28 March 2006

bloody DSL

Bloody bloody DSL. Imagine not going online for almost a week! Not that its about surfing or anything, but now I have a gazillion emails to check (and reply to) just in Dad's mail, and mine, and Mommy's, then site updates. Ohwells. At least now I don't have to wait a lifetime for pictures to load.

So yes, my sister graduated from high school. It was surreal seeing Kate up on the stage receiving her diploma. My Mom was in tears ahaha, but I guess that's how it goes for all Moms. I remember my own highschool grad and how I was so different back then. A few years could make the greatest difference, and you'll definitely learn a lot AFTER high school. I mean I thought college was a breeze then, and I felt that the only way to go for an artist like myself was Fine Arts. OMG I was so ignorant! Then one day you'll wake up to the reality that in life you don't get the best of everything --- if you want to go by your passion, you'll have to risk a stable future because you MAY or MAY NOT excel in your field. But if you want to at least get a stable job, you'll have to SET ASIDE your passions and take up something practical. Emphasis on SET ASIDE, because you don't have to give it up.

Kate's going to take up Nursing too. I know most people will go WHAT because her original plan was Fashion Design at Benilde, and some are claiming that we're like selling out or something. Truth is, we've got bigger plans than simply Kate being a fashion designer, and at least she has something to fall back on if ever it fails. I learned that we work better if we're not under some pressure, so I want to separate my artsy things with what I refer to as work. It won't be fun coming up with creative things if you're months behind your rent or something AHAHA.

Anyway. Pictures of Kate's grad:

Mommy and Kate / Kate and Jo (Frost girls)

INFAMITA graduates! Cheska, Kate, Sab, Mon

Daddy, Kate, Mommy / Daddy, Kate, Imman, Mommy

Kate and Imman / Me, Imman, Kate

So yeah dinner after graduation. Congratulations Kate! And Mon, Cheska, Sab, Jo, Chai, Jaire, Camille, The Sub, and all her friends ahaha.

Speaking of Infamita, I've uploaded two short video clips of the bandfest at my multiply. CLICK HERE to view them playing Bloodred Summer (I forgot which artist e) and CLICK HERE for their Beep Beep cover (by Juan dela Cruz). Go easy on the girls, they're not pro players but they're pretty good for 16-year-old GIRLS ahaha.

I'm trying to make this as fast as possible because this bloody internet connection could be cut off any minute because the operator says "the service order blah blah is still open blah blah and it may take twenty-four to fourty-eight hours blah blah". THAT WAS LAST MONDAY. Ugh I hate it when everything else comes to a halt because of some technical difficulties which are not even our fault. Later.

22 March 2006

a party is not a party without calamansi relay

Technically I'm no longer a part of Ind 4-1, but I joined the class party anyway ahaha. I had almost forgotten how much fun I have with all of them, and Monday night was really great. We had this party at Melo's place. Their rooftop actually.

classmates / Ina Fio Me Meggy Ruthie

We had dinner and they handed out awards, like Class Clown (which of course would be Ej ahaha) and Rockstar Award (Meri). I particularly remember the Rockstar Award because I thought it would be about, you know, being a rockstar. Oh dear I did not make sense on that one. Turns out it's for the person who couldn't be bothered to take a bath before going to class because of all the plates they had to submit. I got the Fashionista Award which is nice, but I'd rather get something meaningful yo. Ahaha. Meg got the Bitch Award, Ruthie and Jomatt the Couple of the Night, Sexiness Award for Ina (because you have got to check her friendster account ahaha), Bright Eyes Award for Fio, Geisha Award for Che, etc. I can't remember everything but almost everyone had an award.

Ina Che Me / Fio loves Me!

Then we had games. Oh yes, relay baby! First up was Calamansi Relay.

Meann and EJ / Ina ahaha :)

I know, I know. It was totally original, like everyone was asking, what's Calamansi Relay and how do we do it?

Moving on. Next up was, ah, I don't really know the name of the game. So let's just name it Chopsticks the Mani Relay.

Touki / Kiko

Tough. Had to use the plastic chopsticks though because it's harder, therefore making it all the more fun.

