27 April 2006
all about kids
Honestly though I'm running low on energy. Nobody told me that teaching kids could be so draining, and I only did it for less than three hours since Monday. I was so disappointed with my 5th grade kidlets earlier because they were so noisy and were wrestling each other everywhere. Plus a lot of little girls cried because the boys were saying they were ugly and looked like KingKong. But it's all good because they've memorized all four memory verses and they can remember our lessons.

Tomorrow will be our graduation. I can't entirely say that it would be a relief, because there's a certain joy you get from knowing they're learning from the Bible this early. And they're really good kids, if we could just eliminate the running around and the noises and the tendency to make other kids cry. Yeah.

Calvin and the kids / Thang and Ate Rhoda with the kiddies

my 5th grade kidlets doing crafts

and more crafts

Kate's pre school class
Tomorrow will be our graduation. I can't entirely say that it would be a relief, because there's a certain joy you get from knowing they're learning from the Bible this early. And they're really good kids, if we could just eliminate the running around and the noises and the tendency to make other kids cry. Yeah.

Calvin and the kids / Thang and Ate Rhoda with the kiddies

my 5th grade kidlets doing crafts

and more crafts
Daniel (my assistant teacher) and I had to have a lot of people help us with the children. And they materialized in the form of Ate Rhoda, Thang, Calvin, and other select few who come in every now and then to keep the kids seated. Seriously, it's exhausting.
But I'm having fun. I like it when they call me Teacher Krisel ahaha. And I like it when they approach me and ask things as if I know all there is to know. And I like it when most of them put in the extra effort to pass amazing crafts. And I like it when some of them stay after class hours to help clean the room. So we go out of our way to bake cookies everyday so they'll have extra snacks aside from that which the church provides.
And there are really cute kids, like this little girl Mary Grace. She's sooo adorable. I'll try to get a picture of her tomorrow haha.
So yeah. More pictures tomorrow, plus the YouTube video of Imman and Ivan wrestling ahaha.
But I'm having fun. I like it when they call me Teacher Krisel ahaha. And I like it when they approach me and ask things as if I know all there is to know. And I like it when most of them put in the extra effort to pass amazing crafts. And I like it when some of them stay after class hours to help clean the room. So we go out of our way to bake cookies everyday so they'll have extra snacks aside from that which the church provides.
And there are really cute kids, like this little girl Mary Grace. She's sooo adorable. I'll try to get a picture of her tomorrow haha.
So yeah. More pictures tomorrow, plus the YouTube video of Imman and Ivan wrestling ahaha.
23 April 2006
so now i'm a teacher
Yep, a teacher. Last year's DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School) we volunteered as assistant teachers, but now we thought it would be great if we could teach the kids ourselves. So Kate will be teaching pre-school kids, and I'll be handling the 5th grade kidlets. I was reading through my lessons over and over because I'm nervous ahaha and like I've never been a teacher for kids before. I hope I don't mess this up and I hope they'll be attentive because I tend to be some strict disciplinarian when I get upset with kids running around when they're not supposed to. AHAHA.
CAB meeting did not push thru. WHATISTHIS. Everything is getting canceled I swear. Oh but the Soul Benders will have ANOTHER gig this May 6th I think, in Libis/Eastwood area or something. The details are still quite sketchy and I'd rather NOT write anything until it's sure. On second thought, the gig is sure but you never know, someone might start acting up when it's nearer and demand/refuse this and that. Whateverrr. Will let you know though when it's mighty sure sure. Gah.
So. That would be all for today kids because your teacher has to sleep already (ah, like old times) and get up early and gather up her things and stuff. Oh yes nothing like getting into the spirit of things. I bought tons of school stuff at the mall earlier, like a record notebook and a stable plastic container/folder, papers for the quizzes I'm going to give, magic tapes, etc. AND THIS WILL RUN FOR ONLY A WEEK --- I'm acting like it's my career AHAHA. Ohwells things will be amazing if you're into it and eliminate mediocrity.
