31 January 2006

blast from the past

So okay here are the photos I was telling you guys about last night. I'll just go ahead and post them here and write a few things I could remember about them.

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That's Reg on the left, Me with the waving hand, and Kate's the small girl.

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As a kid I was full of drama. And I was already projecting look at that! AHAHA

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Nanay Conching, Me, Mama Ruby (I terribly miss her), Reg the baby, and AteRi

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Riel (or Riley heehee), Kate, AteRi (carrying Kate)

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With cousins in Romblon. Ate Ri, Ate Mayee, Me, Ate Jean, Giel, Kate. See the girl on the left, clinging to the bamboo fence? It's Ate Ron, still the anti-social back then AHAHA.

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Can't remember who the others were, but that's me far left, Ate Ron far right, Ate Ri's the third from right, and Reg is fourth from right. We danced here, I think. I can't remember the song but I think it's ala Ferris Bueller's Day Off, sort of Great Balls of Fire AHAHA. Our moms were in Pacific Plan, and we the kids get to shoulder the embarassment and dance in front of these adults for their party ahaha. The old guy is probably the big boss or something.

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Left, Kate. Right, Me as this cute bald baby ahaha with Mommy and Daddy. MY DAD WILL GO BONKERS IF HE FINDS OUT I POSTED THIS PHOTO AHAHA. Kate was a tyrant kid --- she was the one who yelled at me when I didn't fold my shirts nicely and she was scrambling to get Imman's clothes when he was a baby so she could do the laundry. I swear she was a MAYORDOMA in a little girl's body. As for me, Mommy and Daddy said that they always tied ribbons or placed headbands on my head because people thought I was a boy.

Ate Ri, Ate Ron and Reg, I want you to have your own versions of things we did back then which you can still remember AHAHA. That would be so much fun, I think I missed out on a few things. Go go! I'll post it here too heehee.

I really miss them. I was so used to calling them up whenever ANYTHING happened, like HEY ATERON I SAW HIM! or ATERI LET'S WATCH ROMEO AND JULIET AGAIN EVEN IF WE MEMORIZED THE THING BY HEART BECAUSE WE'VE SEEN IT A GAZILLION TIMES ALREADY. Or ATERON KUYA STEPHEN WILL BE SENDING YOU ROSES (ahaha) or ATERI CAN YOU CUT MY HAIR? It was a normal thing to do, for me to call them every 30minutes, and that is when I am NOT in their house. Then when we had our drawing lessons at their place, Riel, Kate and Angel will gather leftovers from the kitchen and anything they could find, mix it all up, serve them in nice little plates, and drag us off to the garden to eat it.

Ugh we have to talk AHAHA. I have SO MANY things to tell you guys.

30 January 2006

when we were young

I miss being young. Not that I'm old, really, but the YOUNGER days when school seemed like such a vague idea that you don't really take it seriously. When I would play with my cousins all day, and on the last day of vacation we would bring out our new schoolbags and school supplies and show off. When I would bake with Ate Ron and Ate Ri and pretty much do whatever they did and be amazed when Ate Ri waxed her legs ahaha. I definitely had an amazing childhood, well HELLO YOU ARE TALKING TO A POGS CHAMPION. Ahaha. That was fun, and Coca-Cola cards too. We had tamagochi too. Oh and I joined Little Miss Philippines in Eat Bulaga when I was five, and no I did not compete with Aiza AHAHA. Really funny when I remember that, and when friends know about it they would go SO DID YOU WIN? WHAT DID VIC SOTTO OR JOEY DE LEON TELL YOU? YOU DANCED FOR YOUR TALENT PORTION? Darlings, I was merely five years old, and all I remember is that I danced this Muslim dance to one of Prince's songs and Tito, Vic & Joey were having a mighty good time talking about my stubby fingers saying it looks like longanisa. Sweet.

So yeah Kate and I always have mad fun when we remember crazy things we did when we were young, and even those we did with our cousins (and this is the part where they go NO WAY).

1. Ate Ron, remember when you were in senior year highschool and I was a sophomore, you brought your videocam to school because we were going to go SOME PLACE after classes and shoot this guy I had a crush on during his PE class? Arrgh ang pathetic ko AHAHA.

2. I was obsessed with Bobby Andrews before (the guy from TGIS) and you know how it is in high school, all of us were all over the idea of knowing celebrities' phone numbers. So okay this classmate of mine gave me this number, supposedly his number at home. And I called up that number when I got home ahaha.
"Ah, good afternoon, pwede makausap si Bobby?" First name basis. Close kami eh.
"Ah sandali lang po tatawagin ko lang", said this girl.
And I was like WHAAAT BOBBY ANDREWS REALLY LIVES HERE? And I was so scared shitless with the idea that I was actually going to talk to him that I hung up. AHAHA.

