31 October 2005

hurrah for school breaks!

Because we get to do so many things.

AND I get to spend more time with my family.

Who says hanging out with your parents are uncool? Not me, sweetie.

So it's dinner out night again for us heehee.

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over juicy steaks and sushi! yaaay!

I must say it's always fun being with them. And that's always a good thing because for some people it's such an ass going home, as if home is the last place they would want to be. But for me it's all happy-happy joy-joy!


And yeah since I haven't checked in for a few days I want to greet Mikko now.


Yeah we call each other Tol because we're like this tight, NYAHA. No seriously, he's like a brother to me.

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Mikko is totally projecting! you are learning quick, yes?

He's also my business partner (ohmygod what about Escritoryo?), my tandem when it comes to bugging people (especially Ruth HAHA), daily news and gossip source, a constant companion back in the Fine Arts days, and most importantly, a true friend.

Don't forget me when you're a hot and spankin' Industrial Designer already, okay? I can feel it in my cartilages, you will be the next big thing (as well as our friends haha). But you always had the talent and the passion, you live and breathe Industrial Design.

Oh and let me know next time you guys have an exhibit, better if I know about it a few days before the actual event. I wanna go and see you all and we shall do some serious merry-making. HEEHEE.

Anyway this morning when I woke up I stared at the wall for a good ten minutes before I was able to mobilize myself. It feels so good to wake up and not have to drag yourself to the bathroom in panic because you might be late and you might fail the subject due to absences. I swear I'm such a geek when classes are on. Oh, to be young and wild and carefree!

Lev: I miss you. Oh well you're probably partying your ass off and living it up in Hongkong. Take care! :-)

29 October 2005

they're still winners to me

Yeah I sound like a doting older sister AGAIN, but hey my sister's section is sooo good yesterday . And it's so unfair about the costume (and not just because Kate is the costume designer).

But whatever. They still did a bleedin' GREAT job out there and their production was the shiznit and I don't really care if the judges (or some faculty members) are willing to overlook an excellent dance production for some crappy issues about fabrics etc.

Remember IV-2: People are only mean when they're threatened.

In your case, maybe some overly agitated person (let's just say person, we don't want people guessing HAHA) saw your terribly good moves during practices and it scared the daylights out of her skull because maybe, just MAYBE, her own minions weren't good enough. Tears. Let's go weep in agony now, shall we?

God I don't really care about her. You're still winners in your own right, and you know you did good. And not that I'm biased or anything, but I think you're the only one who did justice to Pinikpikan. I mean can you imagine what Sammy Asuncion or Maria Bello would say if they saw those other dances using their song? NYAHA.

Anyway here's a view of your Kaamulan dance production. It's not the best view because I was at the back, but it shows the whole thing quite good.

( IV-2's dance production: eat your heart out, you and your minions!!! )

Oh yeah and I've got a few pictures from yesterday; will post probably tomorrow. Laters. Ciao.

27 October 2005

ohmygod i die now

Nothing beats the feeling of knowing I passed Anatomy. I was thinking God if I could only pass this on my first try I'd be sooo happy. Almost all our classmates there are already on their second or third, so yeah this really feels great.

Anyway take a moment to stop and look around you. Boho babe is the shiznit! HAHA. God every girl wears the same boho skirt and boho top and boho accessories. Coolness. Hey don't get me wrong I'm not like such a snob when it comes to these things, but mediocrity and glaring similarities just rob us of all the fun.

Even some of the professors in school dress that way. I'm not saying this because ultimately I really don't like them and they've made my major subjects such a pain and because they give the best grades to the goodlooking boys in class (even if they're dumb), but their boho efforts are trash. Harsh. HAHA. But seriously, it's pathetic. I mean we may see a lot of girls wearing it but the only thing that's not good is they all wear the same thing but it's not awful. These two, they manage to make it look horrible.

Whatever. I can't believe I even wasted time talking about them haha.

I am done with cadavers and skeletons. At least for Anatomy.

Sorry. Just can't get over the fact I passed because I'm terribly lame in Science and Math subjects.

Ohmygod and this girl is one big baloney. Hate is such an extreme word, so yeah I don't hate her, but I dislike her! That's lame. Yeah I know but she's like honey-I'm-way-better-than-you-so-you-gotta-be-kidding-me.

But then I passed Anatomy. Nya-ha.

Okay me die now of happiness. This is awesome! Anatomy, I HEART YOU!

25 October 2005


I've been holed up here (at home) since the semester began, I think. I mean yeah I occasionally go out and have dinners with family or friends, go to the mall, watch movies etc. etc. but I want to GO OUT.

