27 July 2005
the downside of Friendster
Oh, there are a lot, honey. I don' t even know where to begin.
Let's start the list anyway:
1. People tend to lie. Or rather, liars spring up like mushrooms in Friendster. There's a thin line between putting in rockstar as your occupation and claiming in the About Me section that girls are drooling over you. I might like you better if you just admit you're a bozo than pretend to be some hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love.
2. Stolen pictures. You wonder why your friend suddenly looks like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, or some Korean star, but no, it's just really them uploading those pictures in hopes of having people give them the time of day. May they wake up to the awful truth that they will never be those celebrities, and that regardless of what they dreamt of last night, they will always face the mirror the next morning and realize the nightmare is real.
3. Stolen content. Apparently they won't stop with pictures, they steal other people's thoughts too. If you can't write good and your grammar is as bungled up as your head, it doesn't really matter as long as you did it yourself. And don't bother using online translators to make your paragraphs French or Spanish. So lame. Or using complex words to impress, because quite frankly, I'm not. Especially when I know that you don't really know what you're saying. But hey, maybe I haven't seen you in ages and you've somehow managed to learn a foreign language. Let's hear it then.
4. Copycats. They copy music, books, and movie preferences. I abhor that. They write down books they've never read, artsy films they've never watched. They try to write down names of obscure rock bands just so people would think they're cool and that they're aware of the underground scene. Pathetic. Music is music, and our choices do differ. Don't pretend you like, say, Pinikpikan, if you really don't. You might crack your skull open and find out you like, say, Eminem after all. Shudder.
5. They use it as online dating. Since when, huh? Last time I checked Friendster was supposed to be a place to reconnect with old friends and to be kept updated about whatnots on current friends. It's stupid enough to actually believe it's him in the profile picture, but then you had to send him messages in hopes of finding true love. That's sad. Terribly sad. Then you pester him to meet up with you in some mall. Oh God. Another brain down the drain.
6. The got it all mixed up. Don't put your ramblings on the Bulletin Board --- that's why they have what you call Friendster Blog. Don't write down your life story in the About Me section --- you're supposed to just describe yourself. And don't put in awful text messages as testimonials, like the "apple of my eye" thing --- you're supposed to write about that certain person. It's about time you learn the Friendster abc's.
But then I can't help logging in almost everyday because people are just so amusing. And with the weirdest of profiles and names such as sexy_pink, hottie_mama and qtee_pie_love, how can I resist?
* * * * *
The Skeletal System

Let's start the list anyway:
1. People tend to lie. Or rather, liars spring up like mushrooms in Friendster. There's a thin line between putting in rockstar as your occupation and claiming in the About Me section that girls are drooling over you. I might like you better if you just admit you're a bozo than pretend to be some hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin'-love.
2. Stolen pictures. You wonder why your friend suddenly looks like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, or some Korean star, but no, it's just really them uploading those pictures in hopes of having people give them the time of day. May they wake up to the awful truth that they will never be those celebrities, and that regardless of what they dreamt of last night, they will always face the mirror the next morning and realize the nightmare is real.
3. Stolen content. Apparently they won't stop with pictures, they steal other people's thoughts too. If you can't write good and your grammar is as bungled up as your head, it doesn't really matter as long as you did it yourself. And don't bother using online translators to make your paragraphs French or Spanish. So lame. Or using complex words to impress, because quite frankly, I'm not. Especially when I know that you don't really know what you're saying. But hey, maybe I haven't seen you in ages and you've somehow managed to learn a foreign language. Let's hear it then.
4. Copycats. They copy music, books, and movie preferences. I abhor that. They write down books they've never read, artsy films they've never watched. They try to write down names of obscure rock bands just so people would think they're cool and that they're aware of the underground scene. Pathetic. Music is music, and our choices do differ. Don't pretend you like, say, Pinikpikan, if you really don't. You might crack your skull open and find out you like, say, Eminem after all. Shudder.
5. They use it as online dating. Since when, huh? Last time I checked Friendster was supposed to be a place to reconnect with old friends and to be kept updated about whatnots on current friends. It's stupid enough to actually believe it's him in the profile picture, but then you had to send him messages in hopes of finding true love. That's sad. Terribly sad. Then you pester him to meet up with you in some mall. Oh God. Another brain down the drain.
6. The got it all mixed up. Don't put your ramblings on the Bulletin Board --- that's why they have what you call Friendster Blog. Don't write down your life story in the About Me section --- you're supposed to just describe yourself. And don't put in awful text messages as testimonials, like the "apple of my eye" thing --- you're supposed to write about that certain person. It's about time you learn the Friendster abc's.
But then I can't help logging in almost everyday because people are just so amusing. And with the weirdest of profiles and names such as sexy_pink, hottie_mama and qtee_pie_love, how can I resist?
* * * * *
The Skeletal System