3. I think most girls have gone thru the Sweet Valley phase. I got this whole thing from, who else, Ate Ron and Ate Ri. You have to realize they're basically my greatest influence back then because they were like my two ate's, and we were always together. So okay we were practically looking up to Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield (the twins in the book series) and they had this Unicorn Club, so we decided to make our own, The Complete Club (Ate Ron can you remind me again why in the world we named ourselves that way? ahaha). We had meetings yo. We thought we were the coolest then.

4. I have to admit I was an avid fan of the Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls before. So I bought this teenybopper magazine where they had mailing addresses of these boy/girl groups for fans worldwide. And you know what, I wrote them a letter. I think it was Kuya Alex and me. And we dropped it off at the mailbox, totally expecting we would receive letters from them too. Oh the heartbreak when their letters never came! So I decided to call them up using the number I found on the magazine too (I had a thing for phone numbers back then eh?). Mommy was complaining when she got the phone bill because there was this direct dial for long distance numbers. I never admitted it, but I think she knew all along.

5. Ohmygod I was also obsessed with Code Red the boyband! Wait if I remember correctly, I was pining for Phil, Ate Ron was all over Lee, Ate Ri for Roger, and Ate Jean for Neil! GAAAD what were we thinking? I mean when they went to Manila I was down on my knees before my Mom pleading please, go with me to Megamall. So does that mean nothing's changed? I mean I'm still such a friggin' fangirl, I remember Constantine now AHAHA. See like the last time I was so all over some major label international celebrity slash musician was in high school, and now one news that Constantine's here we come running down to Greenbelt. But no I will stick to my resolution NOT to go ga-ga over them. Unless of course Clapton or some major guitar hero comes to town. Once a fangirl, always a fangirl.

6. I've always been very protective of my younger sister and brother. When we were young, Carla and Algi (cousins) were whispering things about Kate to each other. Oh they were petty things, alright, but Kate cried so I was really mad. I drew two coffins on a bond paper, put RIP and their names after and brought it to their house. Their moms were so angry they stormed in on our house and demanded to my grandparents that I be punished. I had weird ways for revenge ahaha.

There are more but I'm sleepy. I just logged in here and see if I'd write anything, oh well. I really miss being young, but I can't say I don't like being all grown up. I guess sometimes you miss those times when things were much simpler and problems weren't so complicated. Even Daddy and Mommy tells us stories when they were in high school, and we go okay so I guess everyone goes thru phases where you just want to make trouble and have fun.

I've old pictures here which make me laugh, it clearly depicts what my childhood was like. I'll probably edit this tomorrow when I can think straight and post the pictures I'm just so friggin' tired now. Been a long day. Ciao comrades.

27 January 2006

well hello to my beloved comrades

Hello comrades!

I'm feeling okay though I still don't get it why the Pacquiao thing is such a big deal. I mean yeah he won and we should be proud of it, but what's with the song? I hear it everywhere and it's so tacky. And what's with the Pacquiao Day? That's today I think. I mean some of my professors were saying we won't have classes today because of that, and good god, we're in college hello, we can't afford to be that stupid. So you know what happened? Because of all that talk about this Pacquiao day, I totally dozed off and woke up at 9:30am. And my class is 8:30-10am. I guess I absorbed the no classes thing way too much AHAHA. So yeah, iskul bukol ako today.

Well I've been spending time downloading answer sheets from the guys who played at the Tone Party. Tito Alex made this questionnaire which they have to fill out, and we're waiting for everyone to send in theirs so we can put it up on the site, I think they're planning to do it more often. Which is a good thing, because another tone party = another chance to take MUCH BETTER photos = a HAPPIER DAD. I really have to start learning angles and such but I don't have a professional camera. Like what's the point right if you can't adjust shutter speed and all the other technicalities. I WANT TO LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY! And I mean the real thing, because what I'm doing now is more on experimentation.

And I don't know if I should be happy that Kate's friends suggested that I be the photographer for their photo booth or something for their Grad Ball. I mean sure, thanks kiddos, but what if you guys expect the conventional thing where you have this nice background and everything? And I can't take the pa-tweetums effect, which is what most girls there do. I'm not stereotyping, and besides Kate's friends are nowhere near that, so hurray for them! What I do is hardly conventional, and sometimes it turns out just fine, but at times I mess up too. Ugh the pressure! AHAHA. I really want to learn photography. But I'm not forgetting the harmonica yo.