Kiko and Charm / Charm carries Fio

Then some had to go home already, so the ones left just messed around, talked, some played the guitar and percussions, ate, took pictures. Charm did a lap dance in front of Mikko and me, and of course you know it was not a real one but she enjoyed pretending anyway ahaha. Oh and Edward and Dan arrived late but we're glad they made it. There was no videoke or even a microphone and we wanted to sing, so we did. Britney Spears songs I swear, and it was crazy. Kasi si Meri, she started with "Hit Me Baby One More Time" so I followed with "Sometimes" and we just sang everything. Then Mikko belted out a Whitney Houston. OMG DIVA! Then Meri played the guitar and did our Bandfest songs back in high school. Memories, and I suddenly miss our bandmates. Melo and I on vocals. Oh and yes you must remember I was supposed to play guitars too but the wretched sound team was incompetent--- bad sounds and insufficient gadgets. So yeah Meri and Tonton (long story about the pet name, but it's Lanie actually) on guitars, Jaque on bass, Pat on drums, and Maes on violin. See we even had this violin thing going on, how I love these people. I wish I'd see them again soon.

Me and Ruthie / Fio carries Meri!

Mikko and Me / Me and Dan

So just when everyone was getting pretty drunk and after taking pictures of Mikko, we both decided to go home. He dropped me off then headed home. It's pretty sad knowing I'm not going to see more of them in the near future, but yeah I'm happy for all of them.

my new muses ahaha

(more pictures from the class party here)

Today I was supposed to meet up with Mikko and Meggy in PowerPlay because they're gonna play badminton again, but I had final exams and we still had a lecture in this one subject. And Mikko, Che and I are planning something. Yet again. Mikko and I had this Escritoryo business all mapped out before but it never pushed through, now we're thinking of collaborating for some dynamic exhibit. We're going to have a meeting to lay out all the technicalities and whatnots, and if everything goes according to plan, the exhibit will be in December. We're aiming to touch on every aspect --- fashion, accessories, furniture, other industrial products, photography, possibly some literature.


Kate and I watched "Brokeback Mountain". I really like Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal is not so bad either, but the two of them together is rather repulsive. And the sight of Anne Hathaway without her top on feels so wrong, I remember her as Princess Mia in Princess Diaries --- so conservative and all wapped up ahaha. Plus it's such a shame seeing Michelle Williams looking so sullen and everything, since she was totally beautiful at the Oscars. Ohwells.

And we watched "She's the Man". Yeah I can almost hear people saying "OMG no NOT a TEEN FLICK" but there's nothing like a cheesy one to set me back on track. Wooot.

17 March 2006

mommy is an action star and much much more

MY MOM IS THE MOST WONDERFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD. Of course most of you will politely disagree ahaha because fact is, we all say that about our own mothers. But I think we'd all agree on one thing: that we could never completely comprehend the extent of what our Moms would do for us, and that they're our heroes in more ways than we could ever imagine.

I love Mommy because she's smart. You can't easily fool her even with the simplest things so yeah I shan't mess around ahaha. She also has this uncanny ability of making me admit everything even if I DID NOT intend to. Like she'd ask me "So what did you do with the money Dad gave you?" and I'd go "I bought a few beauty products and kept the rest". And she'd say "Oh no you didn't, you probably bought another bag". God it's so embarassing because I'd smile sheepishly after that ahaha.

I love Mommy because she's tough. Once she was texting while walking and this snatcher hit her at the back of the neck. If that happens, I'd probably whine and say that he could have asked for my things instead of hitting me like that, but my Mom's initial reaction was anger and hauled the guy when he was about to pick her cellphone up from the ground and punched him all over. ACTION STAR I'm telling ya. She only felt pain in her fists when she got home. And yeah she still has that phone. The snatcher wasn't able to get it, he got SOMETHING ELSE instead ahaha. Poor schmuck. MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't mess with my mother dearest.

Me, Mommy, Kate
I look like a fool because I was showing off my ring ahaha. I lost it somewhere boohoo.

So yeah I'd like to greet her. Happy Birthday Mommy! Her birth date is March 16 but Lola somehow got things mixed up and her records say it's March 21st. But it's fun because it's like a week-long birthday treat for all of us ahaha. Dad took us out to dinner almost every night since the 16th. I love my Mom sooo much. Oh and to AteRon and AteRi and everyone else who greeted her: Thank you daw. Birthday greetings make her happy.

Our photography session did not push through because Mikko and Meggy had to attend to something. It's okay though because we'll be seeing each other tomorrow night for the class party. I'm so excited, plus there are numerous things lined up --- I'll plan a night out with Pap, Jo and Pau, then the one with my cousins because can you just believe it? ATEJIN YOU ARE AMAZING! She got back from Singapore just last month I think and she's leaving again for Denmark. Then there's camp, a go-see (will spill about this one later, but rest assured I am NOT applying as a model nya-ha), Blues Night, etc. I might as well enjoy this summer because I'll be studying during summer in the next two years or so. Ugh when you read what I just said it feels like forever, but whatevs. Time will fly, hopefully.

