29 August 2005

dear diary part II

Dear Diary,
Meri, Fio, and Charm were here the other day. They borrowed some of our necklaces and oversized sunglasses for a reporting about Jamaica; Julius and Glenn and some of the other guys would even play live reggae music. They went all out because they wanted to win the ultimate prize --- pizza. Heehee. They even asked me to teach them how to do temporary dreadlocks to complete the rastafarian look. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, they had a photo shoot in Charm's condo, I think. If I'm not mistaken, it's for a magazine. Awww, look at them, all grown up...

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see bottom photo: Meri, Charm, Ina, Fio and Mikko :-)

In other news, it's one of my bestest friends' birthday a few days ago, and I'd like to greet her here. Happy Birthday Pap and I miss you!

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Pap and Me in one of our dinners with friends :-)

It's actually funny how we became friends. We were seatmates in sophomore year (high school) and didn't talk that much. It's a long story, but let's just say that one day, I was seized by a great wind and she noticed. She called me names and we laughed so hard. We hit it off and have been friends since then :-)

We watched a play last Saturday --- Mga Kwento ni Lola Basyang. It was okay, but I think grade school and high school kids are the ones who would've had a blast watching it. But it was funny (at least one of the actresses). It's all good because I was able to spend time with some friends.

And lastly, to Meri: hey it wasn't Wolf Gemora of Wolfgang who passed away, but this guy Wolfmann, who also happens to be a musician (though I don't really know him). And I hope your hair (and Charm's and Fio's) won't fall off when you undo the dreads hehe :-)

(or Krisel or Tella or any of my other aliases muahaha)
*and that was an evil laugh*

26 August 2005

dear diary part I

Dear Diary,
The other night I dreamt I was in a park with Kate, and I was horrified because she had the hair of Frida Kahlo (the awful one when she cut her hair out of frustration because of that horny fool she called a husband). But that was all I remembered. Next thing I know I was scrambling to get off the bed and force myself to freshen up for another lovely class. Meh.

You would be glad to know, however, that I've been practicing my harmonica. The results are not quite what I've expected. Nah, I'm beginning to sound better, but my lips and teeth hurt. I feel like I've had lip implants, it's awful. But hey, anything in the name of musicality, baybee.

And lastly, dear diary, I would just like to tell you that I am not at all pleased whenever I see Cueshe-or-whatever-you-call-them on television, or even hear them on the radio. They reek of, ah, I don't know how to put it --- testosterone, maybe? It's like seeing male strippers Masculados try their hand at rock music. Please relieve me of that eyesore.

(or Krisel or Tella or any of my other aliases muahaha)

23 August 2005


When someone close to you or someone you know dies, the realization that we are mere mortals sinks in. Not that I ever thought I was immortal, but you don't wake up everyday and think that one day you're eventually going to pass away, that one day you will head down there, six feet under, and that your body will be lifeless, not giving justice to all that you have accomplished (but then when one knows the truth, your works and accomplishments will simply be that, not a one-way ticket to eternity).

We are all foolish vulnerable in one way or another, I think. But we always refuse to let that define who we are, and we blindly believe we're invincible. We go on thinking that the idea of death is relatively obscure, that it won't ever come to get you.

Unfortunately, it is true and it will come, often sooner than we think. And I admit I am not invincible, that I'm just like everybody else, that I'm merely passing through.

16 August 2005

cheers to Princess Meggy

Saturday afternoon I had a movie date with my siblings. Kate decided to treat us out so we finally got to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (gah. I know it's an awfully late time for us to be watching it, but...you know). Anyway our little brother enjoyed it so much (as well as the food heehee). So remember kids: it's not uncool to hang out with your older sisters. We told Imman that he better let us know when he likes a certain girl (God please let that be lightyears away) and that even if he's a teenager already, we don't really care --- we'd still kiss and tickle him, with or without his friends around. Kate and I may as well be parents. Nyahaha.

Anyway it was dinner with my family that night. Oh well. I thought you might be interested to know that we probably consumed a bucket of fish that night, considering the amount of sushi and sashimi we ate. And I had tons of fun. There's never a dull moment with my family.

Then I was off to Meg's party. Mikko and JR picked me up from Saisaki and we went to Meg's. We tried to catch up on things on our way there, and Mikko filled me in on what has happened since I last saw them (and as always, we talked like there was no tomorrow). Almost everyone's already there when we arrived, and the party's in full swing. God I missed them all, and I even arrived just before Che left, so we got to see each other there heehee. Ej, Jet, and Kiko showed up in formal wear, and it was so funny because Meg thought they were joking when they said they'd totally prepare for her birthday. We played pin the tail of the donkey, and we were supposed to play newspaper dance too, but the others had too much booze already (and just so you'd know, I don't drink anymore.really).

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JR and Mikko / Meri and Me / Fio and Me / Arian and Me

And I miss Ruthie. She wasn't able to go because she had an early morning flight to Germany for the World Youth Day. Heehee. Some things never change :-) Oh, and Marlon was there. I thought he was in Japan or somewhere.

I'm so proud of them. Since they already had their OJT's, they've had some experience in the Industrial Design field and they already know how to deal with clients. Mikko's in the Design Center, and they're already offering him a job when he graduates. Fio is an artist in Art Jam, and when there are no talents available, she dances and jokes around with Tado too. Haha. One of Che's shoe designs was produced in Janylin. And not only that, they dream big too. And it's so nice to know that even if I'm not in Fine Arts anymore, they still include me in future plans. I'm praying that Mikko and Che's business plan (which they already submitted for approval to Ms. Sunico, an adviser in UST) will push through. That'd be so wonderful :-)

Anyway I left at 1am I think, because I have this lovely class on Sunday morning. Gah.