So okay I love going with my Mom to the mall. Yesterday she asked me to come with her to do the groceries, but of course we were sidetracked by the beauty section ahaha. I swear she's more frivolous than Kate and me AHAHA. And it's funny because she feels bad if she doesn't get me something when she bought something, so I coax her to buy something. Does that make sense? Ahaha whatever. And Mommy's on a pasta roll these days. The other night we had canelloni for dinner, and now it's puttanesca. And most of the time it's plain pasta with pesto sauce and tuna, which is pretty good too, so she bought two jars of pesto at the grocery. One was with basil and colored green, while the other was made with tomato, colored red. I really don't know what's the difference, they taste exactly the same. Or maybe I'm too lousy for this pasta-air kisses-sosyal thing. AHAHA.

And yeah I've been frequenting the Art Attack site heehee. My little brother's birthday is coming and we want to do something crazy for him. Like last Halloween we made him a head-to-toe SpongeBob costume, complete with big shoes. And we're also thinking up something special for Dad, also for his birthday. It has to be something insane, he loves gifts like that, things which will definitely make him laugh.

And hey kiddos, I rummaged thru our cd's a while ago and it was so amusing to see our choices before: System of a Down, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Rage Against the Machine. I respect these musicians, but I didn't realize I had so much angst before AHAHA. I guess I've come a long way, since my first record was Jagged Little Pill by Alanis, but was followed by the Spice Girls whaaat ahaha. And ohmygod I was able to dig up the Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich cd's that Tito Alex gave to Kate when he found out she was learning to play drums. Bad move. We never got to use it because hello, they're like superdrummers ad their hands are flying everywhere, you barely have time to decipher which cymbal he's hitting or something. Kate never learned to play drums, she has no rhythm AT ALL ahaha. Seriously though, we would go to the rooftop and I'd teach her the basics which everyone knows I guess, then she'd just bang on everything and I'd lose my patience and we'd end up fighting. Then I'd promise I'll be patient and she'd promise she'll try to learn it, but that never happened. Now she plays the guitar, and I'm still obsessing over my inability to play the harmonica.

And I found the precious precious Albert King with SRV cd we got in China. I don't think they have it in record stores here. We should have bought lots of SRV cd's there, they had a lot with SRV playing alongside different musicians. And to think it was only 15RMB, which is approximately a hundred pesos. Not bad for original copies.

Oh one last thing, we were wondering if it's like detrimental to one's health if you drink lots of Yakult? I was thinking why would they put it in these small containers right, but I mean what could live lactobacilli possibly give you? Because Kate, Imman, and I are thinking of buying lots of them and we'll put it in a pitcher and drink our way to Yakult heaven. Okay ka ba, tiyan? AHAHA.

24 January 2006

my lousy picture-taking spree and the tone party

So okay I was pissed earlier. My Dad asked to see the pictures I took last Saturday night at the tone party and he said he was disappointed. He wanted pa naman to put it up on the site, and he was even saying ang sagwa ng kuha ko.

Well sorry to disappoint you, Pop, but your daughter is no Annie Leibovitz or Mario Testino or Tom Epperson or Xander Angeles or any superphotographer. She just takes pictures with a decent digicam at any angle she fancies as long as she's happy with how it turns out.

And how am I supposed to take WONDERFUL photos of the amps and stuff when they're scattered there? I mean I am so sorry but I just wanted to have fun and listen to the musicians that night, but no I had to take pictures so I did and it was pathetic, so forgive this sorry photographer wannabe. I'm not complaining because I love doing it anyway, but don't expect I'll do everything flawlessly. God this website thing has its downsides after all. My father thinks that just because I can do these things and I do coding and html, I'd be faultless when it comes to pictures and stuff. I don't do magic, Dad, I just do what I can.

Yeah and you can tell I'm immensely affected. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad to bits but sometimes he has this tendency to make me feel like a disappointment when I don't do things the way he wants it done. And when you reason out with him it just prolongs things, so we just have to take it all in.

Screw this, I think I'm not even mad at my Dad. I'm pissed with the fact that I disappointed him, and it has always been that way. Ugh I hate this feeling. Here goes my inappropriate sensitivity.

Oh well let's just leave it at that.

They had the tone party last Saturday when Mommy and I got back from Caliraya. It was actually Papa Al's birthday party, but since he wanted Dad and the band to play, they decided to have a tone party.

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Mr. Mel jamming with the band / Mr. Steve, Tito Alex, Mr. Mike

So Tito Alex and Mr. Steve (I think he's Bamboo's part manager or something) brought in amps worth tons more than my college tuition and they had a grand time testing it, along with Mr. Mel's megabucks guitars. And Dad's strat and tele.

