So yeah all we did was laugh again.

05 July 2006


Yeah so Thursday night we headed to Conspiracy for the first one (I think) in a series of benefit blues concerts for Egay Imperio, their fellow musician. He has hyperthyroidism and he needs money to cover the medical costs or something. He played harmonica for Soul Benders a few years back during the Manila Blues and Jazz Festival so the band knows him.

There were four bands and a few jams but it was fun. People there are probably wondering why Kate and I are always present in Dad's gigs, but basically it's because 1) we love blues, 2) we don't bother going out to see bands anymore so we just go with him when he plays, and 3) we're Dad's groupies ahaha. Seriously though I remember years ago when Kate and I would jump at any oppurtunity to go out and catch new bands along with other kids, and in the worst places. Now we don't mind if we see the same bands over and over again since they're the ones who play with Soul Benders, or they're the ones we know. Like SnakeCharmer, I love their song "Choke King" it was so nice. Maybe they have an EP or something.

So the usual suspects were there and it was great listening to the bands. Kakoy showed up too and played harmonica for Firebottle, and Perf de Castro jammed with them too. Good stuff, and good calamares haha.

Oh and yeah let me post this one here in case some of you might want to watch and help:

I thought I didn't want to blog anymore last week since things got a bit old for me, but then I gave it some thought and realized it's fun reading about things you did a year ago, how much you've changed, what went on. So it's like I'm writing for myself next year, which doesn't really make sense ahaha. But since I'm laughing again and I'm all bubbly once more, I can truly say I'm happy nowadays.

BUT KRISTOFFER, WE HAVEN'T TALKED IN YEARS! ahaha. We miss you, you better go online we have kwento hahaha.

02 July 2006

jazzfest, fete, and a new perspective

So okay in an attempt to continuously normalize everything, I will post about everyday things and stuff.

Oh well I feel like I still have to post about the Jazz Fest. It was quite an adventure since we haven't been to Market Market before --- the three of us, Kate, Kristoffer and I, took the MRT then a cab, but I forgot where it was ahaha. We saw Salindiwa, Daniel Crisologo, Coyang, etc etc. So yeah we introduced HunkyPunky to everyone, then we just took the very very front row haha. I want to talk about it, the whole night and everything, but I can't help it if the most important thing I remember about that night was our dramafest ahaha. But that gave way to so many revelations that when we talk about it now, it seems so funny. So view the Jazzfest pictures here.

And the Fete was rather fun although at that time I wasn't that okay so it was blurry to me. We took a few pictures pala so we'd have at least something ahaha

Too bad we forgot to take pictures of Tom Epperson playing harmonica and the other bands we liked. Oh well what do you expect that night anyway, I had these mood swings where one minute I felt so depressed and the next I ws okay. Not good though ahaha.

You know what I actually need right now? A few friends whom I could hang out with on a regular basis. Maybe part of the sadness was knowing I have lots of them but we could never have fun that long since they're working, or studying, etc. Like we have different lives now but at least we still manage to meet up once in a while, and at least when I text them about something they're beside me in no time. I probably got used to having fun with just Kate since I transferred in this school so I need to go out more often, or meet new people. I'm trying my best though. And at least everyday's getting better.

Maybe I just have to think of all the good things we're waiting for, and things I should be thankful for. Like my parents, who had a talk with us the other night which ultimately made me feel so much better. Sometimes I feel like there are things in life that you just know but are hard to accept/believe, but all you really need is to hear it straight from them and you'd know it's true. Then there's Kate and TomTom (Imman) and Kristoffer too, who are my little sister and brothers. Then my other family members, our church, friends, opportunities, goals, etc.

I still want to travel though. And I want something major to happen in my life, but we kept thinking that maybe THAT major thing is this one, this phase we're going through, where we think about the future and life and everything. Where we look for the deeper meaning of things, where we question some useless things we used to do. Maybe this is it, you know.