That means I need MUSIC in my bloodstream again. Real music. Not the downloaded mp3's or even the albums bought.

So yeah I'm gonna get my fix as soon as classes end.

Which reminds me, I sort of forgot about Binky, my ultramagnetichypergalactic blues harp. Okay, harmonica. I completely ignored it because of my chaotic schedule, and I miss playing it. Don't get any ideas that I'm terribly good. I'm BLOODY AWFUL. Haha. My sister and my little brother are probably the only ones who would dare listen to me. I love them to bits.

Speaking of my little brother, I was surprised to find a folder in the computer named after him. I opened it and found lots of doodles he made in Paint haha:

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Imman's doodle in Paint / my little brother (wearing a necktie! haha)

Oh and Mommy had this catering in Intramuros last Saturday. Kate and I are fast becoming experts in catering setup because Mommy always sends us to the venue first, and we handle the waiters haha. We handle all the setup details --- having the chairs and tables delivered, centerpieces, table covers, skirting, everything. Mommy only has to worry about the food itself. It was fun in Intramuros and we got a kick out of the guards, because they were wearing the old uniform (parang guardia sibil haha). I felt like I was in the Spanish period. Anyway it was also fun taking pictures there. I edited some and it looked atraight out of a dream. It's my current favorite.

(view the pictures here)

Kate and I were looking for a Salindiwa cd in the record store but apparently they don't have one yet. But I don't know, I think there's a demo or something. We really want to buy one. Anyway if there's no cd out yet, we'd wait till around November, hopefully the full album will be out then. Even my Mom likes them. That's a big bad deal! My Mom never liked bands, we get along better with Daddy when it comes to music. But she told me she liked them, and I was so surprised. Her choices are geting better, I guess.

Oh and Lev is leaving for Hongkong on Thursday or Friday, I think. Take care Lev! When you get back I promise we WILL have that dinner already HAHA. I swear it just would not push through for some reason. And you know what? That's really weeeeiiiirrrrd. Woohoo!

Take care everyone :-)

21 October 2005

friendship rediscovered and highschool tales

So it's Jo's birthday today and we almost didn't make it there. For some reason Pau said there was a rally so we couldn't pass by Batasan, but no there wasn't a rally so we did go. And Pau has disappeared into thin air in like 5 minutes. So Pau, galit kami sa yo. Haha.

I don't think I'd ever get to memorize how to get to Jo's place because I'm terrible with streets and places and it's so far. Good thing Pap's driver remembered it from last year (Jo's birthday bash too). We got there just in time and there were mainly three groups: Jo's Beautiful High School Friends (that would be us, thankyouverymuch), Jo's college friends (La Salle), and Jo's yfc friends. We headed straight to the food and ate a good deal of yummy pasta. Haha. So yeah if you're reading this Pap you know how many times we filled plates with it. Excluding the desserts haha. Oh and Lourdes was there, we actually didn't recognize her at first because she looked totally different. You look so... dalaga! Hehe.

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Lourdes, Pap and Me / Me and Pap

And Julls and Contax were able to come. It's so nice seeing them after several years. When we talked it seemed normal, it's almost as if we're the same kids in high school. Almost, but not quite. I guess we would always live with the fact that once, things weren't that okay. Not chaotic or scandalous, just not fine. And I always wondered what went wrong, where things went wrong.

But what I saw tonight, it was wonderful. It was like picking up the pieces bit by bit, slowly rebuilding what crashed down a few years back. And I knew tonight, we bridged the gap.

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Julls, Contax, Pap, Jo (I'm behind them nyahaha) / Jo, Pap and Me

I saw that friendship just isn't lost. We laughed and took pictures and talked and there was no awkward silences. Yeah it can't be done with just one night, but we're getting there.

It was so much fun reminding Julls about Joseph muahaha. And Julliene is still the same bubbly person I knew, always had stories to tell. And Contax, I just knew she'd be a cheerleader (and she is, for Ateneo). The perkiness, the unstoppable dance routines, it was all still there.

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Julls, Contax and Me

As for Pap, we didn't waste time catching up. As soon as I got in the van, she started telling me about certain things and certain people haha. And as usual, we talked and laughed nonstop.

And Jo, Happy Happy Birthday! You don't know how much I miss you (and everyone!). Ohmygod you're about to become a spankin' office girl, promise we'd still meet up okay? I could never thank God enough for giving me the best in the friends department. We may not meet almost the entire year, but when we do, nothing's changed, and it feels as if it was just yesterday when we had dinner or something. And Jo, I could never say (or even think) of anything negative about you. Do you know that I realized that just now? Like you're one of the most positive people in the world, always sweet, always thoughtful, always there for her friends. You never fail to brighten up my day when you send one of your sweet messages.