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4-Part Invention / Dad with Kakoy and Tito Joric onstage

Okay people who came: Tito Alex (duh of course he will, he's ALWAYS here ahaha), Tito Odie, Tito Jingle, Tito Joric, Tito Manny, Tito Lito, Mr. Mel, Mr. Steve, Mr. Mike (he looks like an older Ira Cruz ahaha), Tito Carlo and his band (4-Part Invention, I think), Kakoy and Maik (a fraction of Salindiwa ahaha). And a few others I don't know, mostly Papa Al's friends I guess.

They all had their turn to jam onstage, and it was insane, I was drowning in SRV happiness AHAHA. When they played Pride and Joy, Tito Joric belted out a different song yata then he just basically sang the line "I don't know the lyrics", but man, it still sounded like the song ahaha. And I always love it when they play Bell Bottom Blues, it's so sad but it's classic for me.

Tito Carlo's band did some covers then they launched off into original compositions. The drummer boy was pretty good, and my cousin was crazy over the bassist. Oh well ahaha.

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Kakoy and Maik / Kate, Me, Kakoy, Maik

Kakoy got hauled off to the stage the moment they (he and Maik) got there. It was pretty funny because most of them are oldies (ahaha most of them are Dads okay) but they were waiting for him to pick up the guitar and play--- he's that good yo. They played several songs, then Maik got onstage and did the vocals for Little Wing. I was surprised it actually has lyrics, I've always listened to Hendrix's version and I never heard the words ahaha.

Oh yeah and it was funny when we had Ate Lan take our picture (with Kakoy and Maik), she switched the video thing in the cam so we were posing there for like almost a minute but there was no flash ahaha. I saw the video and we looked funny because we were posing okay ahaha.

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Tito Alex the frustrated rockstar / Kakoy and his harmonica

I am so jealous! Ahaha. I didn't know Kakoy plays the harmonica too--- is there any musical instrument he CAN'T play? I would have jammed with Dad and his band if I was half as good as Kakoy, but sorry kiddos I can't play a decent tune. I've been fooling myself the past few months, listening to Lampano Alley (I've Got the Blues to Keep Me Warm & You've Got a Hold On Me), trying to follow things but I guess you don't learn that way.

And those tutorials I find on the internet are not helping at all. How the hell am I supposed to know when/how to suck or blow? And how EXACTLY do you do that? And how do you learn to improvise when you're playing with a band? Grabe I'm so pathetic with this whole blues harp thing, I've set high expectations pa naman AHAHA. Kakoy superharmonicaplayer! And Tito Odie too, he's also good, too bad he didn't play.

At the end of the night, we took photos in Maik's cam & our cam, they posed for the cameras with the megabucks amps, the visitors left, we brought most of the things home, and I dreamt I was a harmonica-wielding cowgirl in a swingin' cowboy hat performing onstage with Binky Lampano doing the vocals (I was gonna say SRV yo but let's keep to those who are still alive and kicking). Nah.

Oh and Daddy and Tito Alex are so funny, they remind me of Kate and Me --- they talk nonstop. Monday morning I was surprised to find Tito Alex already there at around 8am, and they were taking about the tone party, the amps, the guitars, everything. So I kissed them goodbye since I was off to class, and Dad asked me what time I was gonna be home. I said I'll be back at 10am but I'll be leaving again before 1pm. So okay I headed off to school--- when I got back past 10am, they said "O, bat andito ka na?", so I said "E past 10 na nga po e". Then they both looked at the clock and exclaimed "Ah, oo nga noh. Eh isang amp pa lang nga naa-assess namin e hehe".

God they're always like that ahaha. If Tito Alex isn't here, he calls all the time. So that day he ended up staying for lunch and I don't know if he even went to his office after ahaha. Oh well.

So I guess I'm feeling much better now because I talked too much again.

23 January 2006


Quick post about the Caliraya Ladies' Conference. There were 4 official visitors (including the 2 speakers). Mrs. Jan Bemarkt came from US, and Mrs. LuJean Stone flew in from Hongkong.

I'm not in the mood to write about nice and good things, so I guess I'll just leave some photos. But I should say I learned a lot, and the 3 days there were fun and relaxing.

Oh and the pictures where we were wearing Filipiniana costumes was the Banquet Night, and that was the theme. I liked my tiara but I'm not feeling my violet-sequined thing. Anyway Mommy was smashing with her fully sequined gown.

