24 December 2005

Happy Holidays!

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Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to everyone!
(I'll come running back to your arms on January 5th, so don't fret ahaha)


Ohmygod it was so embarassing ahaha.

Kate and I asked Dad if we could watch Salindiwa and he agreed. You know how it is with fathers and mothers right. Even if I'm old enough to do practically everything, Daddy still sees me as his little girl who calls him darling and Mommy still sees me as the little baby she gave birth to on her own in the bathroom; they still see Kate as the little girl who loved riding on Daddy's shoulders and who told Mommy that her dream was to become a MetroAid (just because she loved cleaning up, but that was WAY back).

So okay they agreed. Trouble was, Maik the vocalist got sick (oh why of all nights you had to be sick then) so their gig at Katipunan got canceled. We told Dad and Mommy we still went and watched them even if we headed somewhere else.

Fast forward to the day after. We were still in the mall with Mommy buying presents for the gazillion people we knew (why is it that people suddenly show up during Christmas? I mean they don't give an ass about you the whole year long). Dad and Imman headed home because you know how it is with the boys in the family right, they leave the shopping to the girls. Then Ate Lan our helper texted me: Patay kayo ni Kate hehehe.

Lordy I was so stressed and worried and frightened so I called her up. Turns out that Eric, Franz, and Maik were there in our house, and Daddy mentioned that we watched them last night. So of course they were confused because there was NO gig last night. To make the long story short, nabuking kami. Ahaha.

What is it with Diwa gigs. When we showed up at Shoe Expo, they played after we left. When we were supposed to watch at Saguijo, there was some sort of typhoon and we couldn't get a cab and it was already freakin' 10pm, so we decided not to go. Then when everything was working out just fine, Maik gets sick. It's as if there's some cosmic force trying to prevent us! Muahaha.

Dearest Salindiwa,
Please don't set your album launch between the 26th of December to the 4th of January! Please. I will be terribly upset if we STILL don't get to watch you guys on your launch. Oh and if you could send the photo you've taken with Dad on your cam to his email, thanksverymuch! I'll include them in his site's gallery.

I'm so excited for their album. Kakoi borrowed Dad's mandolin and he used it in some of the songs I think.


So yeah friends, byebye. This'll be my last post before we head off to Romblon. I'm so excited, we're even gonna bring tanning lotion ahaha. Hopefully we can bring the cam so there'll be tons of pictures when we get back. I love you and the whole world!


Okay quick post about the Cantata. I was thinking of making one long post but it'll be jumbled and everything so I shall make different posts.

And hey I'm trying to cram everything tonight since it's Christmas tomorrow and we're leaving on the 26th. AND we haven't packed our bags yet.

So the Cantata was wonderful, although a few things happened when we got home which I'd rather not dwell upon. We had a fight with Dad, but things always go like that. We fight, we both get really mad, then we get really upset, then Kate and I will miss talking with him and laughing with him that OFTENTIMES, even if it's not really our fault, we apologize. Then he treats us out somewhere fancy ahaha.

We weren't really that nervous, since Kate memorized the songs by heart and I was in the pit choir (meaning I didn't have to memorize ahaha). But we were excited, and I loved the songs there I promise. Like it's backed up by an orchestra or something.

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top row: the choir / bottom left: junior choir / bottom right: Mary & Joseph

There were a lot of people, considering it's the afternoon service. Hanee was great as Mary, and Kuya Aaron was also wonderful as Joseph. I don't know what's with him, but everything he says seems so so funny ahaha.

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Christmas Cantata 2005

And the backdrops were so cool. Loves it.

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Kate and Me / Kate Renee Wuthie Abbie and Rita

Looking forward to next year's. Hopefully I'll be out of the pit choir and belting out (soprano 2 at that yo) onstage. Ahaha.

21 December 2005

told ya i love these girls

What is THIS. I'm supposed to write about me but I'm posting about my sister's Christmas party ahaha. But then I love them girls anyway, so so.

Saturday night they had dinner at Mon's place, since her parents were out of town. They cooked their own food, which means there was pasta, veggies, pastries, and red wine.

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bottom left: Mon, Jo, Jaire / bottom right: Chai, Camille, Kate

I won't bother giving you guys a blow by blow so just enjoy the fotos

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Camille / the girls


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JO: a spankin' fashion desginer and businesswoman
She's terribly business-minded. I mean, I think she even wanted a contract signing with Kate regarding their profits for their business, FROST. And she knows her angles in front of the camera. AND she's a great dancer.