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Me with Jo the Birthday Girl

Here's to more happiness (as well as success) to one of the most beautiful persons I know, inside and out. I love you Jo! Happy Birthday! :-)

20 October 2005

hello my name is insomniac

Can't wait for tomorrow. I'm gonna see my high school friends again yay! I just can't believe that Jo's graduating already. I mean yeah, we're all supposed to graduate this schoolyear, but it's just so odd thinking of me and my friends hitting the yuppie route. And Jo's jobhunting already! I think a part of me will always see us as these high school girls scattered in different sections but always had this one spot during recess and lunchbreak, talking about silly things, gossiping about the teachers and other students, exchanging lunches, studying for quizzes, running off to meetings.

Had I pushed through with my fine arts course, I don't think I'd graduate this year anyway (because of one crazy subject I definitely could not handle...ah, the pressure!). Which is mainly the reason why I salute my fine arts friends. You can tell they love what they're doing, as well as the hassles that go with it. I love art, but I love writing and literature and music too. Why oh why do we have to choose? Why can't I dabble in all of these fields at the same time? Life would have been so much better.

Oh yeah, and Mikko called this morning (I was still asleep... I know, I know, it's not good anymore because I'm awake the whole night and I doze off in the mornings, but I guess it's what happens when your classes start at 7pm.gah). He left a message inviting me to their exhibit in PICC, I think.

I would definitely go. Knowing Mikko, it would be so amazing. I thinks he's the epitome of a true Industrial Designer. I mean, he's always thinking forward and I guess out of everyone in our group he's the one who can actually make something out of plans. Because when we're together, we always have these crazy ideas, we even planned a line of clothes before, and we already had the launch party all mapped out. And we already had a name for the business. But Mikko, he somehow manages to make everything a step ahead, design-wise. When we built this miniature theme park, it was supposed to have these rides, with just the structure and everything. But he wasn't contented with that (and what a good thing because we were groupmates), so he got something out of several toys (he actually ripped them out) and made our rides move, like those in a real theme park. And he makes the coolest lamps, you can have them customized. Which reminds me, I'll go check if he still makes them and plug it here HAHA.

Dad's site is almost up, just have to finish a few more things. It's just in geocities because I'm still a lousy web designer-whatever and I'm still trying my hand at it. Maybe when I'm terribly good I'll ask Dad to sign up for his own domain or something.

I am totally clueless when it comes to television shows nowadays. Kate and I mostly rely on this pc for everything --- music, internet, movies. So naturally I don't know what Pinoy Big Brother is all about. And I'm not interested, I bet it's mostly sex, breakups, fake drama, scandals. They're not amusing, it's such a waste of time.

I'd rather listen to SRV and Jeff Buckley.

Two names in my playlist, people. At least for this week.

And for some strange reason I love Jim Croce. Don't know him? Go ask your Dad or your Grandpa. There's one word which comes to mind when I listen to his songs --- honest. It's so brutally honest, you could tell he wrote from experience, and the way he sings, it's so full of heart. I swear if someone sings to me I'd Have to Say I Love You in a Song, well.... I would swoon. HAHA. I would fall madly in love and we will ride off in a white horse and live happily ever after.

I'm such a hopeless romantic.

I gots to go 'cause it's 3am and I have to be in school by 8am. See I told you I have this sleeping disorder, I may have acquired insomnia from my Dad. I have ugly eyebags I'm telling ya, and I'm using tea bags to minimize the puffiness haha. Goodnight Good morning! I'm out in

Oh wait.
PS: AteRon, I already emailed you. Lookee there's a photo! haha.

And one last thing: our maid, Ate Lan, 34, single, has a date on Sunday. Sabi ko nga itanan na nya date nya e. Hehe.


18 October 2005

of deadlines and bands (yet again)

You probably won't recognize me when we happen to bump into eachother on the streets. I look like one gigantic eye bag --- a big dark eye bag. Awful, I know, but can't really help it if we're bombarded with deadlines this week.

I spent Saturday night making the documentation for our community analysis, then Sunday it was the usual procedures in San Juan. And were were frantically checking and double checking everything in the laptop, since we were having our final draft checked. And I've been mostly online since Sunday night trying to put together our class site, just in geocities. Haven't finished it yet, but soon.

