07 August 2005

a lunch conversation

Yesterday, Tito Alex had lunch here. He's one of Daddy's closest friends (and our great connection to Mong muahaha). He's spoiled us a few times --- bringing us to this club to watch heavy metal bands way way back (when we still wanted to), promising to bring Mong in one of the many tone parties he set up with Dad, giving us how-to cds when we started playing drums, persuading Dad to let Kate and I tag along when they check out guitarists. And he always has interesting conversations with Dad.

I was talking with Kate (as usual) while eating my lunch, which by the way greatly resembles a garden. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm growing a goatee or something. Please, Mommy, I'm not a herbivore, when are you going to relieve me of this misery called a salad diet? Anyway, the word psychopath suddenly came up, and we started listening to Tito Alex and Daddy.

Tito Alex's uncle happened to be a psychologist who specializes in interviewing people in the religious field and determining their classifications (and in some cases, why they want to enter or leave the seminary/convent). He said that people mostly fell into to categories: it's either they're psychopathic, or narcissistic. He even mentioned a lot of prominent personalities who fall into these categories.

I always thought of psychopaths as serial killers with a bad childhood, those who were abused. So I wondered how these prominent people can fall into this category. Turns out, being a psychopath (maybe at least psychologically) means one sees only the utilitarian value in people; they don't see people as people with feelings, but they only see what they can get out of you. It sounds much better that way, I think. Now I'm beginning to realize that if that's the meaning we'd go by, then all of us would have psychopathic tendencies. Haha.

Narcissists, on the other hand, are people who are already screwing you and still expect you to worship them. Sheesh. Another list of prominent personalities under this category. We were so surprised that these people are so different from the image they project onscreen. Two-faced slimeballs. Nyahaha.

I won't bore you with the rest of the conversation. It was mostly interesting for us, but maybe not with you. Hehe. I even gave Tito Alex a few more names. He promised to ask his uncle about his assessment of these people, and he'd tell me when he gets back.

In other news, I miss Will & Grace. I laughed every single episode, but somehow it has vanished from the programs lined up in ETC. Seinfeld is pretty funny too, but I miss Karen dissing Grace, and Jack messing with Will. At least there are still funny shows there, or we'll have no choice but to resort to watching a bunch of women feeling sorry for themselves or more of those makeovers (it's getting old, really).

*Watch out for my harmonica photo later heehee :)