26 February 2006

power of suggestion

So funny how people tend to make an ass out of themselves like eighty percent of the time. Or something. Dad told me once that there was this group of people who were chosen to participate in an experiment, and they listened to an audio clip which was mostly just a gargle of sounds. Then the facilitator asked them if they heard someone say "help me" and they said no. So they were asked to listen to the same clip again and surprisingly, they heard a faint "help me". Fact is, there wasn't any "help me" in there, it was purely the power of suggestion.

And there's the classic Jimi Hendrix story wherein he got so pissed with his effects that he threw the thing to his sound tech and told him to fix it up since it was practically useless, at least according to Hendrix. So the tech just kept the effects and did not fix anything, and after some time returned it to Hendrix saying he fixed it up and it's now working pretty well. Then Hendrix tested it and he was totally blown away with the sound, like it's an enitrely different thing. It's pathetic. Or maybe it's drugs ahaha. Whatevs.

And yeah sometimes like when Kate and I are at some party and there would be wine. I never was a fan of wine and I probably take a few sips only at Uncle Tom's and parties on Mommy's side, so I don't drink and so does Kate. But then some CUTE social butterfly would flutter by and pretend that OH THIS PARTY IS AMAZING AND I JUST HAVE TO WHISK A WINEGLASS CAUSE THIS IS WHAT I DO ALL THE TIME AND I'M SO SOSYAL. Oh man like I can't take it and its so hilarious because she really doesn't drink and she hates it. SO Kate and I will tell her that YA OMG THIS WINE IS SOOO GOOD and she'd go DEFINITELY LIKE ITS MY FAVE. Basta it's so pathetic that I want to bring her home to her mom and let her be reprimanded or something.

The whole concept of this power of suggestion thing is immensely interesting. It may be some sort of mind game, how you can unconsciously manipulate people. Yowza I'm starting to cound like a mad scientist here so we'll let that go. But it's just so funny. INSANE.

Oh and I was able to talk with AteRon again the other night! We ended up talking until 4:30 in the morning ahaaha but it's okay because I love her to bits. And ATERI next time you're with her na and Reg too heehee.

AND YO comrades, the INFAMITA pics are now up at the Guitar Hospital site. I mean you gotta hand it to them, Dad was all go and all supportive ahaha.

(Infamita feature on the Guitar Hospital site)

I love tassles and I do NOT know why. I have got to stop piling on necklaces with gigantic tassles ahaha. It's not healthy. BUT I was never one to binge on accessories SO. Whut. Oh and we were shown some pictures and presentations earlier about drugs and what it could do to you. It was pretty basic, like what I always heard in school, but I saw how A BRAIN affected by drugs could punch up a huge black hole or something and its disgusting. Because I was able to hold and examine a real human brain before and it looks okay, like how you would see it in Anatomy books. But this drug-affected brain looks terrible and is kind of hollow. I swear you would NOT want your brain to look so ugly. FUG. AHAHA. Whatevs.

23 February 2006

kokology madness

This Kokology thing is interesting ahaha. Kate brought in a book she borrowed from Chai and it has all these odd questions. Your answers have corresponding interpretations or psychoanalysis or whatevs.

OKAY ONE QUESTION: You're standing in a field and you're hungry. You see strawberries and you want to pick some, but there's a fence which prevents you from going near them. How tall is the fence?

Email me or send a message or anything if you want to know what it's about. Not about to write everything down here AHAHA.

Aww it's my little brother's birthday! I LOVE YOU IMMAN. He's so adorable and he's a good kid. I got him a present today, this huge Fantastic Four toy. The monster there, I forgot the name. Mommy was telling me to go get him a polo shirt or something instead of a toy AGAIN, especially since most people are probably gonna give him that on Saturday on his party. BUT a kid is still a kid, and he will always want toys.

I saw American Idol a while ago and it's rather disappointing. But then again maybe I'm refusing to acknowledge the new batch because I loved Constantine AHAHA. Whut. Omg like FOCUS! ahaha. But there's this guy Elliott who sings really well, and he MIGHT look good if he was not bald. I'm not saying bald is not beautiful, but the look isn't working for him.

I just read my dearest ATERON's relocated online journal and enjoyed the part where she goes
I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S CONSIDERED BADUY IN PINAS TO LISTEN TO HER MUSIC AND ACTUALLY LIKE IT, HENCE MY POST. HEEE. She was actually referring to Aiza Seguerra and gushing over her How Did You Know cover. Which got me into thinking if she's baduy. I mean she's not doing novelty, but somethings a little off. Okay I don't even know why I'm TRYING to discuss this ahaha. Ateron kasi go online and imma be telling you lotsa juicy and cool and disgusting stuff. OHWELLS.