Oh and such a wonderful thing to know that two of my favorite bands already have Friendster accounts. And Huka posted the picture I took last fete! I don't know why, really, because it's terribly blurred and definitely not clear, but I'm happy nonetheless. Thanks Eric for including it there :-)

I can't wait for classes to end so I'll have my break. I've been wanting this for the longest time, and Kate and I were thinking of what to do. We both agreed that first up on our list is to watch Huka and Salindiwa (too bad because the latter is working in the studios, I think, so they don't have a lot of gigs these days).

Don't expect this entry to say a lot, I just wanted to procrastinate for a few minutes so I blogged haha. Oh and I'm making a site for Dad too, for Guitar Hospital. Hope it turns out good.

Guess what I'm receiving tons of sms as of this moment saying "Tella, are there any more documentation pages? Please email them now thanks", and "Tella, tawag ka daw dito ngayon Kuya Bench needs to explain something to you...".

Bye everyone. I promise I'll try to write something not lame in my next entry. Work beckons.

11 October 2005

hi again

Sorry for being such a geek today, I just felt like blogging with this new layout and everything. But I'd be changing the photo at the top sometime this week, I'm racking my brain and building up some creative energy to make a new one. Hello Photoshop!

Louie Talan (of Razorback and Pinikpikan) was here the other day and I began to miss the good 'ol Razorback, when David Aguirre was still here in the Philippines. God I was such a fangirl then, Kate and I would never leave the Fete (or any other gig for that matter) without watching them play. And back when I barely studied and went out almost every night to watch bands, we'd be going to Razorback gigs wherever they may be.

Me: I wanna sing just like Kevin Roy!
Kate: But you're a girl
Me: So what I still want to sing like Kevin Roy!
Kate: Well you will never sing like Kevin Roy because you're a girl
Me: Shut up I'm going to sing just like Kevin Roy! I'm gonna be his girl version!

We were stupid kids then --- going out every night, lots of booze, terribly impressed with the rockstars. I mean back then we didn't care if they had no talent at all as long as they looked good without their shirts on and their band was popular. Now I feel old mature whenever I see bands because I'm looking for great guitar playing, and I'm not impressed with distortions anymore (some bands think that when you play in distortion, it's so hardcore haha). And we're not looking for shirtless hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love vocalists anymore, although it won't hurt if it comes with the package, that some guitar virtuosos are sexy too haha (hello SideBar and Fete night! I'm grinning like an idiot here).

Oh well. I really miss Razorback, I feel like it's not the same without David.

Regarding what I wrote earlier, I really think I'm a feminist. Kate asked me to write an intoduction for their paper which talks about 60's to 70's groupies, and I'm supposed to defend them. Then I just started typing away, and when I read what I wrote, God, I didn't know I had all those ideas. Like those groupies are the real feminists because they serve as the catalyst and security blanket for rockstars, and because they did what they wanted, defied conventionality and never followed the norms etc.

But I do believe what I wrote in there, but that was probably because of all the things Kate forced me to read the last 2 weeks --- about groupies, what they went through and other controversies. I now see them in a different light. And you should watch the Banger Sisters, it's a great movie. And Almost Famous (one of my favorites). The songs make me feel so nostalgic.

i miss.

I miss my grandparents. This morning my grandmother (I call her Ima) called to tell me that she bought Mommy, Kate and Me a bunch of stuff again. She's so cool because when they're here on vacation (they're now living in Chicago), she's the one who drags us to go shopping, and when she buys shoes, she has to have a matching bag too haha. She also loves makeup and other things girls enjoy that sometimes it feels like she's not that old heehee. And I miss my grandfather too (Tatang) because I love his corny jokes, and because he pays us for corny jokes. Imagine getting $5 for every corny joke! Ha!

I miss my cousins in Canada. We've all been busy the past few weeks so there's no communication. And a few days ago I heard the song Shape of My Heart by the Backstreet Boys (yeah I'm baduy like that) and I got so nostalgic. I remember them when I hear that song because that was what I heard when we were going home the night they left. I was so depressed then and somehow that song stuck.

I miss my UST friends. Haven't seen them for so long, and it's sad how I almost don't know anything about them anymore (what's happening with them, at least). I guess it's inevitable, since we're not together every single day anymore. And when they talk about things, it's hard not to feel left out since I haven't got a clue as to who those people are. But I miss them nonetheless.

In other news, I'm prepping myself up for an all-nighter tomorrow. I was chosen (it is an honor! I'm so unbelievably flattered heehee) to be one of the editors for our sort-of thesis in Healthcare (blech, I know). We're going to rent a computer shop tomorrow from 9pm to 5am, and we, the Confederation of the Gramatically Righteous, will rephrase the terrible, well, ah... grammar. You won't believe how funny some of our classmates are, with what they've written. Haha.

let's talk music, shall we?
Okay for this segment, let's all give a round of applause to Portishead!