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CAMILLE: the next AiAi delas Alas
Ohmygod when this girl does these crazy things, nobody can keep a straight face. And I mean nobody. Even terror teachers in STC suck up to her ahaha. Her future's bright in showbiz I swear!

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JAIRE: a pretty nurse
We have to thank Jaire for the dozens of InStyle magazines we're able to read because of her mom (a flight attendant who brings home back issues heehee). Oh and not only will she be a pretty nurse, she's gonna be a pretty nurse who loves making mashed potatoes!

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MON: a top lawyer with a string of restos in the city
Of course Mon is going to be a lawyer, she's smart and a thinker and loves picking on people's brains. And she's crazy over John Lloyd Cruz, which I can and will never ever understand AHAHA. Hey Mon at least no mention of specific food here ha? heehee.

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CHAI: a Hollywood Insider reporter
She knows every tidbit of gossip about ANYONE, like "Alam mo ba yung si ano? O tapos yung kapatid nya ano, naku yung girlfriend ng pinsan nun ano...". And she laughs out really loud. But she's cute as a button ahaha.

CHESKA: a politician
She's very idealistic, and she's not easily swayed. She does her own thing, and I BELIEVE (ahaha) she'll be a good leader. Kate says her swimsuit when she was in Grade 6 is the same one she uses until now ahaha.
(sorry no foto of her she left the party way too early)

Okay more pictures before I go

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top left: Jaire, Mon, Kate

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Jo, Chai, Camille, Mon, Jaire, Kate

More posts later byenow.

17 December 2005

another dinner down, several more to go

So we had (yet) another dinner last night, this time at Pastor & Mrs. Lyons' home in Valle Verde. Mommy cooked most of the food and the pastries were our gift for them, since the dinner was for their 50th anniversary.

Yeah if you remember they already had this formal event in Manila Pen, but the visitors there were mostly other pastors and friends, and it was strictly for the parents only. Last night was for those people working in the ministries, like the choir, medical ministry, Sunday school teachers etc.

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boys of the Bible school / Ate Rhoda with other Bible students

I made the centerpieces in the afternoon when we got there, with the help of some moms who were already there, and of course Kate was in charge of the tables and chairs. I wasn't able to take lots of fotos since we were in charge of the pastries, with the help of Chaps.

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Ma'am Donna & Pastor Boyd --- they're so cute, and look at her dress!

Ma'am Donna looked so beautiful last night. She was talking to Kate and me when we were packing things up after the party (we left at around 2am already), and she told us that years back, when she learned that they were going to the Philippines as missionaries, the first thing she asked was, "Are there beauty shops in the Philippines?". Apparently she can't live without them, and PERFUMES. She says she's gonna be sick without perfumes ahaha.

And instead of sayings or fortunes or those silly things, their cake has little gold charms. She asked us to get the rest since she already got a few. We removed them from these small wrappers while she ate some cake ahaha.

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Oh and there's this amazing painting by the front door, and we found out she painted it. I was so so so impressed, she's great. I mean, she just puts fine arts students to shame. She mentioned to me before that she's also sort of an artist (when she found out we're into arts and everything), but nobody told me she was THIS GOOD yo.

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Pastor & Mrs. Lyons / Ate Rhoda, Me, Kate

The party was great, and we were so tired after. BUT we're always happy to help.

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pictures to cap the night off --- Kate and Me

This week is so crazy, I can't even remember where I should be on certain days and nights. I MUST make good use of my papers and write down schedules.

AND too bad the dinner pushed through last night, the one with my UST friends, so I was a no-show. Hopefully I have no plans next week when some of them go shopping in Greenhills so I can go too.

We're going to watch Salindiwa on the 22nd. Yay.

Oh and I brought my little brother this afternoon to a kiddie party in Jollibee, since Mommy's dead tired. And Jollibee the mascot is hauling Imman to the dance floor to dance the Pinoy Ako song from Pinoy Big Brother, which I so abhor. Over his dead body, Jollibee. My little brother is very very shy, you can't force him to do thing like that or talk to random people.

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I love them to their last cell --- Imman & Kate

And he's such a softie, and it's a good thing. He was able to save 20pesos a few weeks back and he was asking me if I wanted to eat at McDonald's, and I told him, "Baby, hindi yan kasya e". Yeah, Kate and I call him baby, even if he's so big already and he's fatter than Kate AHAHA. We're a healthy happy family yo!