Oh and Kate had her Seniors' Night last Friday, and she won the Total Look of the Night award ahaha. The night was called Black and White Affair I think, so.

Mon, Kate, Belsy, Jo, Jaire / Mon and Kate

Kate and Jo / Jo, Mon, Kate

More pictures later, probably in multiply because I can't be bothered to resize things and post everything here. Oh and Kuya John came here a few days ago and checked the computer and GAH. We're about to run out of space because of mp3's and movies ahaha. I just can't part with Y Tu Mama Tambien and Amelie ahaha. I LOVE those movies. And Almost Famous. I'll do some cleanup or something real soon and delete songs I haven't listened to in a long time, but surely these musicians will live in this computer forever and ever: SRV (Double Trouble, In Step and Texas Flood Albums), Clapton, Lampano Alley, Albert King, Aretha, Ella Fitzgerald, Hendrix, etc. I wishI'd wake up with an iPod next to me, earphones plugged on my ears. OH THAT IS LOOOOVE. Then I'll download podcasts. Meh.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Don't even bother looking at my site using Internet Explorer. I used that browser to check one day and HOLY GUACAMOLE! It's pure chaos sobra. I edit using Mozilla so it'll look good if you use it. Download it now and I mean now! Ahaha.

Oh and HEY SALINDIWA when's the launch? Kate and I are waiting and we're excited ahaha.

12 March 2006

hyatt banquet and other things

Thusday night last week was the Graduation Banquet of our church's Bible school so we headed to Hyatt Hotel. It was a formal event so we had to put on dresses and my Dad wore a barong. Imman Tomtom had to stay home because kids weren't allowed I think and he has school the next day. Oh the anguish of poor schoolkids left at home because of early bus rides.

ANYWAY. I got a few pictures here from Thursday night. Oh it was so much fun dressing up, and everyone looked great. Oh and Kate designed the dress she wore--- she had it made for their Seniors' Night but COULD NOT help herself. So. Ahaha whatevs.

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Kate and Mommy / Mommy and Daddy

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Kate, Ate Rhoda, Kim / Mommy :)

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Kate and Chanel / Me, Kim, Ate Rhoda

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Me and Renee (back), Kim and Kate (front) / with friends from church

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Me and Kate

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and yes some pseudo photography ahaha

In other news.

I don't know why but suddenly my UST friends started pouring in ahaha. Oh it's sooo much fun getting to spend time with them again. Last Saturday, Meri asked me if I could go with them to visit Arianne, a classmate and friend who just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I was supposed to go but I had to be back by 6pm to go somewhere else, so I wasn't able to see her and the baby before she left. Arianne when you come visit Manila again I promise I'll go see you! And congratulations on your new baby. It's amazing how friends you just hang around with before could turn into Moms in a span of, say, two years. Oh and babies are so beautiful.

So okay last Monday I was there in San Juan for our class wherein we teach mothers about preventive measures and everything. I took a cab home and Ina and Raffy saw me when the cab passed by Mayon so they went here to see me. It was fun catching up with her and they even asked me to take their blood pressures ahaha. Raffy is hypertensive, I think, so they just wanted to go check. Anyway it was pretty normal when I checked so it's okay.

Then this afternoon I was walking there in Welcome, almost in Espana, when I saw this lost-looking boy. AHAHA it was EJ, and he's a bad influence. I was supposed to go to class but I got sidetracked, and anyway he was headed to PowerPlay where Mikko, Meg, Iris and Touki were playing badminton so I went with him. So good to see them again, especially Mikko and Meg. After their badminton session and after Mikko's gazillion years in the shower, EJ, Iris and Touki went home and Mikko and Meg went here in our house.

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Mikko / Meggy

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Meggy and Me / Me and Mikko

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Me and Mikko / Meg and Me, and we practically look the same as the one above ahaha

We went to Suki for some food trip ahaha. God I don't know how we were able to take it all in. More pictures tomorrow because they're gonna go back here and we're going to have a photography session ahaha. And we'll be planning our outfits for Monday night in our class party. I'm so happy for them, they're gonna graduate this April. Done with the thesis, and Mikko got a 1.5, which is a pretty big deal considering the panel of professors present during his defense. Funny but somehow, I just don't see myself standing in front of them talking about my design. Maybe I'm not an industrial designer after all. I may be drawn towards all things creative like music, art and literature, but not industrial design.