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Caliraya / our roommates: Tita Sonia, Dra. Genablaza, Tita Alice, Mommy

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Mommy in her "Cooking with Nen" portion / chicken skin for the Chicken Galantina recipe

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recreation areas and some views there

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Mommy and Me / Mommy

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Me, Ma'am Donna, Mommy, Mrs. Stone / Me, Mommy, Renee

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Mrs. Stone, Mommy, Mrs. Jean (I'm not sure about that),Mrs. Bemarkt, Mrs. Jackie

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churchmates with Mrs. Bemarkt and Mrs. Stone

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Mommy was given a gift on the last day for teaching them how to cook haha / Me, Kim, Ate Rhoda

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leaving Caliraya / on the boat with Renee

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I was happy and I've always wanted a picture by the fields or something, so so

So yeah that's it. I wish I could say more but I'm pissed.

Maybe later. I just wanted to get this done since it was last week pa and I might forget about it.

17 January 2006

good god listen to this kid!

Whoa last night was immensely intellectual, wasn't it? I don't know why I just suddenly blurt out random things then launch off into a serious one. Oh well lookee here I'm unpredictable! AHAHA. We should have fun often right. It won't hurt to be happy happy joy joy. I mean don't think that I'm writing things in here to make my life sound oh-so-happy like without faults or anything. I write down whatever happens to me period. I mean sometimes shit happens right. And anyway take last night, I really was pretty serious. Guess I unleashed my motherly instincts yesterday, because I also brought food (empanada) for my friends' merienda eventhough we didn't have classes. I went there just to bring it, I'm like a doting mom. I mean kulang na lang I put on loose powder and towels on their backs nyahaha.

So okay last night before dozing off, my sister and I were talking about boys. No not the gushy gushy talk where we giggle and such. Like a real talk, because (okay I promise not to go into details Kate) this boy is texting Kate and he told her he has feelings for her. Let's name him Little Boy (because hello! you kids are so pathetic it's so early to think about these things, don't you have to go memorize your lessons or something? and like my sister is 16! listen to me 'cause I'm an Ate yo). So okay trouble is Kate doesn't like him in any way. I mean he was just an accidental friend or whatever you may call it, we got to know him because he's from Romblon and he studies here in Manila and his mom is Mommy's classmate in high school.

We were wondering why it's always about the wrong boys. The wrong boys are the ones who like you, or at least the ones brave enough to tell you they like you. I mean Kate doesn't have (too) high expectations, but is it too much to ask that he at least knows what "trekking" means? And is it too much for me to ask that he NOT be a stalker and text me weird things? Tss.

Where are all the right boys in the world? I mean you can't really put a right boy in a box, because we never know who that right boy is. But Kate and I agreed on one thing--- a right boy should have the same music as ours. I don't know why, but music is simply a big factor. I mean we even remember certain memories and major milestones by the music we listened to at that time.

So okay Kate told Little Boy to stop it because there simply is no chance, that it's totally futile. Then he keeps on saying that he'll continue to show his love for her and other dumb things because you know what, he doesn't really know Kate. Can you imagine telling someone that when he only had the chance to talk to her this January? And he talked with her for like just a few hours. Then everything else is just through sms. Baloney.

I don't know why kids rush things. I know young girls (and I mean young, like 15 and 16) who've done all there is to do and now there's nothing left. It's like they lived their lives in a span of 16 years and now everything else is just "been there done that". What a sorry life. At 16 you should be living life and thinking about college and planning things. Not a wasted bum.

So maybe we're too idealistic, but hey we're happy. And who knows maybe a right boy will come along sooner than we think. AHAHA.

As for you Little Boy and kiddos out there, make good use of your parents' money and study hard. You know, do your homework and recite in class. Learn english words, particularly "trekking", before you go off telling girls you like them. Tsk tsk.

16 January 2006

why I could never be a politician

Last elections we were all in Romblon because a few relatives were running for mayor. Papa Dennis in Sta. Maria, Mama Diding in San Agustin, Tito Elmer in Calatrava. We were registered in Sta. Maria, so we helped Papa Dennis during his campaign.

Politics in Romblon is as bungled up as the politicians themselves. We thought it would be pretty easy for Papa Dennis since he's already the vice mayor, and we had quite a following. Turns out, everything else is useless against bribes and threats.

We tried to play the game. We were present in meeting de avance's, Papa Dennis had bodyguards and runners (who each had their own motorcycles), had these operations or whatever after sunset, went to every corner of the town, talked with different people. I mean even Kate and I tried to be nice to not-so-nice people, which is a big deal considering we can't really keep hanging out or talking with people we don't like. Hey don't get the wrong idea that we're snobs or anything--- we love people, but there's bound to be some who won't like you for reasons you can't really understand, so so.

