25 July 2005

getting by

Sundays would probably be unbearable if not for friends and classmates who actually make it fun. I hated it when we started out, but every week it gets better and funnier.

There's this guy who's weird, really weird, but he was transferred to another class. Too bad really. On the first day he actually had the nerve to ask Tina if she could transfer to another seat so he could be beside the aircon. Considering he's awfully late (got there at 9am, and the class starts 7am). Then he asked for liquid soap from one classmate; we thought he was going to bring it to the washroom. But no, he poured a lot of it on his hands and used it as a lotion. I swear we laughed for 3 full minutes haha.

There's Yan, who never shuts her mouth. Haha. We always pretend to fight, and I dunno why, but we get such a kick out of it. We're crazy that way.

There's Maan, who shares my fascination for this certain classmate. I asked her to talk to him before, so we kind of know him already. When we're talking (which is most of the time), we get distracted when he walks in. That was terribly funny, because we actually forgot for a moment there what we were talking about.

There's Tina, who's always quiet but bitchy when she talks. Not in a bad way, she just really talks like that. She's funny and amusing without trying to be. We laugh at everything she says, even if it isn't a joke. Nyahaha.

Maan and I put to good use our drawing skills (heehee) and sketched classmates. We started a little Guess Who sort of thing. It helped ease the pain of having to hear Sir Galvin blab on about First Aid. Gawd.

Then the funny classmates: Jay, Errol, Renz, Liezl, Steph, Marj, etc. It's nice talking with them. And annoying them. And making them guess the sketches.

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clockwise from top left: Tina / Maan / Yan / Moi

I guess I'm droning on about my Sunday. It's just such a relief having people like them to keep you sane when your professors give quizzes after every lecture, which would probably be three times in a day. And it helps kill time when we're waiting for our turn during return demonstrations. Imagine doing nothing for 4 hours --- sheesh.

* * * * *
I just heard Girl on TV (LFO) and I can't stop laughing. It brings back such great memories, especially with Ate Ron. Heehee :)
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i love my hair in here. nyahaha.
As if you care.