It's the Cantata tomorrow. Hopefully lots of people will be there.

13 December 2005

quirky tacky cool

Last time we hit the mall, Kate and I bought several notebooks and notepads from Papemelroti. And we don't even know where we would use it, we just love papers. Any kind of paper, really, and notebooks. I can't remember how many notebooks I've bought just last semester, thinking each time I bought one that I'll use it for my things-to-do lists, for assignments, for random thoughts when bored in class, for poetry, etc etc. I used them all okay, but what I've written were pretty jumbled and everything. We're obsessed with paper, I'm telling ya.

When I eat burgers, I have to eat the outside part first, and I eat the middle part last. I don't know why, it just tastes better that way, at least for me. And for Daddy. And when we don't get to eat the last bite of the burger, we feel like we didn't eat anything at all ahaha.

Kate claims that WATER tastes differently in different containers. Like it tastes nice in glasses, but not as good when in plastic cups. And they're not very good when in plastic bottles.

Oh and Kate is such a square. She's too safe sometimes, at least in some of her choices. I mean she ALWAYS orders cream-based vanilla everything in every coffee shop, she doesn't like condiments, she wants the plainest pizza flavours, and lots more things. BUT she's hardly a square when it comes to dressing up ahaha. People who know her will know what I mean.

We tend to INITIALLY (stress on the word initially, folks) stereotype people based on how they dress. Sorry it's a bad habit, but we can't help it. Don't worry once we get to talk to them, it becomes a whole different thing. I mean if we don't talk to that person, how are we supposed to know what he/she is like right.

I hate pineapple in pizza. It doesn't seem right, like a fruit doesn't belong in a sea of meat and cheese and pepper ahaha.

We have a fascination for gold, and we don't really know why. Ahaha and yeah Jeremy said that we always have gold whenever he sees us, which is actually true. I did not notice that but when I think about it yo we don't really leave the house without one. Not that they're real ahaha because I have no intention of having a knife pointed to my throat by some sick psycho.

Oh well whatever.

Right now I'm wishing Manila would be like New York or Paris, at least fashion-wise. I mean wouldn't it be nice to see girls in clothes other than *yawn* plain tops and jeans, occasionally donning cardigans and such. Dressing up should be so much fun.

Oh and hey friends! I'll be gone the day after Christmas until the first week of January, so don't miss me too much ahaha. We're off to Romblon, and if my plan with Kate pushes through (and if we still have money), we'll be hitting Boracay, just the two of us. For some quality time ahaha.

As if we need that, we're together everyday. But it'll be such an adventure I really wanna do it. I think it'll take around 3hours from Romblon to Bora, by motorboat. Cool yo! Airplanes are so old school. Motorboats are the new airplanes, PLUS you can take nice pictures.

And hey since I can't find pictures to post today I'll go post some fotos of Kate and friends. Actually I consider them my friends too yo (the closest to her, like Mon and Cheska and Jo and Chai etc etc). And they're a creative bunch, and we like the same things.

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clockwise from top left: Kate & Cheska Rose ahaha/Chai & Kate/Kate & Cheska again/Kate & Hech

Hey Mon, if you're reading this, you must love me to bits--- I have your CUTE photo here but decided against posting it ahaha. You know, the one in our cam just this afternoon.

Oh and they have a band, and they got in this time in the Bandfest. Last year's audition was a total mess, and I'm glad they did good this time. They played Easy by the Commodores (Cheska sort of arranged it so it's like a reggae version, she plays lead guitar) and Kate sang that song, oh yes I just knew she would and I bet she'd sing it with all her heart. Ooohhh, memories. AHAHA. And they also played that one from Dishwala I think, Counting Blue Cars.

So sweeties go buy tickets from them and watch them. I love these kids. I hope they grow up to be like me AHAHA.

Ugh when will I end these shameless promotions ahaha.

Bye now gots to sleep I have to wake up 5am and go to Dangwa and buy super duper lotsa flowers, I'm making the centerpieces for the tables tomorrow, we have this dinner in our Pastor's home.

Oh and I hope the dinner with my UST friends will move to Saturday night, otherwise I can't go and I won't see them before Christmas. Snaps.

11 December 2005

hello you are talking to a SUPREME GENIUS ahaha

Lordy this sounds freakishly like me. I got this from RonaBanana's blog, and ohmygod Ate Ron you're right. I mean they all did this, and they got almost accurate results, it's so them. And now this--- I mean GOLD is totally my color, I pile it up like a good ol' matrona AHAHA.