Back to the elections. So okay the people whom we were counting on were the ones who turned against us, and it came as quite a shock. To add insult to injury, when we visited this school where they just finished counting the ballots, people were mocking us left and right. I mean one of the teachers had the nerve to say things to me which I'd rather not write here. She probably knew I was the niece. And the next day, when it was in fact confirmed that we lost, loyal supporters headed over to lola's house and cried, hugged, talked, made promises. We gathered up the vehicles and went around the whole town, thanking everyone who have given their support and congratulating the winners.

And those, darlings, are the reasons why I could never be a politician. Because if that happened to me and I was the one who ran for office, I won't tolerate traitors. I'd shoot them all, or maybe just burn a whole barangay muahaha. Seriously though I was so mad after. And I'm too outspoken when I don't like how things are going. And I could never pretend that everything is just peachy when I'm immensely disappointed with the people close to my heart, knowing I could not count on them after all.

Maybe it's a bit harsh but hell, considering what that family (the current mayor) has done to ours, it may not be so bad after all. Years back, in one of the elections (in Sta. Maria, it has always been their family against ours when it comes to politics), they set on fire one of lola's buses in the middle of the night. And once, they passed by lola's house and dared all members of our family to go out, and they were ready to shoot us. It's not terrifying, it's annoying. They think they can just threaten us like that. Boohoo, I'm trembling in fear. God it's really pathetic when I think about it. They've probably watched one too many pinoy action flicks. Sorry but I'm so not in the mood for baloney.

Maybe when I have tons of money I'll just buy off that place and throw their family out to sea. AHAHA.

So yeah this is one long rambling I guess. The title came to mind because Kate always tells me I could never enter politics, when it comes to those things I have very little patience. Good thing yo, since I have no plans of running for office in the near future ahaha. And I always remember these things when A LOT of people there are approaching us now, acting as if everything is normal when they were the very ones who gave us up. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I should forget the whole thing, but the issues are just so glaring and they go way way back, it's hard to separate things now.

HOMAYGOSH I'M SO SERIOUS I'M SO INTELLECTUAL FORGIVE ME I'M JUST TOO COOL! nyahaha. Sometimes we just gotta talk politics, yes?

my Christmas story

On a sunny Christmas morning, we were walking outside our church after the morning service. I was wearing my favorite gold sandals (I realized just now that I have three gold sandals ahaha) and I don't know what happened exactly, but I was asking Kate, "Mas hindi kaya madulas pag mabilis ako maglakad? Kasi ang dulas ng shoes ko..." and before I knew it I was sitting sideways on the road. Ya I guess I'm making it sound demure or something but I looked funny. Mommy and Daddy turned around and saw me there, and I swear they were trying so hard to keep themselves from laughing out loud so as not to make me feel more embarassed than I already was.

Dad asked me, "Anong ginagawa mo dyan?", which is a pretty stupid question considering the fact that no sane person would want to sit in the middle of the street right. And I definitely did not want that to happen, it was so embarassing. Dad helped me up and I had scratches on my knee, I'm such a klutz. He said he checked if there were people behind and told me that nobody saw me, because I was telling him, "Dad, nakakahiya. Mas masakit pa yata yung kahihiyan kesa sa sugat ko hehehehe". They were still laughing at me after lunch. What a way to spend Christmas ahaha.

And Tita Tina asked Mommy that afternoon if I was alright, because they saw me that morning! Ugh. She said pa "Sabi ko nga kay Carlos (her husband) puntahan namin kayo kasi baka nasaktan siya". UGH. Good thing they were the only ones who saw me, I swear I would just DIE if I fell right in front of everyone.

I probably have one of each embarassing experience that could possibly happen to a person, it's crazy. Oh yeah maybe I can make another post about that AHAHA. I have a LIST, I'm telling ya. Then I'll include the funniest ones of Dad and Kate too, ahaha. The three of us have the most number of these in the family. And maybe Mommy too.

Anyway here's a family foto taken last Christmas. Look at Daddy and Imman, they look so alike AHAHA. Wait till you see Ima (my grandmother), who is the woman version of Daddy. Well duh she's his mother ahaha. Put a wig of short curly hair on Daddy and it's Ima ahaha.

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sorry I did not scan this, I just took it using the cam heehee

Ciao. Gonna do some updating on the site.

14 January 2006


I've always believed in the idea of makeovers. They may not always work, but you can't deny the psychological effects (ooh la la).

I mean when I felt bad (or even bored), I cut my hair. Or oftentimes, Kate does the cutting. Then I felt much much better. No wonder my hair was a mess back then --- we tried the Japanese look, punk, bold bangs, dreads, and everything else you can think of. And it breaks my heart that I'm paying for that now, because now that I'm keeping it long and nice and girly, it acts up most of the time. So take good care of your hair, kiddos, or it would end up like underarm hair on your head.