I don't think I can even come up with a design worthy of presenting as a thesis, because I was so lame when I designed toilet brushes and clotheshangers before. Oh I hate it with a passion. And I hated the fact that I COULD NOT come up with something revolutionary ahaha. Or even something innovative. Maybe I should have taken up Advertising. OMG I need to FOCUS ahaha. GOAL: Be a nurse, earn megabucks, start my business plan with Kate, cater to the international market, and be famous on a worldwide scale ahaha.

In the meantime, I'd have to endure these extremely complicated medical subjects which I don't even bother to excel in. Sucks.

08 March 2006

celebrities and harmonica heartbreak diaries

Mommy had this catering today so we're all spent. I went to class in the morning then rushed to help her then ATTEMPTED to rush back to my afternoon class. However a lot of Dad's clients came in and there was no one here at home who could help him out. SO.

Oh and it was so funny today because Kate and I were talking about Jorel (of Kjwan) who brought Nino's (of Greyhoundz) bass here last week, saying that Nino is in the car outside and won't go in since they're just leaving the bass. We were wondering kasi if Ala is with them in the car too heehee because we think she's pretty. So yeah anyway we were talking about it this afternoon when Boogie (of Kjwan din yata and Dicta License) comes in with his guitar, followed by Erica Paredes, Ala's sister. She's pretty too. OHWELLS.

Oh and I checked Dad's mail this evening and saw one from Tito Joric who sent a link to a YouTube video, saying that since Dad was not at the gig last night, here's his chance to watch the video. So I opened it yo and saw DELTA SLIM WITH TOMCAT. Good lord he had a gig with MR. TOMCAT last night? He's amazing I'm telling ya. A reminder on how the harmonica could sound so unabashedly passionate, and how I suck playing it big time. BLUES HARP RANTING # 109826638478: I don't even know if you could call it playing and why sometimes I sound like a purring cat when I attempt to play it. And I don't know why I think the blues is so sexy and it just tugs at my heart. DRAMA. INTENSE yo.

So hokay I'm putting it up here because I want you to see it and hear how he plays the harmonica. I'll be focusing on that goal as soon as classes end.


One way or another.

06 March 2006

photos long overdue and the wretched shoes

So okay here are some pictures from Imman's party. I know it's terribly late but ohwells.

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Relatives with Gia, Mon, Cheska, Kate / Mama Diding and kids (Yen in the pink shirt)

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Bible students Pao (Burma I think), Thang (Myanmar I think), and Felix (Africa) / churchmates

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Yen and Maan / Kate, Maan, and Ate Jean fresh from Singapore heehee

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Mon, Kate, Cheska, Gia / with cousins

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Axel, Moi-moi, Imman, and Macmac with Imman's gifts / Kate, Mon, Cheska, Gia

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Kate and Maan / Gia, Cheska, Kate, Mon--- they're cute kidlets

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Gia, Mon, Cheska, Kate --- I dare say they're really cute kidlets / Gia, Mon, Carl, Cheena, Kate, Cheska

And I realized just now that I DO NOT have any picture. None at all. Oh I shame myself AHAHA. I guess I was too busy roaming around making sure things are okay since Mommy and Daddy were busy talking with people, and Kate was busy with her friends. It's okay though, I will make it up to me. Woooot.

OHMYGOD I just can't believe it happened to me again. Remember last Christmas when I tripped because of my shoes? It happened again. I hate it with a passion. Too bad really, because I think it's really nice and I loved it. And my Mom bought it for me.

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the wretched gold sandals. the brown one is Kate's

Ahaha I took this picture of our shoes last Christmas because it's so nice, with beads and all. Anyway back to my agony. NOT ONLY did I fall, but there were A LOT of people who saw me this time, and I have a big big wound on my left knee. When I fell I got up REAL QUICK and dragged Kate, hoping we could immediately get a cab because I was so humiliated. It was only when we were already inside the cab that I felt this sharp pain on my knee and saw the bloodstains in my skirt. DRAMA I'm telling ya. I can't understand what's wrong with my shoes, because I already asked Ate Lan to bring it to the shoe repair shop for them to pur rubber on the soles. I swear I totally tripped and it was sooo BAD. BAD everything --- my nasty wound, the way I fell, how Kate reacted which was basically just laughing her ass off while I struggled to regain my dignity ahaha, the number of people who saw me which was NUMEROUS, etc.

To end this post, may I repeat that I abhor my gold sandals with a vengeance.

But they're still cute, actually.