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Me and Princess Meggy (she has a tiara lookee)

Happy Birthday Meg! Here's to better things ahead, and lotsa happiness :-)

11 August 2005

i lurve these dahlings

I never thought a simple post (which was originally meant just for me and those who bother to read my blog) could garner such contempt. Lordy. Read about how much they love me here. I can't put up here the comments (and answer them) like I did last night, because there are a lot already.

Some people's arses are burning up big-time, eh? They're the ones taking it much too seriously. And they're telling me to go mind my own sorry life instead of bitching about what people do in Friendster. All I can say is: Then don't read my article and make your own sorry posts, dahlings.

But then again, I don't really mind hate mails (or comments). It makes me feel like a popular person. Gasp! ME? (Haha okay okay I won't push it).

Anyway keep them looooove coming.

10 August 2005


Thanks to my dearest cousin, Ate Mayee, one of my recent posts got published at Click the City. And I got two comments, both of which aren't exactly positive:

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They were more or less asking me the same thing:
Why, oh why, am I so affected with what people write down in their Friendster profiles?
The truth is, I'm not. I just find it so bloody hilarious.

To Anonymous:
Exactly. I know that some people just mess around with these things. I mean, c'mon man, you think I'm gonna publish a book about this or something? I'm just having a grand time making fun of it. So I guess it all boils down to the fact that we're all just having fun.
And I don't really see myself as a 6 year old brat. More like a twenty-year-old semi-chienne.

To Rebucs:
Nothing's wrong, really. I couldn't care less if people are buying this virtual reality crap. They can meet up or hook up for all I care. I just think some people are so amusing. All for fun, honey, all for fun.

Anyway I just had a thought: People are asking me why I'm affected with other people, but then they had to be affected with what I wrote to place a comment like that, right? And now I'm probably writing this because I'm somehow affected with what they wrote too. Which means we are all interconnected! I care for you, you care for me. Yay!

I mean, in everything you do, there has to be at least one person who will be affected in one way or another. Which leads to the thought that no one will ever be alone. What a comforting thought. Someone cares for you. Awwww ♥ ♥ ♥

Bottom line: Friendster? What Friendster? Peace, Love, and Harmony, bay-bee! ♥ ♥ ♥

09 August 2005

wally in the house

We were told that there were a lot of creeps in this forum who diss my Dad. Faggots. They can't even post their real names there.

I know we're not the only guitar repair shop in the Philippines, and I'm not saying every single freakin' band is our customer. And we're not claiming either that your own guitar repair shop is doing an awful job. So what's burning your arse up big-time?

And here's one for you.

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Wally with Dad

Wally Gonzales was here earlier. Yeah, Wally Gonzales from the band Juan dela Cruz, the legendary rock band. The one he formed with Joey "Pepe" Smith and Mike Hanopol. Anyway we decided to take a picture of him with Daddy to shut people up.

Nyahaha. I guess I'm gloating because some people are claiming not-so-nice things about Daddy. So there.

say hello to Binky, the wicked harp

Before anything else, I would like to say that my blues harp Binky is named after Binky Lampano the great bluesman. Maybe my playing will be somehow affected heehee. And anyway I've been practicing by following the Lampano Alley songs.

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Binky :-)

Hopefully I can play real good pretty soon so it won't be too embarassing that I named my harp Binky in the first place.

And hopefully I can play for Dad and his band when they do some blues. Hehehe :-)

07 August 2005

a lunch conversation

Yesterday, Tito Alex had lunch here. He's one of Daddy's closest friends (and our great connection to Mong muahaha). He's spoiled us a few times --- bringing us to this club to watch heavy metal bands way way back (when we still wanted to), promising to bring Mong in one of the many tone parties he set up with Dad, giving us how-to cds when we started playing drums, persuading Dad to let Kate and I tag along when they check out guitarists. And he always has interesting conversations with Dad.

I was talking with Kate (as usual) while eating my lunch, which by the way greatly resembles a garden. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm growing a goatee or something. Please, Mommy, I'm not a herbivore, when are you going to relieve me of this misery called a salad diet? Anyway, the word psychopath suddenly came up, and we started listening to Tito Alex and Daddy.

Tito Alex's uncle happened to be a psychologist who specializes in interviewing people in the religious field and determining their classifications (and in some cases, why they want to enter or leave the seminary/convent). He said that people mostly fell into to categories: it's either they're psychopathic, or narcissistic. He even mentioned a lot of prominent personalities who fall into these categories.

I always thought of psychopaths as serial killers with a bad childhood, those who were abused. So I wondered how these prominent people can fall into this category. Turns out, being a psychopath (maybe at least psychologically) means one sees only the utilitarian value in people; they don't see people as people with feelings, but they only see what they can get out of you. It sounds much better that way, I think. Now I'm beginning to realize that if that's the meaning we'd go by, then all of us would have psychopathic tendencies. Haha.

Narcissists, on the other hand, are people who are already screwing you and still expect you to worship them. Sheesh. Another list of prominent personalities under this category. We were so surprised that these people are so different from the image they project onscreen. Two-faced slimeballs. Nyahaha.

I won't bore you with the rest of the conversation. It was mostly interesting for us, but maybe not with you. Hehe. I even gave Tito Alex a few more names. He promised to ask his uncle about his assessment of these people, and he'd tell me when he gets back.

In other news, I miss Will & Grace. I laughed every single episode, but somehow it has vanished from the programs lined up in ETC. Seinfeld is pretty funny too, but I miss Karen dissing Grace, and Jack messing with Will. At least there are still funny shows there, or we'll have no choice but to resort to watching a bunch of women feeling sorry for themselves or more of those makeovers (it's getting old, really).

*Watch out for my harmonica photo later heehee :)