And yeah Kate and I are home recipe junkies. Once we watched this beauty show where the lady says it's good to rub mangoes on your face. So we rushed to the kitchen, peeled the mangoes, sliced them into shreds, and started rubbing it all over our faces. Mommy got pissed because there were lots of mango shreds in the sink. Oh and too bad we didn't listen well, you just had to use the mango skin. Bah.

So yeah when we got back from Romblon, we were thinking what we could do to sort of signify a new start, since it's a new year alright. So we both decided to cut our hair. Not cut each other's hair like we always do, but actually have a haircut in a real salon.

I was having second thoughts since it has been around 4 years since I had a haircut in a salon. Kate maintains my hair, and she knows how I like it done, so I never really thought about that. And besides I always hated how my hair turned out then. Thankfully it was quite alright, although not as nice as I expected. And what do you expect of Kate's hair, of course it would be short because we like it that way. And everyone says it's her thing. You know, the Kirsten Dunst/Maggie Gyllenhaal short pixie hair whatever.

Maybe you should try that. If you're bored, pissed, angry or depressed, do a makeover. Cut your bangs, or do some homemade facial mask, or try on a different nail polish. Or anything. It may sound pathetic but it works wonders, at least for us.

If it doesn't work for you, just wallow in self-pity. Which is a lot easier, yes?


So so, new design in here, eh? I decided to keep the old layout and just change the photos and colors. And do away with some of the hoolabaloo on the right. Oh well.

Oh yeah and Kate had a play a few days ago for their Music class. They did Cats and they looked funny.

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She practiced here and Imman and I watched her. It was really funny yo. We just laughed and laughed and rolled on the floor. But she was dead serious and just sang and did the actions. And Imman and I just laughed and rolled on the floor AHAHA.

So okay next week Mommy and I will be heading off to Caliraya for the Ladies' Conference in our church. Mommy will be teaching them how to cook some nice dishes, and her portion will be called "Cooking with Nen". And I will be her assistant heehee.

I miss Kate. She's in a resort in Batangas now and they're probably snorkeling ahaha. It's an activity for her club or something in school. And I'm here blogging. Yipee.

12 January 2006

last year

It's been a great year. But then again, who DOESN'T say that? It would be crazy to put up everything that's happened to me, and anyway it's a bit late for that since it's almost mid-January.

And I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, although I remember writing one here (about not bothering with international artists anymore). What I have, however, are plans.

Heck, I always have plans. And I'm beginning to think that all I have are plans --- I never get to do everything. I'm basically idealistic, and most of the time I feel like there's so much to do and so many places I could go to and I have very little time.

I wanted to write.
And I did, using my gazillion notebooks.
I wanted to paint.
And I did, with the materials left of my Fine Arts days. I still do actually.
I wanted to sculpt.
And I did, using plaster of paris. Although it's more of an abstract artwork AHAHA.
I wanted to read.
And I did, and terribly enjoyed Mario Puzo.
I wanted to sketch.
And I did, all the time. In my notebooks, my school notebook, my notepads, sketch pads, scratch papers, etc. I'm surprised I didn't sketch on the wall beside my bed.
I wanted to take pictures.
And I did. In fact this was probably what I did most the past year.
I wanted to edit pictures.
And I did, exploring other editing softwares and of course, Photoshop.
I wanted to learn the ropes of graphic design.
And I did, though I'm still learning (on my own). At least I got to modify my own blog and make a website for Dad.
I wanted to make music.
But I wasn't able to. But I sang a lot (around the house).
I wanted to expand my musical interests.
And I did, crossing over to great blues musicians (SRV, Albert King, BB King, etc), the ones my Dad listened to (and sang) when he was courting Mommy (James Taylor, Jim Croce), Bluegrass musicians, classical, fusion of different genres.
I wanted to play the blues with Dad's strat.
This one I failed miserably. Don't even ask.
I wanted to play my blues harp.
I'm halfway there. Maybe in a few months I can play decent tunes.
I wanted to re-decorate our room.
And I did, but it was very minimal. I want a complete room makeover.
I wanted to make accessories.
Oh yes and I did. In fact I made almost all of the things I wear. Yay.
I wanted to travel.
And I did, but only to Romblon, Baguio, and a few places near Metro Manila. Gah.

Ugh and I feel like those things aren't enough. I want to take full control of what's gonna happen in my life this 2006. And to prove that, as of last count, I've bought 3 planners. And I keep marking dates and listing events. Don't expect too much of these planners though. Chances are I'll lose them before my birthday.