Imman and Ivan are sleeping tonight in our room ahaha. We'll all be heading out to church tomorrow very early. Oh and I'm really feeling this teacher role because of my glasses nya-ha. Whateverrr. This is so fun!
CAB meeting did not push thru. WHATISTHIS. Everything is getting canceled I swear. Oh but the Soul Benders will have ANOTHER gig this May 6th I think, in Libis/Eastwood area or something. The details are still quite sketchy and I'd rather NOT write anything until it's sure. On second thought, the gig is sure but you never know, someone might start acting up when it's nearer and demand/refuse this and that. Whateverrr. Will let you know though when it's mighty sure sure. Gah.
So. That would be all for today kids because your teacher has to sleep already (ah, like old times) and get up early and gather up her things and stuff. Oh yes nothing like getting into the spirit of things. I bought tons of school stuff at the mall earlier, like a record notebook and a stable plastic container/folder, papers for the quizzes I'm going to give, magic tapes, etc. AND THIS WILL RUN FOR ONLY A WEEK --- I'm acting like it's my career AHAHA. Ohwells things will be amazing if you're into it and eliminate mediocrity.
Imman and Ivan are sleeping tonight in our room ahaha. We'll all be heading out to church tomorrow very early. Oh and I'm really feeling this teacher role because of my glasses nya-ha. Whateverrr. This is so fun!
20 April 2006
dinners and dreaming of europa
HUHUHU. It's just so sad that the Soul Benders gig did not push thru tonight. Or last night rather. I was trying to post how I sooo wanted to watch them again because it doesn't happen often then my Dad passes by and I ask him "Dad tuloy ba kayo tonight?" and he tells me no. Oh the heartbreak.
But then my parents treated Tita Peleng and Tito Jingle for dinner and we poor kids were left at home. BUT. I guess Dad remembered he told me a while ago that WE (meaning our family) are going out for dinner na lang since the gig's canceled, so they said we'd meet up at Starbucks after their dinner. DINNER DINNER DINNER. I mentioned it a lot I want to purge ahaha. And Starbucks is getting old, I order the same thing every single time and the last time I met up with Mikko there I ordered mango juice then hot chocolate so of course I had an upset stomach. But I'm not really after the drinks or pastries there anymore, I just love it because I love having long talks with Daddy and Mommy and Kate and Imman. We just talk and laugh a lot and they ask us about boys and we tell them everything. Yes you heard that right, everything. I guess we established this relationship wherein we trust each other enough to talk about these things, and besides if you're not doing anything wrong, what could you NOT tell your parents right. It sounds so old school ahaha but seriously though, we want things simple and true.
So. Tonight is the CAB meeting, then tomorrow morning is the Medical Missions in our church and the Teachers' Training for the DVBS. I have no idea how we can manage to do both, since we volunteered for the Medical Mission and signed up as teachers for the DVBS. Ohwells it's fun anyway. Then sometime next week will be dinner with Pap, Jo and Pau, my dearest friends whom I haven't seen in ages. And I can't wait for my grandparents and Papa Noel and Mama Pachee and Kris to arrive! It's like this home is always busy and happy doing preparations and stuff. It's one gigantic reunion and we're terribly excited. The Hipolitos are gonna be complete yay!
AteRon and AteRi and Reg and all my other cousins there, we miss you! Oh do you guys know that AteJin just arrived from Denmark? She was there for nine days I think, and it was amazing because she has this picture in a boat or whatever you call it in Europe, the one in the middle of buildings and homes or something. Grabe I want to ride one of those and ride a train through Europe and maybe bungee jump ahaha. Whateverrr. It's ridiculous but I want to sit on a sidewalk cafe too in Paris and learn French and see cows in Europe and possibly witness the Love Parade. Ahaha okay I was kidding about the last one, blame Chasing Liberty the movie and Matthew Goode the cute guy. Let's backpack!