Maan and Tina clowning around / the gang with our Anatomy protagonist
25 July 2005
getting by
Sundays would probably be unbearable if not for friends and classmates who actually make it fun. I hated it when we started out, but every week it gets better and funnier.
♥ There's this guy who's weird, really weird, but he was transferred to another class. Too bad really. On the first day he actually had the nerve to ask Tina if she could transfer to another seat so he could be beside the aircon. Considering he's awfully late (got there at 9am, and the class starts 7am). Then he asked for liquid soap from one classmate; we thought he was going to bring it to the washroom. But no, he poured a lot of it on his hands and used it as a lotion. I swear we laughed for 3 full minutes haha.
♥ There's Yan, who never shuts her mouth. Haha. We always pretend to fight, and I dunno why, but we get such a kick out of it. We're crazy that way.
♥ There's Maan, who shares my fascination for this certain classmate. I asked her to talk to him before, so we kind of know him already. When we're talking (which is most of the time), we get distracted when he walks in. That was terribly funny, because we actually forgot for a moment there what we were talking about.
♥ There's Tina, who's always quiet but bitchy when she talks. Not in a bad way, she just really talks like that. She's funny and amusing without trying to be. We laugh at everything she says, even if it isn't a joke. Nyahaha.
♥ Maan and I put to good use our drawing skills (heehee) and sketched classmates. We started a little Guess Who sort of thing. It helped ease the pain of having to hear Sir Galvin blab on about First Aid. Gawd.
♥ Then the funny classmates: Jay, Errol, Renz, Liezl, Steph, Marj, etc. It's nice talking with them. And annoying them. And making them guess the sketches.

* * * * *
I just heard Girl on TV (LFO) and I can't stop laughing. It brings back such great memories, especially with Ate Ron. Heehee :)

♥ There's this guy who's weird, really weird, but he was transferred to another class. Too bad really. On the first day he actually had the nerve to ask Tina if she could transfer to another seat so he could be beside the aircon. Considering he's awfully late (got there at 9am, and the class starts 7am). Then he asked for liquid soap from one classmate; we thought he was going to bring it to the washroom. But no, he poured a lot of it on his hands and used it as a lotion. I swear we laughed for 3 full minutes haha.
♥ There's Yan, who never shuts her mouth. Haha. We always pretend to fight, and I dunno why, but we get such a kick out of it. We're crazy that way.
♥ There's Maan, who shares my fascination for this certain classmate. I asked her to talk to him before, so we kind of know him already. When we're talking (which is most of the time), we get distracted when he walks in. That was terribly funny, because we actually forgot for a moment there what we were talking about.
♥ There's Tina, who's always quiet but bitchy when she talks. Not in a bad way, she just really talks like that. She's funny and amusing without trying to be. We laugh at everything she says, even if it isn't a joke. Nyahaha.
♥ Maan and I put to good use our drawing skills (heehee) and sketched classmates. We started a little Guess Who sort of thing. It helped ease the pain of having to hear Sir Galvin blab on about First Aid. Gawd.
♥ Then the funny classmates: Jay, Errol, Renz, Liezl, Steph, Marj, etc. It's nice talking with them. And annoying them. And making them guess the sketches.

clockwise from top left: Tina / Maan / Yan / Moi
I guess I'm droning on about my Sunday. It's just such a relief having people like them to keep you sane when your professors give quizzes after every lecture, which would probably be three times in a day. And it helps kill time when we're waiting for our turn during return demonstrations. Imagine doing nothing for 4 hours --- sheesh.* * * * *
I just heard Girl on TV (LFO) and I can't stop laughing. It brings back such great memories, especially with Ate Ron. Heehee :)