They're really good, and once again, I'm so impressed with the girl's vocals.

I think it's great that a lot of girls/women these days are making their own music. It moves people to see women musicians in a different light, and not just as:
1. some pop tart in a schoolgirl uniform, dancing around trying to look innocent
2. some sex symbol in an outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination
3. some troubled diva in a nice gown who belts out really cheesy songs then goes home and slits her wrist

If you want to hear some Portishead, you can download some of their songs here.

* I just read what I wrote in there and I sound like a feminist. Do you think I'm a feminist?

06 October 2005

boredom = mighty destruction

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the fact that school's extended until the last week of October (giving us poor students roughly one and a half weeks for sembreak), maybe it's the stress (yuckie I sound like a moron) from this one subject that makes us go to class on Sundays and pretty much occupies our time the entire week with paper revisions and freakin' data analysis. But the last few days have been incredibly blah, and I can't exactly point out why. Boredom doesn't necessarily mean I'm not doing anything --- it's just that things are so... blah. Nada.

And I get a bit destructive when bored.
I once spray-painted with bronze Pylox one of our bags because I hated the color. It smelled rotten afterwards, and the color wasn't even --- in short, it was bad.
I cut up two of my tops in hopes of altering them, and I ruined it.
I started sewing some beads into Kate's top and still haven't finished it. Of course she can't wear it with an unfinished beadwork haha.
I got some plastic flowers and tried to attach them to one of our long strand necklaces. It took several attempts before it actually looked nice (at least this one worked).
I almost always destroy our earrings and necklaces and try to create new ones out of them. Sometimes they end up good, most of them go straight to the trash bin --- and I end up wishing I never had these bouts of "creativity" and stupid bright ideas. But I can't help it because I hate conventional accessories --- they're blah, and I become so bored I don't wanna leave the house anymore if I had to wear them haha.
I tried to put sparkly shimmery beads on my sandals (the ones which look like what people in the Bible used to wear) and I discovered that I had to stitch it up. Too lazy to do that.

I better find something else to do. Boredom is detrimental to everything I lay my eyes on.

Ah, let's talk music, shall we?
Oh and remember Rachael Yamagata, the one I was telling you about? She's wonderful. She's sort of like Fiona Apple with lesser angst. Or maybe not. Anyway if you want to listen just download one of her songs:

Rachael Yamagata - Woman

And I love Up Dharma Down. I watched their video once (if I remember correctly the song is Maybe) and the girl's vocals just blew me away--- if only girls sang like that. But then again I like other vocal styles too, like Sarah Mclachlan's, Fiona Apple's, Aya's (of Imago), Bjork's, Tori Amos', India Arie's, Maria Bello's (of Pinikipikan), Cynthia Alexander's, etc. Except the diva-ish type, I really have nothing against it, but it just bores me out of my skull.

Okay back to Up Dharma Down. I was actually surprised to see Meryll Soriano there, she didn't seem like the type of girl I would hire for my music video, but surprisingly she didn't annoy me. And she looked nice there. So Meryll sweetie, you should always look like that, then people would not always remember you as Maricel Soriano's niece who starred in trashy comedy shows.

Anyway you should check out this band. Musicians like them deserve our full support, and I'm constantly wondering why some people always turn to radio mainstream crap music when we have an army of excellent musicians right here.

But hey I'm not talking about Masculados or Viva Hot Babes here, people. Please. Not that kind of music. You can't even call it music --- it's noise. And a major headache.

04 October 2005

guitarists are the new black pink

I was walking down the school corridor and saw a group of guys playing their guitar, pathetically trying to impersonate Brandon Boyd and his singing (of course we all know that'd be Incubus --- it's another pink these days, if you know what I mean).

I entered my English class the other night and saw my classmates grouped in one corner, gathered around this boy who brought his guitar. He reeks of coolness, y'all.

I hear little boys playing Bamboo's "Noypi" every night, and my ears are already bleeding. And please, that was so... years ago.

I see a trend here, people. Guitarists are the new in. They're everywhere --- they're your neighbor, your neighbor's best friend, your neighbor's best friend's brother, and your neighbor's best friend's brother's classmate. Everyone knows how to strike up a chord or two.

But maybe I just see too many guitars everyday.

And may I just add that I absolutely love Rachael Yamagata. She makes beautiful music.