Well say hello to my new eyeglasses
But then my parents treated Tita Peleng and Tito Jingle for dinner and we poor kids were left at home. BUT. I guess Dad remembered he told me a while ago that WE (meaning our family) are going out for dinner na lang since the gig's canceled, so they said we'd meet up at Starbucks after their dinner. DINNER DINNER DINNER. I mentioned it a lot I want to purge ahaha. And Starbucks is getting old, I order the same thing every single time and the last time I met up with Mikko there I ordered mango juice then hot chocolate so of course I had an upset stomach. But I'm not really after the drinks or pastries there anymore, I just love it because I love having long talks with Daddy and Mommy and Kate and Imman. We just talk and laugh a lot and they ask us about boys and we tell them everything. Yes you heard that right, everything. I guess we established this relationship wherein we trust each other enough to talk about these things, and besides if you're not doing anything wrong, what could you NOT tell your parents right. It sounds so old school ahaha but seriously though, we want things simple and true.
So. Tonight is the CAB meeting, then tomorrow morning is the Medical Missions in our church and the Teachers' Training for the DVBS. I have no idea how we can manage to do both, since we volunteered for the Medical Mission and signed up as teachers for the DVBS. Ohwells it's fun anyway. Then sometime next week will be dinner with Pap, Jo and Pau, my dearest friends whom I haven't seen in ages. And I can't wait for my grandparents and Papa Noel and Mama Pachee and Kris to arrive! It's like this home is always busy and happy doing preparations and stuff. It's one gigantic reunion and we're terribly excited. The Hipolitos are gonna be complete yay!
AteRon and AteRi and Reg and all my other cousins there, we miss you! Oh do you guys know that AteJin just arrived from Denmark? She was there for nine days I think, and it was amazing because she has this picture in a boat or whatever you call it in Europe, the one in the middle of buildings and homes or something. Grabe I want to ride one of those and ride a train through Europe and maybe bungee jump ahaha. Whateverrr. It's ridiculous but I want to sit on a sidewalk cafe too in Paris and learn French and see cows in Europe and possibly witness the Love Parade. Ahaha okay I was kidding about the last one, blame Chasing Liberty the movie and Matthew Goode the cute guy. Let's backpack!

Well say hello to my new eyeglasses
I'm wearing one now most of the time because of my eye allergy which turns me into a red-eye monster, and because I'm in front of the computer for a long time. Whateverrr. I would like to think I look smart with these ahaha. Me likey likey.
18 April 2006
when guitars weep
That was exactly what I had in mind. Weeping guitars. It's amazing how the deepest emotions could come out with a few guitar riffs.
Anyway. So I've uploaded this short clip of the mag:net gig. I'm getting bored of putting in embeddable players whatnot in here so just take a peep there. And you'll realize I was sort of dumb because I forgot to rotate the video ahaha. Whateverrr.
I miss camp. I'm having this unhealthy habit of looking at my watch from time to time and tell Kate "ganitong time last week we were running around blah blah". I miss the positive everything you get from there. I miss being challenged day in and day out, I miss the amazing messages. I miss the people, eating together and laughing so hard at the dining hall. I miss leaving the hurlyburly of Manila and basking in the stillness of that place. I just miss camp, period.
So. We're thinking of having a garage sale this weekend. We have tons of stuff here we never get to use anymore --- we'll clean up our room and earn money. Not bad ahaha. It'll be a big garage sale because I think some of Kate's friends will be putting in some stuff too.
Can I just say. I get sad too. Not sad SAD you know, not depression or anything close. Just that itty-bitty sadness you get when you want to hold on to that bit of your life. Or if you can't do that, at least to take fragments of it with you.
But then a fragment is a fragment. It can never be whole. It can never be the whole thing.
Anyway. So I've uploaded this short clip of the mag:net gig. I'm getting bored of putting in embeddable players whatnot in here so just take a peep there. And you'll realize I was sort of dumb because I forgot to rotate the video ahaha. Whateverrr.
I miss camp. I'm having this unhealthy habit of looking at my watch from time to time and tell Kate "ganitong time last week we were running around blah blah". I miss the positive everything you get from there. I miss being challenged day in and day out, I miss the amazing messages. I miss the people, eating together and laughing so hard at the dining hall. I miss leaving the hurlyburly of Manila and basking in the stillness of that place. I just miss camp, period.
So. We're thinking of having a garage sale this weekend. We have tons of stuff here we never get to use anymore --- we'll clean up our room and earn money. Not bad ahaha. It'll be a big garage sale because I think some of Kate's friends will be putting in some stuff too.
Can I just say. I get sad too. Not sad SAD you know, not depression or anything close. Just that itty-bitty sadness you get when you want to hold on to that bit of your life. Or if you can't do that, at least to take fragments of it with you.
But then a fragment is a fragment. It can never be whole. It can never be the whole thing.
16 April 2006
i miss having a reason to wear a scarf
Because I could only do it in Baguio. Imagine wearing one here in Manila. In this kind of weather I bet it could only lead to one thing --- heat stroke.
So last Sunday night we were happy to leave for Baguio