I tried looking up kokology but they have lame questions, mostly teasers for the kokology books they're selling. Omg last night Kate didn't even get to finish her feasibility study because of our KOKOLOGY QUESTION AND ANSWER PORTION. Rad I might say. Whut, question and answer? It's like Little Miss Philippines all over again. Whatisthat. We had mad fun anyway because she can't accept some interpretations and I was like "you have to admit you go for looks 85 percent of the time" or "I know that because I happen to be your sister, people perceive you as super mataray ALL THE TIME." Which is partly true ahaha. I think I'm the only one who can handle that side of her ahaha.

I'm not making any sense here. God I'm so sleepy but I WILL my fingers to keep typing. Yeah but I can't be bothered to think of what to say.

BUT .I really have to say, I currently enjoy listening to Hendrix's Have You ever Been to Electric Ladyland. I don't know why. Like I want to put on a tie-dyed shirt and go on a roadtrip with the windows dow. OH IT IS LOVE.

20 February 2006

bandfest and Infamita and the lovely highschool kidlets

So okay we had a mighty good time at the bandfest. The girls did a great job I swear. So did their friends. I was there by around 6pm and I thought they'd get to play in about two hours but HOKAY they got onstage at 9:45. ATEJIN I APOLOGIZE. Good Lord she knows what I'm talking about. I'll make it up to you I promise. I mean first chance to get to see her again after she got back from Singapore and I did not show up. I love you and we will have dinner and talk like there's no tomorrow SOON.

Moving right along. I moved up front when Jo's team was dancing since Infamita was next. Yeah it's so highschool but I'm always supporting my family and friends all-out so we were there. And besides it gives me these flashbacks of my time up onstage 4 years ago when I was a senior, and man that sucked. I was supposed to play guitar and do vocals, but the WRETCHED SOUND TEAM had no extra amp where I could plug so I ended up just singing. Mighty awkward.

It was funny because Dad moved up front too. Usually he just stays somewhere comfortable and listens, but I guess he's excited to see his second daughter there playing the guitar. IN HEELS. Ahaha that's what I so like about these girls, they're never mediocre. Cheska was exuding hippie 60s vibes, Mon looked like a cute but bitchy little doll, Sab was wearing their Dance Production pants and had an elaborate blue makeup on one eye, and Kate did sort of the 70's with leggings and heels. Aww they looked so cute. Add Jo, who looks like a Latina in a vest and skinny jeans, and Jaire, who was equally smashing. Okay before I start rambling off ala Fashion Police, I give thee photos from that night.

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Kate / Cheska

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I saw Pau! I missed her terribly! Yay after sooo many months :)

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Mon, Kate, Lisa (Pau's sister, Samsara's drummer)

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Starbucks with Mon, Pat, Jo / Jo and Kate, FROST girls ahaha

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Kate, Jo, Jaire, Mon

Dad was pretty happy with their playing. I think he really enjoyed their BEEP BEEP by Juan dela Cruz cover. And Cheska did amazing, she had this high energy level which made eveything more upbeat and fun. I think she was nervous when they started because she went really fast ahaha. And when they were going up I think one of them told Kate OMG KATE YUNG DAD MO NASA HARAP and they were jittery since he's a musician or something and he knows a lot about it and they might suck. But no reason to fret, girls.

(View more bandfest pictures here)

Hokay after they played we decided to stay a bit longer for Camille's band. They did pretty good too. But I am mighty impressed with Samsara, they covered UpDharmaDown's Maybe and it was great. And I met Pau! We haven't seen each other in months plus we weren't able to meet up last Christmas so I was so glad to bump into her there. Yo Pau we really have to meet up in March because you as well as Pap are gonna graduate and Jo is already working and all.

Anyway. Most of the people we were with went to Blue Ginger after, which is some sort of a bar. I'm not sure really, but yeah we didn't like the vibes and it was crowded and everything, so we headed to Starbucks.