i love my hair in here. nyahaha.
As if you care.
22 July 2005
of great loves and greater heartbreaks
I can't remember what episode it was exactly of Sex and the City, but there was one time when Carrie talked of of great loves. She says that everyone has at least one great love in a lifetime, and I wondered what she meant when she said "great love"?
a) the one person who, no matter what happens and though he's been gone for a long time, always
finds his way back to you
b) the one person who would most likely break your standards. It doesn't necessarily mean it's for the
worse, he simply becomes an exception to your set of rules
c) the one person who, despite your feeble attempts of projecting maturity, always manages to turn
you into a giggly schoolgirl when he's around
d) all of the above
I had always been wondering whether I had fallen in love at all. I never really wanted to talk about it, that word "love", simply because it's crazy. It's a series of complexities, and the more you try to analyze it, the more you get bungled up in the head.
I wasn't really that enchanted with boys back then, because boys my age at that time only knew how to play computer games, buy big teddy bears for high school girls they liked, and spend their parents' money on mall dates. No, I wasn't a pessimist, but I wasn't going ga-ga over boys either. But I really liked this boy since God knows when. However, I wasn't one to start conversations with people I barely knew, so I didn't really get the chance to talk with him. I can't look him in the eye, and my mind goes blank when he talks with me. Needless to say, I become a major basket case when he's around.
I was (and I guess, always will be) a wuss when it comes to these things. I could swallow M&M's and choke to death, and no one will ever know I liked this certain person. I will always remember how I don't see him for almost a year, then coincidentally shows up on my birthday; I learned not to take things for granted.
Maybe he was my great love. Not technically, though. It takes much more than a few conversations to love someone. And it doesn't necessarily mean that if you didn't love someone, you won't get heartbreaks too. Watching him from afar may well be considered a heartbreak. Because when I see him, it reminds me of how a few years can give you the best of loving, and bring about the worst of heartbreaks.
I'm writing this because I finally understood. We're moving in different directions, and as much as I want to go the same route, I'd rather go my own way, thank you very much. I realized last month that his heart belongs to this one girl. They looked so happy together, so perfect, it almost seemed surreal.
As for me, things are looking up. Perhaps another great love came along? Heehee :)
a) the one person who, no matter what happens and though he's been gone for a long time, always
finds his way back to you
b) the one person who would most likely break your standards. It doesn't necessarily mean it's for the
worse, he simply becomes an exception to your set of rules
c) the one person who, despite your feeble attempts of projecting maturity, always manages to turn
you into a giggly schoolgirl when he's around
d) all of the above
I had always been wondering whether I had fallen in love at all. I never really wanted to talk about it, that word "love", simply because it's crazy. It's a series of complexities, and the more you try to analyze it, the more you get bungled up in the head.
I wasn't really that enchanted with boys back then, because boys my age at that time only knew how to play computer games, buy big teddy bears for high school girls they liked, and spend their parents' money on mall dates. No, I wasn't a pessimist, but I wasn't going ga-ga over boys either. But I really liked this boy since God knows when. However, I wasn't one to start conversations with people I barely knew, so I didn't really get the chance to talk with him. I can't look him in the eye, and my mind goes blank when he talks with me. Needless to say, I become a major basket case when he's around.