We got there at around 7am, went straight to Calot, Sablan (camp site) and dropped off our things. Then we went back into the city to eat and do some sight-seeing. And ukay rounds ahaha.
We got back in the afternoon, had a shower at Kuya Dax's place since there was no water in the girls' dorm, and dressed up for the evening session.
Tuesday. We woke up early so we;d be first in line to take a bath, but it was freezing at 5am so we just dressed up ahaha. Morning session, lunch, siesta, then sportsfest. Day one was for ball games I think, and I was placed in volleyball--- I didn't realize I haven't done this in four years or so and I was TERRIBLE. Kate was placed in football ahaha. Then after dinner that night we had the evening session, which ends at around 10pm.

churchmates :)

back row: Calvin Liezel Bethel Kate / front row: Kim Sang


Wednesday. You'll have to realize that the schedule's the same everyday, so it was like Tuesday. The only difference was we had a different set of games --- Laro ng Lahi. Pinoy games like Timbao, Kadang-Kadang, Luksong Lubid etc. Which was a lot of fun too ahaha.

with Pastor Bayers (not sure with the spelling), Pastor Mike Wells and Pastor Nato

go Green team!

Kim ahaha :)

team mates playing Luksong Lubid

Me and Kate
Thursday. Only one picure because the batt went empty. The game was fun --- Calot Adventure. There were different stations where some members of the group had to cook egg in paper, cook rice in bamboo, make an artwork out of things you see around, etc. That night was Dr. Mike Wells' last preaching, and after that Pastor Nato will be bringing him to Manila just in time for his flight back to US. We had a bonfire that night and they said there won't be a lights-off, which was a big deal after a few days of having to use our cellphones to move around in darkness--- imagine turning it off by 11pm ahaha. We had a chance to talk with different people there that night and it was fun but we went back to the dorm at around 2:30am.

BBC Sta. Mesa with Dr. Wells
Friday. Had breakfast, then people left by churches. We left later than everyone else I think. Had lunch at the city, went to tourist spots, then ukay rounds again ahaha. We stayed at Apugan, at the High Crest Baptist Church, since the ticket we got was 4:40am Saturday morning.

back row: Amay Euan Kim Sang Kuya Ernie Me / front row: Kate Liezel Sheena Bethel Vane

back row: Special Mommy Del Kim Jeff / front row: Me Kate Sheena Bethel Vane

Mommy Del and Special haha
The camp was amazing --- wonderful speakers/pastors, wonderful people, wonderful place, and wonderful wonderful churchmates. Plus Mommy Del won as Counselor of the Year. I don't think I have to write down every single funny thing that happened there, we all remember ahaha. And we all had fun. Just drop the whole "Special" thing okay sweeties? AHAHA.
So last Sunday night we were happy to leave for Baguio

We got there at around 7am, went straight to Calot, Sablan (camp site) and dropped off our things. Then we went back into the city to eat and do some sight-seeing. And ukay rounds ahaha.
We got back in the afternoon, had a shower at Kuya Dax's place since there was no water in the girls' dorm, and dressed up for the evening session.
Tuesday. We woke up early so we;d be first in line to take a bath, but it was freezing at 5am so we just dressed up ahaha. Morning session, lunch, siesta, then sportsfest. Day one was for ball games I think, and I was placed in volleyball--- I didn't realize I haven't done this in four years or so and I was TERRIBLE. Kate was placed in football ahaha. Then after dinner that night we had the evening session, which ends at around 10pm.

churchmates :)

back row: Calvin Liezel Bethel Kate / front row: Kim Sang


Wednesday. You'll have to realize that the schedule's the same everyday, so it was like Tuesday. The only difference was we had a different set of games --- Laro ng Lahi. Pinoy games like Timbao, Kadang-Kadang, Luksong Lubid etc. Which was a lot of fun too ahaha.

with Pastor Bayers (not sure with the spelling), Pastor Mike Wells and Pastor Nato

go Green team!