So anyway last Sunday we had new guests in church, Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell, who came from the States. I like Mrs. Lobdell, she's so perky and happy as if she's seeing everything for the first time. I mean Kate and I were really tired after the service so we were just basically sulking in one of the seats, then she just approached us with this huge smile and it feels so wrong not to stay happy in her presence. She's going to teach on Thursday and Friday evening so I'm gonna come, I'm actually excited. I mean I just kept thinking what's with this woman, why she's so unbelievably happy all the time and what makes her tick. I admire women like her, they make it look so much fun to be serving the Lord. Her husband is not only a preacher but also a doctor, so they have medical missions all over the world.

Some pictures next post. Gots to jet.

Oh and watch out for the Infamita pics on Dad's website. Ahaha I guess Dad really was happy with them because he agreed to put it up there. Yowza.

15 February 2006

a happy birthday to my Dad!

Awww today my Dad turns 41. Actually if you think about it he's still pretty young, considering his eldest is turning 21. Awww. And all I can say is I LOVE DADDY with my whole heart. We've been through tough times but you just tend to overlook all that when you truly love a person, and well he's my father ahaha.

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Me and Daddy / Kate Dad and Me

Kate and I were telling him just last night that when we're filthy rich we're gonna buy him and Mommy a yacht or let them travel wherever they fancy. Surprisingly I think my Dad's an introvert, he always tells me that his dream when he gets old is to just live in a typical country setting in the States where the next house is miles away and all you can see when you go out is an endless field. Well I could not let them live so far away, so I said maybe I'll just buy him a hacienda somewhere here and a horse ahaha.

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Me, Imman "TomTom" and Kate

But oh it's hard to get on his bad side. I mean once he decides he doesn't like a person, he really WOULD NOT talk to that person anymore. He's funny and everything but when he gets mad I'm really nervous ahaha. When he calls me KRISTELLA that's when you know there's something wrong. Good god when he raises his voice when he's angry it's terrifying ahaha.

I'm happy because my parents are happy. Is that how it goes for everyone? I mean even if I'm worrying about a lot of things, when I see them all lovey-dovey it just somehow calms me. It's not like they don't fight, but they work it out and like 80 percent of the time they're okay. And last night Dad took Mommy out on a Valentines date and left the poor kids at home ahaha.

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So yeah since Dad was dead tired and we have a mother and son from Romblon staying with us till Friday, Mommy just prepared A LOT of food and ordered pizza and stuff so we'd just eat here. About that mother and son, the kid fell somewhere in Romblon and broke a few bones, and there are lumps I think in his spine, so they're here to have him operated in the orthopedic. No place to stay while they're here so we took them in. The doctor said that the problem with his back can be solved with just a brace on his body, so no need for an operation. Poor kid, in the morning he cries when he's trying to get up because it hurts so much, his mom said.

In other news.

Guess what I was able to go to the cute studio in Maceda. The pink drums was terribly cute so Sab has the most number of photos ahaha. I have A LOT of pictures and I don't know where to put them so I'll just upload everything on my multiply. Just clicky clicky below. Guuuh.

(Aww the little girls frolicking in the fields are now budding rockstars...)

And yeah we're thinking of heading over to the UP Fair after bandfest on Friday, that is if nothing will come up or we won't have to go elsewhere. Oh and I saw Cheska and she looks like a debutante! AHAHA. No seriously bagay sa kanya. She looks girly. Bouncy curls are a must in order to fully exude the rockstar attitude comrades! God and I was laughing so hard when they were practicing, I think they can be stand-up comedians.

I can't get over that pink drumset. I want one. In our room ahaha.

Edit right this very minute: Photobucket is so lame. It's acting up and giving me the lousiest time ever. Just see the multiply for other pics.

12 February 2006

band talk

Saturday was band practice day for Kate, Mon, Cheska, and Xab. I was supposed to wake up early too and go with them to Maceda where they have this reservation in a studio but I was still so disorganized and so out of it. Too bad I missed the opportunity to take nice pictures, they told me they had YELLOW lights in there and the drumset was PINK ahaha. Not that I fancy pink drums but it's pretty nice to take photos with. And yellow lights are the shiznit! It hides flaws in pictures that's all I have to say ahaha.