And yes I could say I'm a visionary, and I have lots of plans but I don't always get everything done AHAHA. And sometimes I'm yeah, inappropriately sensitive because I tend to consider other people's feelings way too much that I reach the point wherein I'm at a loss, not knowing if I should make certain decisions.

Your Birthdate: June 1

You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.
You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.
Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.
You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.

Your strength: Your supreme genius

Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity

Your power color: Gold

Your power symbol: Star

Your power month: January
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Ugh this is so true.


And I like stars, yo. Because I get starstruck with celebrities, but not local ones.

Does that count?

Kthanksbye I'm off to Healthcare where I'll talk to a dummy and look like an ass while I pretend to take care of it. I'll even ask his/her name and age and ask about his/her condition. Total ass, I'm telling ya. Sucks.

i know what you did last Friday

We forgot, we really did. Friday night was supposed to be concert practice night.

Instead we went with Mommy & Daddy and had dinner at Shakeys Roxas. Yeah I know what you're thinking, it's just Shakeys so why do we have to eat in Roxas ahaha. They were going to Uncle Tom's place after.

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Oh yes I just had to take pictures while they were eating yo AHAHA

I saw the fountain when I looked out, and of all things I just had to remember that one scene in the Aga-Kristine movie (All My Life) where they were on opposite sides of that fountain, not knowing the other one was also there. They both threw a coin and wished, how utterly cheesy. But hey I loved that movie, I cried when Aga died. SO YEAH SHOOT ME NOW. How embarassing ahaha.

Seriously though, I love tragic endings on Pinoy movies, it's definitely better. I mean aren't we tired of watching love stories where the world just brings them apart, only to have them end up in an open field (or a neighborhood street, or the airport, or some place truly dramatic it just breaks my heart) with a flock of people surrounding them, the boy professing his undying love for the girl? Oh and let's not forget the round of applause from these people after the protagonists kiss. Excuse me while I break down and cry.

Ugh I just hate it when I'm totally in focus on my topic and I just start rambling on another because I remembered something.

Okay back to Friday night. We went to Uncle Tom's, which is in Legaspi Towers.

Uncle Tom is this nice and funny German guy who's a guitar dealer and owns a Vintage Guitar Gallery in Dortmund, Germany, and Miami Beach, Florida. His wife is Ate Emy, a Filipina. He wants everyone to call him Uncle Tom, even Ate Emy sometimes calls him that (which is kind of weird ahaha).

Uncle Tom puts me to shame when it comes to blabbing, I'm telling you. He can talk for hours and if nobody stops him we might as well stay there for the night. He'll tell stories when he was a young boy who constantly passes out in pubs because he drinks liquor all day, then he'll pick up his guitar and sing some songs, then he'll ask Dad for suggestions on the restoration of some of his guitars, then he'll offer us red wine.

Oh yes, red wine. There will always be red wine when we go there. They'll bring out nice glasses and we'll empty the whole thing. And when we go, he hands out a new bottle for us to take home (which we just end up giving away since we're not big on alcohol yo).

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Dad on the left, Uncle Tom on the right; see all the guitars hanging on the wall

It's always fun going there, he's so funny. And Ate Emy's really nice. And their place is on the 21st floor so there's a nice view of Roxas and everything by the window. Okay it's not much, I mean what can you possibly see in Roxas right. I'm just a sucker for Christmas lights, and all kinds of lights except white ones, they're very sad and they make me lonely. That's probably the reason why there are no white lights here in our house, we all have bright yellow ones or pinlights, we all think they're happy-looking ahaha.

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sorry, Uncle Tom blabbed too much so we just took pictures


I forgot to mention on my last post that we headed to Marikina Shoe Expo after a bit of shopping in Gateway. Strangely though, Marikina Shoe Expo is also in Araneta Center and not in, well, Marikina.

We went to the Terno Christmas Au Go Go, a production with lotsa bands playing --- Salindiwa, Urbandub, The Late Isabel, Death by Tampon, etc etc. Actually we just went there for Salindiwa, but we could not stay long since we told Mommy & Daddy that we were just going to the malls, not going to a gig (oh guys why did you have to play late?). And we're not into alternative or emo anymore, so the only band we love there is Salindiwa because I think you can't put their sound in a box, they're a fusion of different genres. But hey I wanna hear Mich Dulce's band, Death by Tampon.