So yeah anyway my grandparents and my uncle and his family are going to be here in May. Papa Noel (Daddy's brother), Mama Pach (his wife) and Kris (their only kid, who is a kid no more heehee) haven't been in the Philippines for a very long time, so we're terribly excited. The Hipolito family is gonna be complete.

And I'm getting bored of my old layout. Bah. It has to be new year, new design. So yeah I turned it black, but I'll probably make a whole new look here tonight.

God I'm bored out of my skull. I've been cooped up here the whole day. So NOT the way to start the year.

beaches so pretty marbles a-plenty!

Everything in Manila seems so grand when you've just been to Romblon. No it doesn't mean that it's awful there, in fact I always have fun during vacations, but it's extremely different from what we do here.

Imagine people asleep by 7pm, although young ones seem to scatter somewhere else and drink or just talk by the shore. Most families don't have television, so they go find a house which has one and watch from there (turns out it's my uncle's and lola's house). I don't usually sleep earlier than 12am, so I can't find anything else to do. Thank God for satellite cable or something. And dvds.

On the other hand, life is much simpler there. It's the perfect setting if you want to relax or do things you won't normally find time for in Manila. Like take pictures of the sunset. Or write poems by the beach (God I know I'm as bad as a cheap teleserye AHAHA). Or walk by the beach before the sun rises. Or eat really fresh and yummy grilled fishes. Or find so many things at very very low prices because that's just how it is there.

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just some of the sunset photos

So okay we were invited to several fiestas. I was even asked to become a judge in a beauty contest, and since another judge wasn't able to come, they got Kuya Bryan too. It was so funny since other judges were teachers or government employees ahaha. And ohmygod those contestants are hilarious. You just have to watch something like that, you'll be amazed that there are still people like them. Only in Romblon yo. Too bad we left the cam, but actually it's a good thing too since we were just riding the motorcycle and it was raining so hard when we headed home. And we were all soaked. Fun though.

We went to Calatrava, where most of our relatives are. Whenever you turn into another street, people will start calling you to eat at their place. Sometimes I don't know them exactly, except that they're relatives. And anyway Tito Elmer is the mayor so it's fun ahaha.

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New Year's eve we had a mini party at Papa Dennis' rooftop and had mad fun belting out videoke songs. I had so much fun singing "Bed of Roses". AHAHA. Ya I know it's like painfully awful, but it's just one of those videoke classics and I just HAD to sing it. And Kate got hooked I'm telling you. She started with "Beauty and the Beast" and I don't know what happened to her but she just would NOT turn over the mic. Oh well it's not everyday you get to do that right. I mean everyday we put on Silverchair songs or Bohemian Rhapsody or SRV or Aretha Franklin or Led Zep on our playlist and sing our lungs out in our room, BUT WE DON'T HAVE A MICROPHONE. That's the glaring difference. HELLO WE ARE FRUSTRATED VOCALISTS and it would be so nice if we could just sing all day.

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top row: left, Dessa, Ira, Kate, Denden / right, Me and Denden
bottom row: left, Me and Kate / right, Kate the videoke junkie

So yeah fiestas in Romblon are still all-out. They really prepare for it, and it's still such a big deal. Papa Dennis organized boxing and taekwondo matches from little kids to adults. We were invited to different homes for lunch, merienda and dinner, although I was getting pretty sick with all the pork dishes. I just ate buco salad everywhere.

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Papa Henry the clown / Kate and Me

Coronation night was okay, although the second night there was some feud which was really pathetic yo, so we just had fun with the cousins and some friends there.

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Kate and Me / Kuya Paul, Kuya Bryan, Kate

Went home together with our cousins. It's a good thing they're all guys, we had them carry our luggage which could fit two people ahaha.

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Me, Kate, Bj / Russell wearing Kate's hat

Anyway view more pictures here and here. I had to make two albums in my multiply since the internet connection acted up after I uploaded the first batch, so so.

And Ate Ron, I've lots of stories for you which I can't post here ahaha. Strictly for us cousins I guess. So contact me and I'll spill go go!

Oh yeah and we got marble keychains for our pasalubong. Had only one engraved with a name though, since we were running out of time.

And we didn't get to go to Boracay. We were planning to go with our cousins (who headed there when we left Manila) but we only had enough money for the cottage, transportation and food. We wanted to go shop for a few things there. And all our clothes were in our giant luggage. So maybe next time, Bora. If I manage to save up ahaha. And anyway there are a lot of beaches in Romblon with powdery white sand too, like Boracay minus the foreigners and the shops. Perfect if you can't head over to the real thing.