Last year they auditioned for the bandfest too but did not get in. They used to practice here in our house, but since the drumset is gone, they have to do it elsewhere now. So yeah I think the reason it went awful was the terrible equipment, and partly, wrong choice of song. They were playing and the guitars won't sound, and the cymbals were jumbled up. I think Xab was even so pissed she just hit everything, stood up and screamed "FLY!" at that part in the end and the teachers were so surprised. And offended. Oh yes, the horror. And well it was the wrong song because I mean they were all girls and decided to play Butterfly Carnival by Sandwich, Marc Abaya days. Cheska did the vocals, and I think the song's not for her. If you could not match Marc Abaya's sexual energy during performances, just drop it. Oohlala THE VIBES man. AHAHA. Cheska's more on the fun side, and would you actually believe that she can do Beep Beep? Yep kiddies, by Juan dela Cruz. She's got the moves and the ROCKSTAR ATTITUDE ahaha. Ohmygod that word is fast becoming the cool word for the moment, at least in their circle ahaha. And with a large percentage of sarcasm. Amen.

clockwise from top left: Cheska, Mon, Kate, Xab

So okay I head over to STC where they had the rehearsals or something. All the bands playing were supposed to be there, but man the sound system sucked. Big time. I mean Kate brought effects and her guitar worked perfectly well at the studio, but when they plugged it there, it sounded like the guitar was on distortion when it WAS NOT in distortion. Then in the middle of the song there was no sound anymore. And the drums was terrible. Lata man, totally. Then the teacher in there butts in and says that they should NOT bring in extra gadgets because the sound guy claims that it was the cause of the buzz on all the guitars, and she was like GIRLS LISTEN TO ME, AVOID BRINGING IN THOSE GADGETS BECAUSE MR. SO AND SO SAYS SO AND SO, AND WE SHOULD LISTEN TO HIM 'CAUSE HE'S AN EXPERT ON THESE. Expert yo. Let's not try to rationalize because they were really lame I swear. And I was like the eternal sunshine for them girls ahaha. I was like CHEER UP it's okay since I heard them play during practices and they were a gazillion times better than last year. So okay I rushed to McDo and bought breakfast for us, then it was their turn onstage. I took pictures ahaha and that's what I made up there. I'm so proud of them because they're like the best-looking band ahaha. Oh and INFAMITA means BREAKING THE LAW OF SILENCE.

But I have to say I was also impressed with one band there where this girl Len does vocals. They covered UpDharmaDown and she was GOOD. Really good. Must watch out for them too. And it was funny because there was this band who did Sweet Child of Mine and another old classic rock song. Videoke memories I swear. Then Xab said what if they suddenly played Bittersweet Symphony, and we were saying if that happens they'll forever earn our respect. But she said NO THEY WON'T because they don't look like they even know the song. And I looked at them girls and concluded that yes, they won't play it. Breaks my heart how outward appearances can sometimes tell a lot about a person, or sometimes, give other people a negative impression which is mostly wrong anyway.

Mon and her pancakes. You look so cute last Saturday Mon! You rock the hippie look I swear

So yeah moving right along, I think they did pretty good. WATCH THEM. IF NOT FOR THE MUSIC, FOR THEIR RAVISHING GOOD LOOKS AT LEAST ahaha. Seriously though, it would be fun and anyway it's gonna be the last time for them to play there since they're seniors and would soon be leaving our alma mater--- come Theresians and acclaim.... AHAHA. God it brings back memories of Monday mornings lined up at the corridor and me being so nervous as the flag raiser. Sucks ahaha.

Oh and Cheska left with Mai as soon as they got off the stage. She's been itching to head over to David's so she can get her PERM. I can just imagine her bouncy curls and THE MOVES doing her Pepe Smith attitude onstage--- oh Cheska you are THE CARAMBA. I want to see her hair!


10 February 2006

let's talk vintage

Been browsing through online catalogs of vintage fashion, and I'm overwhelmed ahaha. But it's really the accessories which I fancy, so I got inspired. I took pictures of necklaces I made, even from long ago. Say hello to my new alter ego --- Krisel the Jeweller. Or something. Sucks ahaha. Anyway click here kiddies to view my collection. HAHA ya I just had to say that in order to fully assert my jeweller status. I made everything you'll see there. Lord knows how many earrings and bracelets and things I've ruined to get a certain bead or pendant ahaha. It's called reworking, sweetie, and my Momma don't like it ahaha.

So okay, who wants to view swingin' sites of Filipino entrepreneurs starting the vintage boutique craze here in Manila? ME! If you do too, click away:
Irene's Closet
Marni's Room
I Love You Store

They're all lovely, and they're all vintage a-go-go-loco. And WHAT IS WRONG with Photobucket? It's messed up I swear.