I was (and I guess, always will be) a wuss when it comes to these things. I could swallow M&M's and choke to death, and no one will ever know I liked this certain person. I will always remember how I don't see him for almost a year, then coincidentally shows up on my birthday; I learned not to take things for granted.
Maybe he was my great love. Not technically, though. It takes much more than a few conversations to love someone. And it doesn't necessarily mean that if you didn't love someone, you won't get heartbreaks too. Watching him from afar may well be considered a heartbreak. Because when I see him, it reminds me of how a few years can give you the best of loving, and bring about the worst of heartbreaks.
I'm writing this because I finally understood. We're moving in different directions, and as much as I want to go the same route, I'd rather go my own way, thank you very much. I realized last month that his heart belongs to this one girl. They looked so happy together, so perfect, it almost seemed surreal.
As for me, things are looking up. Perhaps another great love came along? Heehee :)
18 July 2005
me. a geek.
And it came to pass that on a beautiful Sunday morning (when I should've been asleep a few hours longer or munching on something nice for breakfast) , I was trying to keep it together as I gathered thermometers and my stethoscope, all the while thinking if I could manage to take a person's temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure in five full minutes.
Hello. Welcome to this hellhole called my schedule. 7 days a week. Fun, eh?
What's worse is that almost all my classes are in the evenings. Which means I'd have to forego parties, nights out, and movies with family and friends. I have Anatomy 3 consecutive days, and terms like hypertonic, epigastric, and homeostasis keep popping into my head. I take everyone's blood pressure to practice, fearing that when I do the demo in front of my professor I would come up with the wrong results.
So who's complaining? Not me. Nya-ha-ha.
At least I still manage to laugh it off.
Hello. Welcome to this hellhole called my schedule. 7 days a week. Fun, eh?
What's worse is that almost all my classes are in the evenings. Which means I'd have to forego parties, nights out, and movies with family and friends. I have Anatomy 3 consecutive days, and terms like hypertonic, epigastric, and homeostasis keep popping into my head. I take everyone's blood pressure to practice, fearing that when I do the demo in front of my professor I would come up with the wrong results.
So who's complaining? Not me. Nya-ha-ha.
At least I still manage to laugh it off.
14 July 2005
jazz goddess
You've probably heard about Mishka Adams by now. She's beautiful, but she has an even more incredible voice. She's had tv guestings and the like, so it's impossible not to know her. But for those who are familiar with the underground music scene, she's not really a newbie. She's also an artist, and Mishka made the masks featured in the Razorback album cover (a replica of the band members' faces, and back when David Aguirre was still in the Philippines *sigh*).
Anyway I really love Mishka Adams. Add the fact that in her band, Blue Echoes, Coyang is on guitars. He's an unbelievable guitarist --- he's great but he knows moderation and only does these amazing solos when the music calls for it. Mishka reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald, also one of my favorites. These jazz musicians put a lot of heart into their music, unlike most modern-day crap we hear on the radio. And jazz artists are so sensual (like blues artists, hehehe).
Go grab a copy of God Bless the Child.
Anyway I really love Mishka Adams. Add the fact that in her band, Blue Echoes, Coyang is on guitars. He's an unbelievable guitarist --- he's great but he knows moderation and only does these amazing solos when the music calls for it. Mishka reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald, also one of my favorites. These jazz musicians put a lot of heart into their music, unlike most modern-day crap we hear on the radio. And jazz artists are so sensual (like blues artists, hehehe).
Go grab a copy of God Bless the Child.
11 July 2005
jimi hendrix diaries and the downward spiral
My cousins are the sweetest.They went to Chicago and, knowing I'm a Jimi Hendrix fan, took this picture. Thank you sooo much :)