Kim ahaha :)

team mates playing Luksong Lubid

Me and Kate
Thursday. Only one picure because the batt went empty. The game was fun --- Calot Adventure. There were different stations where some members of the group had to cook egg in paper, cook rice in bamboo, make an artwork out of things you see around, etc. That night was Dr. Mike Wells' last preaching, and after that Pastor Nato will be bringing him to Manila just in time for his flight back to US. We had a bonfire that night and they said there won't be a lights-off, which was a big deal after a few days of having to use our cellphones to move around in darkness--- imagine turning it off by 11pm ahaha. We had a chance to talk with different people there that night and it was fun but we went back to the dorm at around 2:30am.

BBC Sta. Mesa with Dr. Wells
Friday. Had breakfast, then people left by churches. We left later than everyone else I think. Had lunch at the city, went to tourist spots, then ukay rounds again ahaha. We stayed at Apugan, at the High Crest Baptist Church, since the ticket we got was 4:40am Saturday morning.

back row: Amay Euan Kim Sang Kuya Ernie Me / front row: Kate Liezel Sheena Bethel Vane

back row: Special Mommy Del Kim Jeff / front row: Me Kate Sheena Bethel Vane

Mommy Del and Special haha
The camp was amazing --- wonderful speakers/pastors, wonderful people, wonderful place, and wonderful wonderful churchmates. Plus Mommy Del won as Counselor of the Year. I don't think I have to write down every single funny thing that happened there, we all remember ahaha. And we all had fun. Just drop the whole "Special" thing okay sweeties? AHAHA.
mag:net gig
So okay last weekend Dad's band had a gig at Mag:Net Katipunan. Soul Benders is technically NOT a band because they don't do it regularly, they just meet up whenever they feel like it and play together. Anyway of course we were there in full force ahaha. And Mommy and I were so tired because she had this catering for a children's party and house blessing and I went with her.
Kate and Dad went ahead, and Mon, Gia and Cheska showed up too. Which was real fun. When we got there the band had already started.

Tito Joric Tito Lito Daddy

Dad and Tito Alex's Diezel amp

Southern Grass


Kate Mon Me

Kate Gia and my fishie-face

and Cruz emotes

Cheska and Kate

Kate and Dad went ahead, and Mon, Gia and Cheska showed up too. Which was real fun. When we got there the band had already started.

Tito Joric Tito Lito Daddy

Dad and Tito Alex's Diezel amp
After Soul Benders' set was Southern Grass, which was more Hendrix blues than SRV blues, if you know what I mean. Julia Clarete (oh yes the actress I think) got onstage and did vocals with the vocals guy at one point. She was so loud. Kept shouting things all over the place, and it was not a pretty sight. Whatevs. Anyway. I liked the band's Little Wing cover. Oh and the bass guy turned out to be another one of Dad's clients.

Southern Grass
The last band was SnakeCharmer. Oh the guy on vocals played the harmonica too so I had fun watching them. I would have loved to take more pictures but the batt was empty after taking video clips ahaha.
BUT. We took pictures downstairs at the gallery using Mon and Gia's cam.
BUT. We took pictures downstairs at the gallery using Mon and Gia's cam.


Kate Mon Me

Kate Gia and my fishie-face

and Cruz emotes

Cheska and Kate

Thanks Gia and Mon for the pics! They left earlier than us, because we stayed for the open jam. Not the whole thing really, just enough to hear them play a bit.
Then we were off. Great night. Looking forward to Conspiracy. This Thursday.
Then we were off. Great night. Looking forward to Conspiracy. This Thursday.