And please Lord spare me from the mad traffic tomorrow because of this Lovapalooza. I'm not cynical with this whole Valentine idea but I just don't see the point in heading over to Roxas just to kiss your boyfriend. With a gazillion people around you, doing the same thing. And it's not amusing when in doing so, you're causing this crazy traffic that will make a 15-minute ride take forever. Will go out the whole day tomorrow, and I'm not in the mood to deal with smooching couples littered on the road. YUCK I am so prissy ahaha.

06 February 2006

oh hear my plea

I get so frustrated whenever I'd listen to Lampano Alley, they're amazing. I'm practicing my harmonica and Kate says I could pass for the parts where they blow only a single tune gah. I swear when I find the time I'll go search online for decent tutorials. GOAL: To be able to play with Dad and his band in the next Tone Party. AHAHA. I can hear some snorting in here. But ya I guess I should place this under the category of long-term goals. Unless I learn soon, which is very unlikely. I mean at the recent Tone Party my Dad was calling me onstage to sing some songs, like that of Tracy Chapman --- you'll have to ask your folks about that, I'm afraid she's not very popular amongst kiddos. So okay I did NOT sing because I'm immensely embarassed to do that in front of all those musicians. I mean it's one thing to sing in the shower or in our room but it's ANOTHER thing to do it in front of them. But the harmonica, oh the harmonica, I swear if I just knew how I would NOT think twice, I'll just hit the notes and jam with them and get carried away and blow my way into harmonica lalala-land.

MR. TOMCAT you just HAVE to teach me how to play the harmonica! OR I WILL PERISH OF BLUES HARP HEARTBREAK.

05 February 2006

fotos and other woes

My Mom's back, so I'm a governess no more. She brought home tons of dairy products like kesong puti and chocolate milk and fresh buffalo's milk and pastillas and other stuff. I guess Central Luzon focuses on these things. I swear I can no longer take ANY MORE dairy products and it would take weeks to flush out everything. It messed up my metabolism BIG TIME and it's all bungled up now BAAAH.

Okay on to more important things. Did you guys see what my cousins had to say? Grabe even I am surprised they still remember some details I swear those times were mad fun.

- ohmygoodens ang galing ng memory!!! HAHAHA! binabasa ko (late nga lng dhel di ako tulad ni RIA na may time mag-internet sa work! :p hehehe) tas grabe tumatawa ako mag-isa dito.
Sel! We got the name for our "club" from one of the pens we got for Christmas (si Nanay ata or Ate Lisa nagbigay nun). The pen was blue, tas remember ung logo na swirly sun ba un? I think we got it from that.
OMG why reveal one of my most humiliating secrets here? I WASN'T ALL OVER LEE! :P Eh remember when we saw M2M sa Megamall? That was different though because we just happened to be there the day they had their "concert". Was that even a concert? Anyway, that was merely a coincidence :p
I think I'll be having a hard time topping this one up dahel I don't have that good a memory, and most I remember lang from your posts. But I'll try den to post my version dahel it seems so much fun reminiscin! Love yah!!
-hahaha I looove that picture of me looking like a monkey! :p
Sel you're so cuuuuute!!! Si Kate den! I remember you guys were like cats and dogs back then. Hihihi.
I remember that Pacific Plans thing we went to! I remember practising for the dance and then us making you cry :( I'm so sorry for being such a meanie!!!! You know naman na that I love you muchos muchos diba? :) Anyway, the other girls in the pic are, from your left (or right, whatever): Sumi, Romina, and Hasmin between Ria and me. And we danced to "I Saw Her Standing There" :D
Hahaha gotta love Papa Arie's hair! It's like Dad's back then, only Dad's was worse because he also sported a moustache! He fit right in when we were in Saudi, hehehe.
Hey just the other day Reg and I were dying to watch Romeo and Juliet again. It's still one of our most favourite films!!! Hehe anyway remember when we would spend hours on the phone, and our moms would get irritated becouse we're hogging it hahaha.
I'm starting to get homesick :( I really miss you guys! I miss seeing you almost every damn day hahaha :p hmm come to think of it, I never got tired of you guys! Isn't that weird? I hope you and Kate didn't get sick of us too :)

- I'm so homesick too :( grabe nakakamiss talaga!
Hahaha ang galing naman, you still have the pics! ang cute nyo talaga ni kate, ever! meron din kaming mga pictures dito, sabihin ko k ron i-post nya :)
Meron akong naalala, remember nung nasa iba pa kmi, then you used to come over all the time, tapos nanonood tayo ng madonna videos, then ginagaya natin sya, tapos sabi natin na we were gonna perform sa reunion singing and dancing to madonna songs? naalala ko may actions and choreography pa tayo sa "live to tell" ata un hehehe
Hhaaaayy nakakamiss talaga! I love you Sel!! Miss you so much na!