We were really torn that we didn't get to see Salindiwa play, but I swear we'll watch them before Christmas. I mean we were walking around there and my Mom called me up asking if we're headed home already, then she asked what's all that noise. So I told her we were outside the mall trying to get a cab ahaha. Sorry to disappoint, kiddos. We got curfew.

It was okay because (before heading home) we ended up going to the art shops scattered around the area where the bands performed. I therefore conclude (yet again) that MUSIC + ART is my favorite combination. I like taking it in lethal doses ahaha.

This week is going to be crazy. It's a whirlwind of parties and practices and studying for the exams and dinners with different sets of friends. It's Christmas after all, we should all get a life ahaha.

09 December 2005

pillow fight!

So I'll be all girly and talk about beauty products. Last Saturday Kate and I finally had a headstart on that Christmas shopping but only got to go to Shang Ortigas and Gateway in Araneta.

Shang of course did not disappoint. Back when we favored the Japanese look or Indian ethnic (or ethnic Indian or blah blah blah) we frequented Defect. And now Defect's gone but it's okay since we favor a more polished look these days (POLISHED, yo! I sound like some editor in a fashion magazine or something, or someone teaching ladies a thing or two about power dressing ahaha).

Okay back to the action-packed Saturday: I was so delighted to find that there are lots of new stores on the 5th level (I think--- basta where People are People and Shoe Salon are) in Shang. There's Schu, Pretty Fit, Felicity, etc, and the stores we loved then--- Moss, CMG, Beauty Bar, etc.

BUT we particularly adore Mimi, another new shop there. They have these one-of-a-kind pieces PLUS they have some cosmetics which are hard to find in Manila (read: available only in selected shops).

I got Smith's Rosebud Salve, which I thought was only available in Rockwell; I heard it's a miracle product (but I think using that word's kind of baloney, maybe they just work real good yo). They have these really cute Benefit powders, blushes and bronzers, but there's no way I'm spending over 2thousand pesos for those.

So yeah Kate got a violet velvet jacket from Mimi too, and it's so nice, it looks a bit like the one from Zara. Loves it.

People are People also has great shoes, there are killer pumps AND peep-toe ones reminiscent of those from Mayle, or something you'd get from Marni.

Then we're off to Gateway, which is okay but I still like Shang better. But nothing lifts the spirits like a big big Beauty Bar shop ahaha--- I got a nice blush (Sax) there. When it comes to these things, blushes/bronzers and lip balms/glosses are my weaknesses. I can't do anything, it's beyond my power!

So yeah it's nice to sometimes give in to girly things and pamper yourself, although doing it constantly is... expensive ahaha.


A friend sent me an sms of songs with hilarious lyrics. Apparently this was what most Filipinos do, sometimes they just belt it out in front of the videoke and sing songs the way they hear it, even if the words they use don't make sense.

*Nothing's gonna change my love for you, you know naman my love how much I love you...

*Masakit love, but it's over now, Must've been good, but I lost it somehow...

*I'll be, your crying soldier...

*Don't go Jason waterfalls...

I swear Kate and I were laughing so hard on the floor.

Hey it's almost Christmas! Love love love it.

05 December 2005

cute kids

For lack of a better title let's just name this post CUTE KIDS ahaha.

Last Sunday the kids finally had their Junior Cantata, and they were terribly... cute. Seriously though, it's nice seeing them doing all these things at such a young age. Almost all of them had solos or speaking parts, so everyone was given a chance to be on the spotlight.

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top row: little girls & boys / bottom left: Chaps & MonMon / bottom right: David & Juancho

We could not resist taking lots of pictures, the kids were singing like there's no tomorrow and they're really into their solo parts (we were told that they even complained if they didn't get one).

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clockwise from top left: Imman / the girls / David / MonMon / Aina / CJ

More pictures

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bottom row: Ivan / Mommy & Imman

And more

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1st row: Kate & Mommy; Mommy & Tita Pearl (Ivan's mom) / bottom photo: with the parents & Pastor & Mrs. Lyons

So yeah this is a picture post ahaha. Oh and one last foto:

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Pastor Lyons' cute grandchildren: Calvin, Chanel, and James (who went back to US last week)

I've always wanted to take a good picture of Calvin because he's terribly cute, but still unlucky. Wuthie has one, it's very clear, I think it's in one of her posts.

Anyway see you guys later. It's cold and I love it. I'll go look out the window, I love those Christmas lights on our neighbor's trees.