What's so great about Hendrix is that he crossed over to different genres. Few people manage to do that, but he did rock & roll, blues, etc. And he can play with his teeth, as well as with his left hand. Plus I love the hair --- afro, baby. Haha.
* * * * *
We are going down the drain. Apparently our government officials don't seem to notice that. Joseph Estrada faced corruption charges. Edsa 2. Overthrown. Arroyo sits in as president. Elections. FPJ hoolabaloo. Arroyo wins. Wire-tapping scandal. Arroyo confesses to cheating in the elections. Protests here and there.
Some people think people power revolutions will provide the solution for this sorry government. Oh, the president's a fake after all, let's gather in Edsa and make some noise (and block the frickin' traffic). Hmm, let's see, shall we call in FPJ? Oh, too bad, he's gone. Maybe Susan Roces? Now that's an option. Or Noli de Castro, perhaps? Tsk tsk, tough choice. Oh well, let's just make noise anyway.
We can't just switch presidents everytime the one up there messes up. And looking at the people next in line, the choices aren't looking good either.
So I might as well just shut up and bake cookies (Mommy's pestering me, alright). At least it produces results, unlike this madhouse we call the Philippine government.

What's so great about Hendrix is that he crossed over to different genres. Few people manage to do that, but he did rock & roll, blues, etc. And he can play with his teeth, as well as with his left hand. Plus I love the hair --- afro, baby. Haha.
* * * * *
We are going down the drain. Apparently our government officials don't seem to notice that. Joseph Estrada faced corruption charges. Edsa 2. Overthrown. Arroyo sits in as president. Elections. FPJ hoolabaloo. Arroyo wins. Wire-tapping scandal. Arroyo confesses to cheating in the elections. Protests here and there.
Some people think people power revolutions will provide the solution for this sorry government. Oh, the president's a fake after all, let's gather in Edsa and make some noise (and block the frickin' traffic). Hmm, let's see, shall we call in FPJ? Oh, too bad, he's gone. Maybe Susan Roces? Now that's an option. Or Noli de Castro, perhaps? Tsk tsk, tough choice. Oh well, let's just make noise anyway.
We can't just switch presidents everytime the one up there messes up. And looking at the people next in line, the choices aren't looking good either.
So I might as well just shut up and bake cookies (Mommy's pestering me, alright). At least it produces results, unlike this madhouse we call the Philippine government.
08 July 2005
A lot of songs make me sad. Not sad as in I want to kill myself or drown in tears, just plain sad. Like Hale's Broken Sonnet and The Day You Said Goodnight. It breaks my heart over and over again, for no reason at all. And Silverchair songs.
But then I'd still listen to it over and over again. It's as if I want to be sad. And it makes me remember certain people. People you've gained or lost along the way.
I should probably stop the player now.
But then I'd still listen to it over and over again. It's as if I want to be sad. And it makes me remember certain people. People you've gained or lost along the way.
I should probably stop the player now.
06 July 2005
a lesson for high school kids
Now that I think about it, I realized I never really thought about college when I was in high school. No, not in a bad way, and not that I didn't care, but I had it all planned out then --- what course I would take and the kind of job I would have. And I should've known that things don't always go as planned.
I was certain that it was the course for me. I knew how to draw, and my friends told me that if you liked the abstract, go for Painting. If you were good in drawing people, then it has to be Advertising. But if you draw things (that was very general, but they told me as long as it wasn't a person) then Industrial Design was the way to go.
Four and a half semesters and a million sleepless nights and deadlines later, I knew I couldn't do it anymore. Making those orthographic projections with all the views (where you have to measure everything, even the angles) was driving me bonkers. We started designing our own products, and my best didn't seem good enough; I always ended up looking like I didn't do my research. I did, I really did, but I just can't stand looking up what kind of metal or plastic I was using for my toilet brush project. Or making up the measurements of those bristles.
My Fine Arts days in UST, however, were terribly fun. I guess when you're in the company of crazy and happy people you just overlook the flaws. And I miss them now. Tears. Hehe.
Everything just sort of came back to me because my sister is a high school senior and she's looking up universities and colleges now. I wish I could tell her how to go about things but I really can't, because somewhere along the line I messed up.
So kids, don't ever assume that your college life as well as the years after it will go smoothly as planned. Chances are it won't, and I'm not sure if it's gonna be for the better or if it'll drown you in sorrow. So when you make decisions, make sure you think long and hard. Don't envision yourself whipping out your phone down in Makati in a business suit heading off to your power lunch when you haven't even had college entrance exams yet. No no no, sweetie.
In the meantime, go home and do your homework or I shall spank you. Muahaha.
I was certain that it was the course for me. I knew how to draw, and my friends told me that if you liked the abstract, go for Painting. If you were good in drawing people, then it has to be Advertising. But if you draw things (that was very general, but they told me as long as it wasn't a person) then Industrial Design was the way to go.
Four and a half semesters and a million sleepless nights and deadlines later, I knew I couldn't do it anymore. Making those orthographic projections with all the views (where you have to measure everything, even the angles) was driving me bonkers. We started designing our own products, and my best didn't seem good enough; I always ended up looking like I didn't do my research. I did, I really did, but I just can't stand looking up what kind of metal or plastic I was using for my toilet brush project. Or making up the measurements of those bristles.
My Fine Arts days in UST, however, were terribly fun. I guess when you're in the company of crazy and happy people you just overlook the flaws. And I miss them now. Tears. Hehe.
Everything just sort of came back to me because my sister is a high school senior and she's looking up universities and colleges now. I wish I could tell her how to go about things but I really can't, because somewhere along the line I messed up.
So kids, don't ever assume that your college life as well as the years after it will go smoothly as planned. Chances are it won't, and I'm not sure if it's gonna be for the better or if it'll drown you in sorrow. So when you make decisions, make sure you think long and hard. Don't envision yourself whipping out your phone down in Makati in a business suit heading off to your power lunch when you haven't even had college entrance exams yet. No no no, sweetie.
In the meantime, go home and do your homework or I shall spank you. Muahaha.
04 July 2005
vintage haven
Just last week my sister and her friends discovered a store which sells these vintage-looking accessories. And since I'm probably one of the most loyal fans of vintage-inspired whatnots, I knew I had to go and take a peep.
The store was great. I think I spent over an hour just looking around and trying to decide which ones I would buy; I had to choose because I'm practically broke these days haha.

They probably look like grandma earrings to you, but I love them anyway. Haha. The bigger the better.
The store was great. I think I spent over an hour just looking around and trying to decide which ones I would buy; I had to choose because I'm practically broke these days haha.

earrings I got there
They probably look like grandma earrings to you, but I love them anyway. Haha. The bigger the better.