Awww my cousins are the sweetest. See we all still remember, and I'd say those were the golden times. I mean sometimes you just have to ask yourself WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ME? When we were young, we had fun, we were fun, we saw the good in everything, and everyday was such a blessing. We weren't so vicious, we weren't so judgemental. We take it all in and in the process we open ourselves to learning new things. And we make ourselves vulnerable to some harsh realities, but at least WE LEARN. I wish we aren't so jaded. It takes the fun out of life.

Okay moving right along.

I got lots of fotos here and I don't know where to begin. So yeah more pics from the Tone Party. This is from Maik's cam--- thanks for emailing them.

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Okay and from the other night. I don't really know what we were doing, we just started making up all these stupid faces. Like I'd tell her "What would you look like if you saw *this person* canoodling with *this person*?" then we'd just make a face and click. Then Kate said she wanted to wear her hat. We call it the Mexican hat because, well, it looks Mexican to us ahaha. Then I wore my cowboy hat. And she told me HEY I'M A PAINTER and HEY I'M THE MARLBORO MAN and HEY THIS IS THE WRETCHED HOLLYWOOD ICON POSE. We did NOT make any sense that night but we laughed anyway.

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Lame yo. BUT. FUN.

We watched SAW II the other night and man, it's sick. It's so psycho I swear I was thinking I would just die of pure terror just being in that situation. Imagine this guy waking up in a locked room, a metal something on his head. If the thing locks up, it will close in on his head. Bad news is, it has nails and pointed things inside, so that will punch up holes on his whole face. Meaning he would die. The only thing in the room is a timer, a mirror, a knife, and a television. Suddenly this wretched clown appears on tv, telling the guy he wants to play a game. Once he pulls away to look in the mirror, the timer will start and he has a minute to get the key and unlock the metal thing wrapped around his head. Clue: the key is inside his body. Then the clown shows an x-ray of his head, and the key is directly under his right eye. Turns out the psycho clown operated on him while he was asleep and put the key there, then he says: IT'S RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES which is definitely a TERRIBLE PUN. He has to use the knife to cut his own skin and blind his right eye to get the key or he dies. He could not do it so the thing closed up and he died.

Okay enough with that I'm sorry for being too affected with that movie. But I must admit, though it was totally psycho the writer thinks differently. He probably has this twisted train of thought pero hanep. I wish I could come up with things as complicated as that ahaha.

Oh and if you're a musician or a guitarist or some sort of enthusiast, check out the Tone Party feature in the Guitar Hospital site. The guys answered the questionnaires and we're still waiting for the others to send it in. And I still have to put up other photos.

02 February 2006

the governess is busy so let's make this quick

Ugh so many things to do. And yes, I still find time to blog ahaha. My Mom left this morning for Nueva Ecija with Mama Diding (her sister) because the latter has an award in her alma mater. One and a half days of cocktails and banquets I think, I hope they enjoy themselves.

So I am the official governess for today and tomorrow. I answer and make calls, I look after the customers and talk to them if they talk to me ahaha, I make coffee for Dad, I will review my brother when he gets home, and I will fetch Kate later in STC because they went to Subic. Oh yes today I am SUPERWOMAN but this superwoman needs a break yo so she blogs.

I adore Saisaki because for a reasonable price you can eat all the sushi and sashimi and pink salmon you desire. So yeah the other night we had dinner there.

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So yeah it's just dinner ahaha. Oh and you should try one of their salads, I forgot the name but it has caviar I think and thin crab slices and other things.

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we say yum

Okay so next on my agenda is promotions. If you're a friend of ours or you just want to watch them girls play, go go go and buy tickets for the bandfest. It's not THEIR gig okay but they're gonna play a few songs. They --- Kate, Mon, Cheska, Sab --- have been practicing real hard and I think they at least deserve to have a flock of supporters AHAHA. Seriously though it would be fun. Oh and I made some sort of promotion picture, I shall be their major cheerleader ahaha.

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Actually it's not just about Cheska but she's the only one who has a foto in here so I just did this. And yes, they call themselves INFAMITA. Remind me to go ask Kate what that means.

I have tons more to talk about but I gots to jet. Work beckons.